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Impact of high salt stress on Apocynum venetum growth and ionic homeostasis.


采用网室盆栽试验,研究了不同浓度NaCl(100~400 mmol·L-1)胁迫30 d对罗布麻植株生物量积累、生长速率、根系活力、盐分和矿质离子吸收、分布等的影响.结果表明:100 mmol·L-1 NaCl处理30 d,罗布麻植株鲜质量和生长速率显著下降,但对其干质量没有影响;随着盐度的增加,罗布麻植株干质量、鲜质量和生长速率均显著降低.100~200 mmol·L-1 NaCl胁迫下,罗布麻根系活力明显高于对照;300~400 mmol·L-1 NaCl盐胁迫下,其活力显著降低.随着盐浓度的增加,罗布麻根、茎和叶片Na+含量逐渐增加、K+含量缓慢降低;叶片Ca2+、Mg2+含量明显降低,茎部Ca2+和根部Mg2+含量有不同程度的增加.盐胁迫明显降低了罗布麻根、茎和叶片K+/Na+、Ca2+/Na+和Mg2+/Na+的比率,植株选择性吸收和运输K+、Ca2+的能力显著提高.罗布麻植株很强的拒盐能力,以及对K+、Ca2+的选择性吸收和运输是其具有高盐适应性的主要原因.

A pot experiment was conducted in a net room to study the growth responses and related mechanisms of Apocynum venetum treated with different concentrations (100-400 mmol·L-1) of NaCl for 30 days. The biomass accumulation, growth rate, root vigor, salt ion content and mineral ion uptake and distribution were measured. Compared with the control, treatment 100 mmol·L-1 NaCl had lesser effects on the plant dry mass, but decreased the plant fresh mass and growth rate significantly. With increasing NaCl concentration in the medium, the plant dry mass, fresh mass, and growth rate all decreased significantly. The plant root vigor was obviously higher under 100 and 200 mmol·L-1 NaCl stress, but decreased significantly under 300-400 mmol·L-1 NaCl  stress. With the increase of NaCl concentration in the medium, the Na+ content in A. venetum roots, stems and leaves increased gradually while the K+ content had a slow decrease, the Ca2+ and Mg2+contents in leaves decreased obviously, and the Ca2+ content in stems and the Mg2+ content in roots increased in different degree. Under NaCl stress, the K+/Na+, Ca2+/Na+, and Mg2+/Na+ ratios in roots, stems, and leaves decreased markedly, while the selective absorption and transportation of K+ and Ca2+ increased significantly. The stronger ability of salt exclusion and zhe higher selective absorption and transportation of K+ and Ca2+ were the key adaptive mechanisms of high salt-tolerance of A. venetum.