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全 文 :第 25 卷第 2期
2004 年 4月
纺 织 学 报
Journal of Textile Research
Vol.25 , No.2
Apr., 2004
超滤法分离 PVA退浆水的研究
董声雄 龚 琦 赵素英 王良恩
(福州大学化学化工学院 ,福州 , 350002)
摘 要:采用中空纤维超滤膜中试装置 ,对聚乙烯醇(PVA)退浆水进行分离回收 , 探讨了料液运行时间 、膜两侧压差 、料液温度 、主
流液循环流量等因素对超滤性能的影响。得出超滤膜处理 PVA废水的工艺条件。
关键词:超滤膜 PVA退浆水 废水处理 回收利用 膜分离
中图分类号:TS 109   文献标识码:A   文章编号:0253-9721(2004)02-0073-03
福建省教育厅资助项目 ,项目编号:K02015
  PVA是一种重要的上浆剂 ,退浆水中一般含有
1%左右的 PVA ,如果不将其处理 ,会造成环境污染 。
但PVA难以生物降解 ,经一般的生化处理 ,去除率
很低 。我国纺织行业每年用来做上浆剂的 PVA 大
约在 3万 t左右 ,售价 1.5万元 t左右 ,如果能将退
浆水中的 PVA回收再利用 ,其经济效益和环境改善
都是相当显著的 。当前 ,国内外处理 PVA退浆水的
方法通常有 4 种:蒸发浓缩法 ,化学凝结法 ,生化法
和超滤法[ 1 ~ 3] 。超滤法是一种较好的方法 ,不需要
外加其它的药品和设备 ,操作简便 ,耗能低。
本研究采用中空纤维超滤膜中试装置处理 PVA
退浆水 ,研究料液运行时间 、膜两侧压差 、料液温度 、
响 ,进而选择操作条件 ,以解决工业上 PVA 退浆水
1 超滤过程的阻力模型[ 4]
在使用料液进行实际超滤时 ,渗透通量
J w =ΔP·{μ(Rm +Rb+R f)}-1 (1)
式中 , ΔΡ为膜两侧压力差(Pa), μ为溶液粘度
(Pa·s),Rm 为膜阻力(m-1), Rb 为浓差极化边界阻力
(m-1),R f 为膜污染产生的阻力(m-1)。而 Rb =Rg+
R1 ,Rg为凝胶极化层阻力 , R1为相应边界层的阻力。
2 实验部分
2.1 装置和流程
纤维超滤膜中试装置(图 1), 超滤器的规格为
90 mm×1100 mm的聚砜超滤膜组件。料液先经过
5 μm的精滤器 ,再进入超滤器。
2.2 PVA浓度的测定
用分光光度法分析水中的 PVA浓度[ 5] 。
2.3 截留率(R)的测定
图 1 实验装置
R =(1 -渗透液浓度 料液浓度)×100%(2)
3 结果与讨论
3.1 运行时间对渗透通量的影响
在室温下 ,控制膜两侧压差 ΔP =0.100MPa ,主
流液的循环流量 L =55.8 L h , 分别用浓度为
0.207 g L和5.423 g L 的PVA溶液通过超滤膜 ,测试
运行80 min 。
由 图 2 知 , 当 过 滤开 始 时渗 透 通 量为
15.57 L hm2和4.66 L hm2 ,可见 PVA浓度对超滤初
始通量影响很大 ,高浓度的初始通量仅为低浓度的
三分之一强。随着运行时间的增加 ,膜的通量逐渐
减少 ,而且不论是低浓度还是高浓度 ,在 5 min内通
量的衰减率最大 ,分别降为原来通量的 70%和 55%
左右 ,这是由于浓差极化层形成而引起的 ,极化阻力
Rb 增长很快 ,属极化边界层控制区;再过10 min后 ,
通量分别下降到 10.13 L hm2 和 2.54 L hm2 ,为凝胶
极化层形成阶段 ,过滤阻力快速增长;经过 30 min
以后 ,膜表面凝胶极化层基本形成 ,渗透通量下降缓
慢 ,称为凝胶极化层控制区 。
3.2 膜两侧压差对渗透通量和截留率的影响
在室温下 ,控制主流液循环流量 L=261 L h ,改
DOI :10.13475/j.fzxb.2004.02.030
图 2 不同浓度的PVA溶液 J w 与 t 的关系
变膜两侧的压力差 ,对超滤膜性能的影响结果如
图3 。
图 3 J 与 ΔP的关系
由图 3可知 ,当流速一定 ,通量随压力升高而近
似线性增加。浓度越低 ,通量增加的幅度越大。但
是 ,由于受膜组件力学强度的影响 ,操作压力一般不
宜太高 , 据文献[ 6] 报道 , 操作压力一般取0.2 ~
0.3 MPa。在所处实验条件下 , PVA的表观截留率都
在90%以上 。
3.3 料液温度对渗透通量和截留率的影响
保持膜两侧压力 ΔP =0.120 MPa ,控制主流液
循环流量 L=261 L h ,考察料液温度对超滤性能的
影响 。
由图 4知 ,温度升高 ,料液的粘度下降 ,扩散系
数增加 ,减少了浓差极化的影响 ,渗透通量明显上
升 ,而对截留率的影响不大 。据文献[ 7] 报道 ,温度
每升高 1℃,渗透通量增大 1%。从本实验结果来
看 ,温度每升高 1℃,渗透通量最高增大 3.3%,最低
增大 0.7%,与文献[ 7] 的结论稍有差异。在工厂的
实际超滤操作中 ,由于低温时上浆剂的粘度高 ,会使
得上浆和退浆操作难以进行 ,所以上浆和退浆通常
在90℃左右下操作 ,这就使得退浆废水的温度一般
在80℃左右 。这对于进行超滤操作是很有利的 ,但
这就要求在选择膜组件时 ,能否耐高温是一个不可
图 4 温度与渗透通量的关系
3.4 主流液循环流量对渗透通量和截留率的影响
保持其它实验条件不变 ,改变主流液循环流量 ,
其结果如图 5。主流液的循环流量对截留率的影响
不大 ,而对渗透通量的影响较大。这是因为流速增
加 ,由于剪切作用 ,减少了浓差极化的现象 ,从而减
小了膜阻力 ,增大了渗透通量。但是 ,流速增加 ,必
然能耗增大 ,所以实际应用时必须综合考虑两个方
图 5 主流液循环流量与渗透通量的关系
4 结 论
1.随着运行时间的进行 ,渗透通量在 5 min内
的衰减率最大 , 30 min以后 ,膜表面凝胶层基本形
成 ,渗透通量下降缓慢 。
2.操作压力升高 ,渗透通量增大 ,截留率基本
3.提高料液温度 ,渗透通量增大 ,而且 ,每升高
1℃,渗透通量平均增大 2%,但截留率略有下降 。
4.料液流速增大 ,渗透通量有所提高 ,而截留
率不变 。
参 考 文 献
1  刘延惠等.超滤回收聚乙烯醇退浆水的研究.环境化学 , 1984
74【 】 纺织学报 2004年 第 2期
(5):9~ 12.2  Porter John J.Recovery of Polyvinyl Alcohol and Hot
Water from the Texile Wastewater Using Thermlly Stable Membrane.
Journal of Membrane S cience , 1998(1):45~ 53.
3  Lin S H et al.Polyvinyl Alcohol Recovery by Ultrafi lt ration:Effect of
Membrane Type and Operating Conditions.Separations Technology , 1995
(2):97~ 103.
4  朱长乐等.膜分离技术.杭州:浙江大学出版社 , 1992:233~ 234.
5  王莹淑等.聚乙烯醇废水中浓度的分光光度分析.福建环境 ,
2000(2):36~ 38.
6  王 湛.膜分离技术基础.北京:化学工业出版社 , 2000:208.
7  刘延惠等.超滤回收聚乙烯醇退浆水的研究.环境化学 , 1984
(5):9~ 12.
第 25 卷第 2期
2004 年 4月
纺 织 学 报
Journal of Textile Research
Vol.25 , No.2
Apr., 2004
陈 革
(东华大学 ,上海 , 200051) 商全义 付小莉(中原工学院)
摘 要:综合了国内外现有消除织机停车稀密路的技术 ,提出用参数设置法消除织机停车稀密路的控制系统和方法 , 这种方法不
关心产生稀密路的具体原因 ,只关心织造的结果,具有现场调节功能, 运用十分灵活 , 由于不需要织口位置检测装置 , 大大降低了
关键词:织机停车 稀密路 控制系统 参数设置
中图分类号:TS 103.33   文献标识码:A   文章编号:0253-9721(2004)02-0075-02
  织机停车稀密路是指 2根纬纱之间的距离比正
常值增大或减小的现象 ,它是一种严重的织物疵点 。
其成因有机械系统的原因和织物系统的原因 。机械
降 ,或筘座脚的刚度不足 ,或在织第一纬时主轴的转
速不均匀 ,开车后第一纬的打纬力不足 ,没能将第一
纬充分地打入织口;或在断纱时刹车不及时 ,有纬纱
空缺 。织物系统的原因则是由于纬纱和织物具有粘
弹性 ,停车后织物及经纱在粘弹性的作用下产生蠕
变和松弛 ,织口位置偏离了正常运转条件下的织口
位置 ,使开车后第一纬没能充分打入织口而形成稀
路 ,或与前一纬太密而形成了密路 。
文献[ 1]总结了世界上主要的消除停车稀密路
的技术 ,提出用激光位移传感器检测后梁位置 ,从而
调整织口位置的系统 。但它所总结和提出的方法分
了引起停车稀密路的织物系统的原因 ,通过织口检
测和调节机构 ,使织口在开车前回到正常位置 ,这在
了引起停车稀密路的机械系统原因 ,采取措施克服
机械性能的不足 ,但没有对织口的蠕动采取消除措
施。所以 ,这些方法的效果并不十分理想。2)有的
采用了复杂的 、高成本的织口位置检测设备 ,设备的
检测精度会受到织机振动等因素的影响 ,设备的安
装调试也比较麻烦。3)缺乏现场调节功能 ,对织物
本文综合了文献[ 1]总结的各种技术的特点 ,提
1 参数设置法消除停车稀密路的控制系统
图 1所示 ,该控制系统采用步进电机作为送经电机
和卷取电机 。经纱张力传感器用于检测织机后梁的
摆动 ,从而间接得到经纱张力的变化情况 。在织造
过程中 ,控制器根据张力的变化情况实时调整送经
电机的转速 ,从而保证经纱张力的稳定;织机停车
后 ,控制器可以使送经电机定量正转 , 主动放松经
纱 ,基本消除经纱和织物在张紧状态下的蠕变;在织
机开车前 ,控制器可以使送经和卷取电机定量倒转
(转动量可以现场设定),使织口到达设定的位置 ,从
而有效消除停车稀密路[ 2] 。
该控制系统的心脏是控制器 。控制器以单片
机为中央处理单元 ,并配置了相应的扩展电路 ,其
中 ,ROM 用于存放系统的控制程序;RAM 为数据存
贮器 ,配有掉电保护电路 ,用于实时备份工艺参数和
现场数据;键盘 、显示器和相应的接口芯片一起构成
键盘显示器系统 ,用于设置工艺参数 。
2 消除织机停车稀密路的控制原理
织机在运转时 ,计算机实时记录着当前的主轴
回转周期 T 和送经电机的平均转速 n 。因此 ,控制
应多少个步进电机的驱动脉冲数 ,从而实现送经和
如图1所示 ,织机刚停车时 ,织口处于正常位置
properties of starch was studied.The result showed that although increasing the cohesion to cotton and polyester cottonwarps ,polyacrylic acid sizing agent was still
a kind of assistant sizing agents with weak plasticization to starch , and in def inite dosage range , it couldn t improve size fi lm properties of starch.
Fan Xuerong et al(37)
A Research of Statistical Characteristics of Yarns and Fabric External Appearance Imitative Figures
The paper analyzes the statistical characteristics of yarns and fabric external appearance , establishes mathematical model of the fabric external appearance
figure by using Markovian process , solves the simulation of the fabric external appearance when the color of warps and wefts is identical or close , and makes the
pattern of the fabric external appearance simulation more closer to actual pattern of fabrics. Shi Guosheng et al(39………………………………………… )
An Elementary Study of Designing Fabric Pattern Based on IFS
On the basis of the IFS(Iterated Function System)principles and the graphical methods of computer , it is investigated to applicate the IFS principles into
fabric pattern design by jacquard weaving testing , and some meaningful conclusions are obtained in this paper. Zhang Yu et al(41………………………… )
A Study of Characteristics on Heat Absorption of Fabric
The performance of the fabric of heat absorption has been analysed.The relation of the density , thickness , ventilation and the characteristics of the fabric
resistance of heat radiation have been investigated.The mathematical relationship was discussed in the paper. Wan Zhiqin(43……………………………… )
The Effect of the Parameters of Water-jet Mechanism onWeaving in Water-jet Looms
On the basic of the theory formula of velocity of water jet , the parameters of water-jet mechanism affecting the velocity are analyzed and optimized.So the
stability of the water jet can be improved to raise the velocity of water jet as well as weft insertion rate and to enlarge the width of woven fabrics a lot.
Li Kerang et al(46)
A Study of Characterization of Aqueous Polyurethane-Dye Supercapsulas
In this paper , self-dispersion method through ultrasonic dispersion processwas selected to synthesize blank polyurethane nano-sphere in dichloromethane.At
the same time , PU-Dye supercapsules encapsulating different oil red 24 content were prepared.The result showed that supercapsules diameters were increasing with
addition of dye content , showing two-peak distribution ,particle sizes of dye supercapsules were between 100nm and 300nm or so.There were two shapes(amorphous
and crystal state)in supercapsules.It was inferred PU encumbered dyes crystal process. Hu Jinxin et al(48………………………………………………… )
Application of Discoid Electrophoresis of Polyacrylamide Gel in the Finish of Wool Anti-fel ting
The principle of the discoid electrophoresis of polyacrylamide gel was explained.The composition and preparation method of gel separation column was
introduced in detail.The result of electrophoresis test i s that because the protein content of the abstract of the wool finished by polyurethane prepolymer is less than ,
the wool serve the function of protecting wadding of wool intercuticular. Lu Bitai et al(51………………………………………………………………… )
Fuzzy Multi-level Synthetic Evaluation for the Block of Product Quantity
Through agile definition of the block of product quality , using Fuzzy Multi-level method, this article builds a synthetic evaluation model to control the product
quality of embroidery shirting. Du Gang et al(53…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… )
Computer Recognition on Woman Body in Apparel Mass Customization
In apparel mass customization , body measurement and basic block are two important elements which effect pattern design.This paper will carry out f rom
another element , basic block , to reduce the cost.The method is expending block number by classifying women bodies and recognizing them by computer.
Xie Hong et al(55)
Realization of Garment Human Modelling with VC++
According to concrete characteristic of garment human modeling , a feature-based mesh surface sculpt method is presented in this paper.Through VC++,
f riendly user interface has been created and 3D garment human modeling will be obtained. Hu Min et al(57……………………………………………… )
Research on the Models of the SCM System for the Textile and Clothing Industry
Based on the related theories and practical situations of enterprises ,we established theoretical models for the related sub modules of sales , logistics , purchasing
etc.That are suitable to our count ry by selecting advanced and practical management theories and network information technologies and taking into consideration of
the actual operational procedures of the textile and clothing industry. Li Chuang et al(60…………………………………………………………………… )
Strategic Model of Fashion Processing Location Selection
This paper has generalized the different sorts of cost and classified them into four categories , based on which made strategic model for select ing place aimed at
minimized cost by integer linear programming.And delivery has been thought of in the model.By the case studying , the model was proved worthy in improving the
efficiency and effectiveness of location selection strategy for fashion trade companies. Hu Jueliang et al(62………………………………………………… )
Technique of Manufacture
Discussing Knitting Yarn Spinned with Natural Colour Cotton Fiber
Take the combing knit yarn with natural colour cotton fiber for example , according to the process testing and experiment , some factors affecting the natural
colour combing knitting yarn quality such as fiber properties.Spinning process are analyzed by process test , and discuss the measures that can improve the yarn
quality . Zhao Bo et al(64………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… )
The Production Technology and Structure Parameter of Micro-braided Yarn
The author analyses and studies the production techndogy and structure of the micro-braided yarn.The relationship between the fiber orientation angle and
blend rate as wel l as bound force was established.Yarn geometries were also studied through microscope observation. Dong Weiguo et al(66………………… )
A Study of Fabric Properties of Flax Core Friction Yarns
The plain weave fabrics are made with f lax rayon friction yarn andwith f lax rayon core f riction yarn which has polyester filament as core and flax rayon fibers
as the sheath.The fabric properties are measured and comparedwith those of the fabricsmade of cotton ring yarn and f lax rayon ring yarn respectively.The research
result s show that the fabric made of f lax rayon core friction yarn has the quite excellent properties. Wei Mingsen et al(69…………………………………… )
A Discussion about the Production of Carbon Fiber Fabrics in China
Based on the present situation of production of carbon fiber fabrics in China , the effective measures are proposed to improve the production by technological
process , equipment improvement , operation method and technological parameter. Ji Yingchao et al(71……………………………………………………… )
Study on Separation of Polyvinyl Alcohol(PVA)by Ultrafiltration from Desizing Wastewater
The separation and recovery of polyvinyl alcohol(PVA)from the desizing wastewater was carried by using a pi lot-plant of hollow fiber ult rafiltration(UF)
membrane.The ef fects of operating time , pressure difference on both sides of the membrane , temperature and circulating f low rate on the UF performance were
discussed.The process conditions for membrane UF in PVA desizing wastewater were obtained , which might be the references to PVA wastewater treatment.
Dong Shengxiong et al(73)

The Control System of Eliminating Stop Marks by Setting up the Parameters
Combining all kinds of technology of eliminating stop marks, a new cont rol system and method has been presented to eliminate stop marks by setting up the
parameters.This new method needn t any special equipment , it can control the fell position by the powerful control program ,and the cost is decreased greatly.The
method is very f lexible and effective. Chen Ge et al(75…………………………………………………………………………………………………… )
The Development of Nanometer Three-proof Down Jacket Fabric
The three-proof principle of fabrics and the selection of three-proof finishing agents are discussed in this paper.Polyester down jacket fabric is treated by three-