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Spatial patterns of seed dispersal in Hemiptelea davidii woodland in Keerqin sandy land, China.


通过对林缘和孤立单株不同方向远离种子源的顺序取样与林下随机取样调查,分析了刺榆林下和林缘的种子雨空间数量特征和孤立单株及林缘的种子散布格局,以揭示科尔沁沙地刺榆林的空间扩展潜力.结果表明: 3个样地中, 刺榆林下的平均种子雨密度最大,为(13732.5±3106.2)粒·m-2,孤立单株东南样带最多,为(5449.4±1429.3)粒·m-2,并显著地高于其他方向,西北最少,为(650.2±631.6)粒·m-2,并显著地少于其他方向;林缘东和南样带显著地高于西和北样带.孤立单株和林缘不同方向种子密度的变异普遍较大,其变异系数为25.7%~106.3%.刺榆具有风播植物远离种子源的种子散布特性.8个样带在单位面积和累积面积上远离种子源的种子散布格局均具有多样性,包括直线、幂、指数、二次抛物线和对数函数.在科尔沁沙地,刺榆林向南、东南和东等多顺风频率方向的空间扩展潜力将大于北、西北和西等多逆风频率方向.

In order to reveal the space expansion potential of Hemiptelea davidiiwoodland in Keerqin sandy land in China, the quantitative spatial characteristics of the seed rain in the understory and at the woodsides, as well as the seed dispersal patterns at the woodsides and of the isolating trees, were analyzed through survey on sequential sampling away from seed source in different directions at the woodsides and isolating trees and random sampling in the understory. The results showed that among three sampling plots, the average density of the seed rain in the understory was the highest (13732.5±3106.2 seeds· m-2). For isolating trees, the seed rain had the highest density (5449.4±1429.3 seeds·m-2) in southeast transect, being significantly higher than that in other directions, and the lowest one (650.2±631.6 seeds·m-2) in the northwest transect, being significantly lower than that in other directions. At the woodsides, the seed rain density was significantly higher in the east and south transects than in the west and north transects. The variation of the seed density was greater, with the variation coefficient being 25.7%-106.3% in different directions in the two plots of isolating trees and woodsides. Same as other anemochorous plants, H. davidiihad the characteristics of seed dispersal away from the seed source. In the eight sampling transects, there existed diversity in the patterns of the seed dispersal away from the seed source in per unit area and in accumulated area, including linear, power, exponential, quadratic parabola, and logarithmic functions. It was suggested that the space expansion potential of H. davidii woodland in Keerqin sandy land would be greater in more freq uency down wind directions such as the south, southeast, and east than in more frequency upwind directions such as the north, northwest, and west.

全 文 :科尔沁沙地刺榆林种子散布的空间格局*
杨允菲**摇 白云鹏摇 李建东摇 李摇 丽
(东北师范大学草地科学研究所植被生态科学教育部重点实验室, 长春 130024)
摘摇 要摇 通过对林缘和孤立单株不同方向远离种子源的顺序取样与林下随机取样调查,分析
沙地刺榆林的空间扩展潜力. 结果表明: 3 个样地中, 刺榆林下的平均种子雨密度最大,为
(13732郾 5依3106郾 2)粒·m-2,孤立单株东南样带最多,为(5449郾 4依1429郾 3)粒·m-2,并显著地
高于其他方向,西北最少,为(650郾 2依631郾 6)粒·m-2,并显著地少于其他方向;林缘东和南样
为 25. 7% ~106. 3% .刺榆具有风播植物远离种子源的种子散布特性. 8 个样带在单位面积和
关键词摇 刺榆摇 种子密度摇 林缘摇 林下摇 孤立单株
文章编号摇 1001-9332(2010)08-1967-07摇 中图分类号摇 Q948. 1摇 文献标识码摇 A
Spatial patterns of seed dispersal in Hemiptelea davidii woodland in Keerqin sandy land, Chi鄄
na. YANG Yun鄄fei, BAI Yun鄄peng, LI Jian鄄dong, LI Li (Ministry of Education Key Laboratory
for Vegetation Ecology, Institute of Grassland Science, Northeast Normal University, Changchun
130024, China) . 鄄Chin. J. Appl. Ecol. ,2010,21(8): 1967-1973.
Abstract: In order to reveal the space expansion potential of Hemiptelea davidii woodland in Keer鄄
qin sandy land in China, the quantitative spatial characteristics of the seed rain in the understory
and at the woodsides, as well as the seed dispersal patterns at the woodsides and of the isolating
trees, were analyzed through survey on sequential sampling away from seed source in different direc鄄
tions at the woodsides and isolating trees and random sampling in the understory. The results
showed that among three sampling plots, the average density of the seed rain in the understory was
the highest (13732郾 5依3106郾 2 seeds· m-2 ). For isolating trees, the seed rain had the highest
density (5449郾 4依1429郾 3 seeds·m-2) in southeast transect, being significantly higher than that in
other directions, and the lowest one (650郾 2依631郾 6 seeds·m-2) in the northwest transect, being
significantly lower than that in other directions. At the woodsides, the seed rain density was signifi鄄
cantly higher in the east and south transects than in the west and north transects. The variation of
the seed density was greater, with the variation coefficient being 25郾 7% -106郾 3% in different di鄄
rections in the two plots of isolating trees and woodsides. Same as other anemochorous plants, H.
davidii had the characteristics of seed dispersal away from the seed source. In the eight sampling
transects, there existed diversity in the patterns of the seed dispersal away from the seed source in
per unit area and in accumulated area, including linear, power, exponential, quadratic parabola,
and logarithmic functions. It was suggested that the space expansion potential of H. davidii wood鄄
land in Keerqin sandy land would be greater in more freq uency down wind directions such as the
south, southeast, and east than in more frequency upwind directions such as the north, northwest,
and west.
Key words: Hemiptelea davidii; seed density; woodside; understory; isolating wood.
**通讯作者. E鄄mail: yangyf@ nenu. edu. cn
2010鄄01鄄25 收稿,2010鄄05鄄25 接受.
应 用 生 态 学 报摇 2010 年 8 月摇 第 21 卷摇 第 8 期摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇
Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, Aug. 2010,21(8): 1967-1973
摇 摇 在植物整个生活史中,种子是唯一具有可动性
的阶段[1] .当种子脱离母株后,无论其在时间和距
地[2-3] .种子散布是种群更新和扩大生态位空间的
有效途径[4-5] .植物依靠种子从一个群落传播至另
然现象[6-8] .种子传播是植物分布区扩大的主要途
基因交流[13] .所以,种子散布的研究不仅是种群数
一[14] .
空间差异性的有效方法. 有关植物种子雨和种子散
平[16-21]和种群水平[22-28]等方面. 尽管群落种子雨
关报道相继增加[29-34] .研究种子雨和种子散布的规
但是以往报道中仅见白榆(Ulmus pumila)林和黄榆
(Ulums macrocarpa ) 林 2 种类型[35-36], 对刺榆
(Hemiptelea davidii)林的描述仅见林缘及路旁有少
1摇 研究地区与研究方法
1郾 1摇 研究地区概况
18忆 N,123毅00忆 E).该区属温带大陆性季风气候,冬
气温 6郾 2 益,年均降水量 439 mm,降水集中在 6—8
月. 年日照时数在 2837 ~ 2892 h,无霜期 150
d[38-39] .土壤类型为风沙土.刺榆群落是该区的隐域
和侧部,沙丘群的顶部和底部的相对高度最大为 44
生有少量的白榆、桑(Morus alba)、桃叶卫矛(Euony鄄
mus bungeanus)和鼠李(Rhamnus davurica) . 层间植
物有草白蔹(Ampelopsis aconitifolia) . 草本层以狗尾
草(Setaria viridis)、马唐(Digitaria sanguinalis)、灰绿
藜(Chenopodium glaucum)等一年生植物为优势类
群,伴生种为糙隐子草(Celeistogenes squarrosa)、燕
麦芨芨草 ( Achenatherum avinoides ) 等多年生植
物[40] .由于受到人为砍伐及放牧等因素的影响,刺
株多呈单株生长.结实株高在 2 ~ 10 m.沙丘顶部和
1郾 2摇 研究方法
1郾 2郾 1 刺榆结实特征的预调查摇 刺榆的果实为小坚
果,形似鸡头,两侧扁,长 5 ~ 7 mm,在背侧具窄翅,
果梗纤细,长 2 ~ 4 mm. 花期为 5 月,果熟期为 10
季经过几次大风后才能全部脱落. 2008 年 10 月,选
取两株孤立单株样本,树高分别为 8郾 2 和 9郾 5 m,树
冠幅面积分别为 16 和 18 m2,种子产量分别为
145郾 2 万粒和 225郾 8 万粒. 林缘样地的刺榆平均树
高在 6郾 5 ~ 7郾 5 m,郁闭度 0郾 9 ~ 1郾 0,株距 0郾 8 ~ 2郾 0
m.果实千粒重为(3郾 818依0郾 353) g.
1郾 2郾 2 种子雨和种子散布取样摇 于刺榆种子全部脱
落后的 2009 年 3 月 26 日,在 300 hm2 刺榆林内,选
择生长较为均匀一致、郁闭度在 0郾 9 以上的代表性
林分,进行单位面积种子雨的随机取样,10 次重复.
在不少于 80 m开阔且地表相对平坦的林缘草地,用
同林缘地段,在东、西、南、北 4 个方向,分别从林缘
树木基部开始向开阔草地顺序取样,每 1 m 设 1 个
样方,每个方向依次取 15 个样方,两条样线重复.孤
北 4 个方向取样,两株半径不少于 40 m的孤立树重
复,样方布局与林缘相同. 样方面积为 20 cm 伊20
序号的塑料袋,带回室内,用 2 mm 孔径的铁筛分离
8691 应摇 用摇 生摇 态摇 学摇 报摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 21 卷
1郾 3摇 数据处理
将取样面积的种子数量分别换算为 1 m2 单位
面积的数量后作统计描述,并就林缘的 4 个方向和
孤立单株的 4 个方向分别做差异显著性多重比较,
伊 100%
式中:CV为变异系数; SD为标准差;x- 为平均数.
株依次累加为累积面积的种子数. 在种子数量与散
采用 Microsoft Excel 2003 软件对数据进行处理
和作图,采用 SPSS 12郾 0 统计分析软件进行林缘和
2摇 结果与分析
2郾 1摇 不同样地刺榆种子雨的空间数量特征
由表 1 可以看出,在孤立单株和林缘 15 m范围
内,刺榆种子雨在各方向均呈连续分布. 经统计检
(P<0. 05);林缘以东和南样带显著高于北和西样
带.以 15 m距离平均值计,林下的种子密度是林缘
北样带的 15郾 2 倍、西样带的 9郾 7 倍、南样带的 3郾 7
倍、东样带的 3郾 0 倍.由此表明,刺榆林的种子多数
密度小的方向,其相对变异(CV)均较大. 而从最大
和最小观测值上,林下的差异最小,仅为 2郾 1 倍; 孤
立单株东南样带为 2郾 9 倍、北样带为 2郾 7 倍、东北样
带为 3郾 1 倍、西北样带为 13郾 2 倍;林缘东样带为 8郾 2
倍、南样带为 14郾 0 倍、西样带为 86郾 5 倍、北样带为
11郾 7 倍.即种子密度小的方向,其最大和最小观测
2郾 2摇 孤立单株和林缘单位面积的种子散布格局
经过对 15 m范围内呈连续分布的各单位面积
分别在距树的 4郾 9 和 5郾 9 m处;北样带呈直线下降,
西北样带呈幂函数下降(表 2),4 个方向平均值呈
二次抛物线变化,其拐点在距树的 2郾 6 m 处 (图
抛物线变化,其拐点在距林缘的 2郾 2 m处;北样带呈
幂函数下降(表 2),4 个方向平均值呈直线下降(图
2郾 3摇 孤立单株和林缘累积面积的种子散布格局
对 15 m范围内累积面积种子数量与远离种子
表 1摇 不同样地刺榆种子雨的统计描述及样地内差异显著性检验
Tab. 1摇 Describing statistics on seed rain of Hemiptelea davidii in different plots and significant differences in LSR test within
each plot
距 离
种子密度 Seed density (seeds·m-2)
CV(% )
孤立树 东南 Southeast 1 ~ 15 7050 2463 5449郾 4a 1429郾 3 26郾 2
Isolating tree(n=15) 北 North 1 ~ 15 5769 2131 4251郾 4b 1123郾 5 26郾 4
东北 Northeast 1 ~ 15 5550 1781 4311郾 4b 1109郾 4 25郾 7
西北 Northwest 1 ~ 15 2463 200 650郾 2c 631郾 6 97郾 1
平均 Mean 1 ~ 15 6103 2389 4728郾 2 1048郾 3 22郾 2
林缘 东 East 1 ~ 15 6181 756 4583郾 4a 1341郾 0 29郾 3
Woodside(n=15) 南 South 1 ~ 15 9475 675 3744郾 4a 2673郾 4 71郾 4
西 West 1 ~ 15 4325 50 1410郾 0b 1499郾 3 106郾 3
北 North 1 ~ 15 2775 238 902郾 7b 802郾 5 88郾 9
平均 Mean 1 ~ 15 7134 634 3805郾 8 1779郾 8 46郾 8
林下 Understory(n=10) 0 19675 9325 13732郾 5 3106郾 2 22郾 6
同列不同小写字母表示不同样带间具有显著差异(P<0郾 05)Different small letter meant significant difference at 0郾 05 level among sampling transects
within each plot郾
96918 期摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 杨允菲等: 科尔沁沙地刺榆林种子散布的空间格局摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇
表 2摇 不同样地刺榆种子密度随种子源距离变化的拟合方程及显著性检验
Tab. 2摇 Simulated equations and the significance tests for changes on seed densities of Hemiptelea davidii with distance away
from seed source along transects of different plots (n=15)
方 程
R2 P
孤立树 东南 Southeast y=5230. 5+430. 88x-36. 342x2 0. 6184 <0. 01
Isolating tree 北 North y=12358-481. 92x 0. 9199 <0. 01
东北 Northeast y=4445. 6+315. 51x-32. 158x2 0. 8913 <0. 01
西北 Northwest y=2697. 2x-0. 9306 0. 9519 <0. 01
平均 Mean y=5542. 9+104. 19x-19. 938x2 0. 9464 <0. 01
林缘 东 East y=11278+199. 85x-44. 879x2 0. 8292 <0. 01
Woodside 南 South y=12154e-0. 1825x 0. 9760 <0. 01
西 West y=9626. 1e-0. 3423x 0. 9512 <0. 01
北 North y=4199. 8x-1. 0045 0. 9135 <0. 01
平均 Mean y=6924. 4-389. 82x 0. 9594 <0. 01
图 1摇 刺榆孤立树(A)和林缘(B)4 个方向样带平均种子密
Fig. 1摇 Changes on the average of seed densities with distance
away from seed source of Hemiptelea davidii in isolating tree
(A) and woodside (B) along transects in four directions.
图 2摇 刺榆孤立树(A)和林缘(B)4 个方向样带平均累积种
Fig. 2摇 Changes on the average of accumulative seeds with dis鄄
tance away from seed source of Hemiptelea davidii in isolating
tree (A) and woodside (B) along transects in four directions.
表 3摇 不同样地刺榆累积种子数量随种子源距离变化的拟合方程及显著性检验
Tab. 3摇 Simulated equations and the significance tests on the number changes of accumulative seeds of Hemiptelea davidii with
distance away from seed source along transects of different plots (n=15)
方 程
R2 P
孤立树 东南 Southeast y=2091. 1+5865. 8x 0. 9957 <0. 01
Isolating tree 北 North y=12451x0. 8872 0. 9955 <0. 01
东北 Northeast y=2615. 9+4448. 7x 0. 9874 <0. 01
西北 Northwest y=2257. 1+2704. 7lnx 0. 9970 <0. 01
平均 Mean y=3694. 3+4767. 7x 0. 9911 <0. 01
林缘 东 East y=12703x0. 9115 0. 9971 <0. 01
Woodside 南 South y=5134+19118lnx 0. 9832 <0. 01
西 West y=4790. 8+6580. 4lnx 0. 9788 <0. 01
北 North y=2562. 5+4087. 5lnx 0. 9965 <0. 01
平均 Mean y=8005. 7x0. 7632 0. 9905 <0. 01
0791 应摇 用摇 生摇 态摇 学摇 报摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 21 卷
确定系数都在 97%以上. 但其变化规律不尽相同,
幂函数增加,西北样带呈对数函数增加(表 3),4 个
方向平均值呈直线增加(图 2A). 林缘的南、北、西
3),4 个方向平均值呈幂函数增加(图 2B). 两个样
地各方向及其平均值差异均达到了极显著水平. 由
3摇 讨摇 摇 论
3郾 1摇 风向对风播植物种子散布的影响
程度和种子散布持续时间等制约[3] . 刺榆种子散布
持续时间长达 6 个月之久,其平均种子密度仍以林
下最大,孤立单株和林缘在 15 m以内不同方向样带
平均种子密度存在显著差异. 这是种子脱落时的风
的方向将大于逆风向的方向[24] .刺榆也表现出明显
少的西北样带多 8. 4 倍,林缘以东和南样带显著地
高于北和西样带,分别多 2郾 7 ~ 5郾 1 倍,这恰好与该
3郾 2摇 风播植物种子二次传播特征
的变异度普遍较大. 这与风播植物种子具有二次传
二次传播的强度和频率增大. 这些都是导致刺榆种
素[5,8,31] .
3郾 3摇 种子散布格局的多样性
在刺榆孤立单株和林缘总计 8 个方向上,尽管
均具有多样性.其中,在单位面积中,有 3 个样带呈
孤立单株(4郾 9 和 5郾 9 m)已经超过了树冠幅,并且
比林缘(2郾 2 m)更远,此格局表现出风播植物远离
种子源的种子散布特性[22-24] .其他 5 个样带虽然呈
不同形式的单调下降格局,但就远离种子源 15 m内
的种子散布特性.而在累积面积中,孤立单株有 2 个
样带呈同速直线增加,表明在 15 m内并未因距离的
到更远的距离;2 个样带呈 b<1 的异速幂函数增加,
4 个样带呈异速对数增加,表明在 15 m 内,随着距
对风速的影响势必要比孤立单株大,从 4 个方向平
积呈 b<1 幂函数增加,也表明孤立单株和林缘存在
3郾 4摇 刺榆种群空间扩展潜力
能萌发、存活、生长和繁殖[5,14] .对于种群而言,种子
对种群补充和扩展有实际贡献[1-2] . 按照种子的数
和西等多逆风方向. 有关种子萌发、实生苗定居,以
[1] 摇 Harper JL. Population Biology of Plant. London: Aca鄄
demic Press, 1977
[2]摇 Howe HF, Smallwood J. Ecology of seed dispersal. An鄄
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[3]摇 Xiao ZS, Zhang ZB, Wang YS. Effects of seed size on
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作者简介 摇 杨允菲,女,1956 年生,教授,博士生导师. 主要
论文 200 余篇. E鄄mail: yangyf@ nenu. edu. cn
责任编辑摇 李凤琴
37918 期摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 杨允菲等: 科尔沁沙地刺榆林种子散布的空间格局摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇