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全 文 :醉鱼草苷Ⅳ对 H22肝癌小鼠的
陈月圆 1,黄永林 1,陈洁晶 2,卢凤来 1,李典鹏 1*
(1. 广西植物研究所/广西植物功能物质研究
与利用重点实验室,广西桂林 541006;2.广西
代谢性疾病研究重点实验室 , 广西桂林
摘 要 [目的] 观察醉鱼草苷Ⅳ对 H22肝癌
小鼠的体内抑瘤作用。 [方法] 取 H22肝癌细胞
接种于小鼠右腋皮下,H22 肝癌小鼠随机分为
5 组: 模型组、 醉鱼草苷Ⅳ高、 中、 低(1.00、
0.50、0.25 mg/kg)3 个剂量组和阳性药 (CTX,
20.0 mg/kg)对照组。 每组 10 只,治疗期间记
连续腹腔注射 10 天后。 于第 11 天观测抑瘤
率、 脾腺指数、 胸腺指数, 同时进行血清中
SOD、MDA、GGT 和 AKP 含量检测。 [结果] 与
抑瘤率分别为 56.96%,50.63%。 与模型组相
比,醉鱼草苷Ⅳ高剂量组小鼠血清 SOD 活性
增加 (P<0.05), 醉鱼草苷Ⅳ各剂量组血清
MDA、GGT 和 AKP 水平均降低 (P<0.01);除
SOD 活性之外, 环磷酰胺组与模型组比较无
显著差异。 [结论] 醉鱼草苷Ⅳ在体内具有抗
关键词 醉鱼草苷Ⅳ;H22肝癌;抑瘤率
基金项目 广西壮族自治区八桂学者专项经
费 ; 桂林市科学研究与技术开发计划项目
作者简介 陈月圆(1978-),女,广西桂林人,
理活性研究 ,E-mail:chyy@gxib.cn。 * 通讯作
收稿日期 2015-05-28
修回日期 2015-09-08
Inhibitory Effect of Buddlejasaponin IV on
Hepatocarcinoma 22 (H22) in Mice
Yueyuan CHEN1, Yonglin HUANG1, Jiejing CHEN2, Fenglai LU1, Dianpeng LI1*
1. Guangxi Key Laboratory of Functional Phytochemicals Research and Utilization, Guangxi Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy
of Sciences, Guilin 541006, China;
2. Guangxi Key Laboratory of Metabolic Diseases Research, Guilin 541002, China
Supported by Bagui Scholar Program of Guangxi; Scientific Research and
Technological Development Program of Guilin (20110201); Open Fund of Guangxi Key
Laboratory of Functional Phytochemicals Research and Utilization (181H2011-03).
*Corresponding author. E-mail: ldp@gxib.cn
Received: May 28, 2015 Accepted: September 8, 2015A
Agricultural Science & Technology, 2015, 16(10): 2273-2276
Copyright訫 2015, Information Institute of HAAS. All rights reserved Animal Science and Feeds
B uddlejasaponin IV (BJ-IV) is atriterpenoid saponin containingΔ11-13, 28-epoxy structure.
Studies have shown that buddlejas-
aponin IV has significant anti-inflam-
matory and analgesic effects, and the
mechanisms may be related to inhib
ited NO, PGE2 and TNF-α [1]. Buddle-
jasaponin IV also has anti-hyperchles-
terolemia and anti-hyperlipidemia ef-
fects, which are equivalent to those of
probucol[2]. Moreover, buddlejasaponin
IV also has anti-liver fibrosis activity in
vitro[3]. There are rare reports on inhi-
bitory effect of buddlejasaponin IV on
H22 tumor in vivo. In this study, the in-
hibitory effect of buddlejasaponin IV on
growth of transplanted H22 tumor in
mice was investigated. The buddlejas-
aponin IV was injected into abdominal
cavities of mice, and the H22 tumor-
bearing mice were treated as the
pharmacodynamic models. The tumor
inhibition rate, as well as antioxidant
enzyme activities in mice serum, was
determined. The possible mechanism
of inhibitory effect of buddlejasaponin
IV on growth of tumor in vivo was
studied, providing pharmacological ba-
sis for development of buddlejas-
aponin IV.
Abstract [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the inhibitory effect of buddle-
jasaponin IV on growth of hepatocarcinoma 22 (H22) tumor in mice. [Method] The
H22 tumor cells were transplanted in the right axillary skins of mice. The tumor-
bearing mice were randomly divided into five groups, including control group, CTX
group (20.0 mg/kg) and buddlejasaponin IV treatment groups (0.25, 0.50 and 1.00
mg/kg). There were 10 mice in each group. During the treatment, the body weights
and survivals of mice in all groups were recorded. The buddlejasaponin IV was in-
jected into the abdominal cavities of mice, which lasted for 10 consecutive days. All
the mice were slaughtered the next day. The tumors in the abdominal cavities were
tanked out and weighed. The tumor inhibition rate, spleen index and thymus index,
as well as SOD activity, MDA content, GGT activity and AKP activity in serum
were determined. [Result] Compared with the control group, the high- and middle-
dosage buddlejasaponin IV treatment groups all showed significant (P<0.01) inhibito-
ry effects on transplanted H22 tumor in mice with tumor inhibition rates of 56.96%
and 50.63%, respectively. Compared with those in the control group, the SOD ac-
tivity of mice in the high-dosage buddlejasaponin IV treatment group was significant-
ly increased (P<0.05), and the MDA contents, GGT and AKP activities in mice in
the high-, middle- and low-dosage buddlejasaponin IV treatment groups were all sig-
nificantly reduced (P<0.01). There were no significant differences in all the indexes,
except SOD activity, between the CTX and control groups. [Conclusion] Buddlejas-
aponin IV has certain inhibitory effect on H22 tumor, of which the mechanism might
be related to antioxidation capacity in body.
Key words Buddlejasaponin IV; Hepatocarcinoma 22; Tumor inhibition rate
Agricultural Science & Technology 2015
Materials and Methods
Experimental animal, tumor strain
and reagents
Total 50 4-6-week-old Kunming
mice (SPF, half male and half female)
with weight of 18-22 g were randomly
divided into five groups, and they were
provided by the Animal Experiment
Center of Guangxi Medical University
(SCXK (G)2003-0003). The H22 tumor
strain was purchased from the China
Center for Type Culture Collection
(preservation center of Wuhan Univer-
sity), and its subculture was performed
by the Guangxi Key Laboratory of
Functional Phytochemicals Research
and Utilization. The cyclophosphamide
(CTX) for injection (Batch No.
03110121) was produced by the
Zhangjiagang City Hengrui Pharma-
ceutical Machinery Co., Ltd. The su-
peroxide dismutase (SOD), malondi-
aldehyde (MDA), gamma glutamyl
transpeptidase (GGT) and alkaline
phosphatase (AKP) detection kits
were purchased from the Nanjing
Jiancheng Bioengineering Institute
(Batch No. 20101228). The buddlejas-
aponin IV with purity higher than
99.8% was extracted from Clinopodi-
um by the Guangxi Key Laboratory of
Functional Phytochemicals Research
and Utilization[4].
Establishment of H22 tumor-bearing
mice model
The H22 strain was injected into
abdominal cavities of mice, and 7 d
after the inoculation, appropriate am-
ounts of ascites were sampled from
the mice under sterile conditions. The
sampled ascites samples were diluted
with sterile saline, and then centrifuged
at 1 000 r/min for 5 min. The H22 cells
were washed 3 times and diluted to
5 ×106 cells/ml (percentage of viable
cells was higher than 95%). The iso-
lated H22 cells were injected to right
axillary skins of the mice with inocula-
tion amount of 1×106 cells/mouse.
Grouping and treatment
The mice were randomly divided
into five groups 24 h after the inocula-
tion, and there were 10 mice in each
group. In the model control group,
distilled water was given to mice by
gavage. In the CTX group, the mice
were injected with CTX according to
the amount of 20.0 mg/kg. In the high-,
middle- and low-dosage BJ-IV treat-
ment groups, the mice were injected
with BJ-IV according to the amounts of
1.00, 0.50 and 0.25 mg/kg, respec-
tively once a day. For various groups,
the injection was all performed once a
day. The injection lasted for 10 con-
secutive days, and all the mice were
sacrificed the next day. The blood was
sampled from their eyeballs. Subse-
quently, the blood samples were cen-
trifuged at 3 000 r/min for 15 min at 4
℃ , and the serum samples were pre-
served at -20 ℃ for use. The tumor
tissues, spleens and thymuses were
stripped and weighted by electronic
scale. The tumor inhibition rate, thy-
mus index and spleen index were cal-
culated as follows:
Tumor inhibition rate = [(Tumor
weight in the control group - Tumor
weight in the BJ-IV treatment group) /
Tumor weight in the control group] ×
Thymus index = Thymus weight
(mg) / Mouse body weight (g);
Spleen index = Spleen weight
(mg) / Mouse body weight (g).
SOD activity, MDA content, GGT
activity and AKP activity in serum
of H22 tumor-bearing mice
The SOD activity was determined
with xanthine oxidase (hydroxylamine)
method; the DMA content was deter-
mined with thiobarbituric acid reactive
substances assay; the GGT and AKP
activities were all determined with
chemical colorimetric method. The de-
termination above was all performed in
accordance with the instructions of kits
produced by the Nanjing Jiancheng
Bioengineering Institute. In the deter-
mination of SOD activity, MDA con-
tent, GGT activity and AKP activity, a
UV spectrophotometer (OPTI-
ZEN2120) was used.
Data processing and statistics
The results about tumor weight,
SOD activity, MDA content, GGT ac-
tivity and AKP activity were all ex-
pressed as mean ± standard devia-
tion. With the ANOVA model of SPSS
13.0, the differences among groups
were compared, and the multiple
comparisons were performed with the
Results and Analysis
Growth situations of tumor and
On day 2, grain-sized, irregular
and unsmooth tumor nodules were
shown in the right armpits of mice. The
growth of tumors in mice in the model
control group was the fastest, followed
by that in the low-dosage buddlejas-
aponin IV treatment group, and the
growth of tumors in mice in the CTX
group was the slowest. In terms of
feed intake, activity and hair color, the
mice in the BJ-IV treatment groups
were better than those in the CTX
Inhibitory effect of buddlejasaponin
IV on H22 tumor in mice
The results of antitumor experi-
ment in vivo showed that the high-,
middle- and low-dosage buddlejas-
aponin IV all showed inhibitory effect
on H22 tumor. As shown in Table 1, the
tumor inhibition rates in the high-, mid-
dle- and low-dosage buddlejasaponin
IV treatment groups were 56.96% ,
50.63% and 35.44% , respectively. In
the CTX group, the tumor inhibition
rate was 69.49%. There were signifi-
cant differences in tumor inhibition rate
between model control group and the
other groups (P<0.01). During the ex-
periment, the weights of mice in vari-
ous groups were increased in varying
degrees. Among the groups, the
weight of mice in the CTX group was
increased slowest. The thymus index
of mice in the CTX group was de-
Table 1 Inhibitory effect of buddlejasaponin IV on hepatocarcinoma 22 (H22) in mice
Group Thymusindex∥mg/g
Tumor inhibition
Model control 2.71±1.05 6.58±1.36 -
CTX 1.33±0.70** 7.03±1.97 69.49**
High-dosage BJ-IV 2.18±0.76ΔΔ 8.10±1.09 56.96**
Middle-dosage BJ-IV 2.11±0.54Δ 8.22±2.01 50.63**
Low-dosage BJ-IV 2.09±0.64Δ 8.66±2.18Δ 35.44**
** indicates significant difference at the 0.01 level (compared with model control); Δ and
ΔΔ indicate significant differences at the 0.05 and 0.01 levels, respectively (compared with
normal control).
Agricultural Science & Technology2015
creased (P<0.01), indicating that CTX
inhibited the growth of thymuses of
mice. Compared with the control
group, buddlejasaponin IV showed no
significant effects on spleen and thy-
mus weights of mice. It indicated that
buddlejasaponin IV had no significant
inhibitory effects on spleens and thy-
muses of mice.
Effects of buddlejasaponin IV on
SOD activity, MDA content, GGT
activity and AKP activity in serum
of H22 tumor-bearing mice
Compared with those in the model
control group, the serum SOD activi-
ties in the high- and middle-dosage
buddlejasaponin IV treatment groups
were significantly increased (P<0.05),
and the serum MDA contents in the
three buddlejasaponin IV treatment
groups were all decreased (P<0.01).
Significant differences were observed
in serum GGT and AKP activities be-
tween the buddlejasaponin IV treat-
ment groups and the model control
group (P<0.01). There were no signifi-
cant differences between the CTX and
model control groups except in SOD
activity. It suggests that buddlejas-
aponin IV can scavenge free radicals
in tumor-bearing mice, and it can up-
regulate the tolerance of body to ox-
idative stress. Moreover, buddlejas-
aponin IV can also inhibit the sus-
tained damage to liver functions (Table
Buddlejasaponin IV (BJ-IV) is a
triterpenoid saponin containing Δ11-13,
28-epoxy structure. Studies have
shown that triterpenoid saponins that
have similar structures with buddlejas-
aponin IV have some anti-tumor activi-
ty [5-6], and they can also improve im-
munomodulatory capacity to some ex-
tent[7-8]. Cyclophosphamide is a broad-
spectrum anti-tumor drug, and it can
be used to establish immunosup-
pressed mice models [9]. Therefore, in
this study, CTX was selected as the
positive control to investigate the in-
hibitory effect of buddlejasaponin IV on
H22 tumor in mice.
The guiding principle for antineo-
plastic pharmacodynamics was as fol-
lows: the results of anti-tumor experi-
ment in vivo are an important indicator
for evaluating the effectiveness of anti-
cancer drugs[10]. Li et al.[11] and Chen et
al. [12] considered that the axillarily-
transplanted H22 tumor-bearing mice
are a class of recognized models for
studying anti-tumor effects and related
mechanisms. Oxidative stress is an
important mechanism of tumorigene-
sis[13]. Currently, it has become a new
direction to look for effective antioxi-
dants in vivo in anticancer research.
SOD is an important antioxidant en-
zyme in animal bodies, and it can pro-
tect the body from free radical dam-
age. SOD activity can be used to re-
flect the free radical-scavenging ability
of the body. MDA is the end product of
cellular lipid peroxides. MDA content
can reflect the degree of lipid peroxida-
tion in the body, thus the degree of cell
damage can be inferred indirectly. The
results of this study showed that the
serum SOD activities of mice in the
normal control and middle- and high-
dosage buddlejasaponin IV treatment
groups were significantly higher than
that of mice in the model control group
(P <0.05). Buddlejasaponin IV could
significantly up-regulate the SOD ac-
tivity reduced by growth of H22 tumor,
improving the immunity of body. The
MDA contents in the buddlejasaponin
IV treatment groups were significantly
lower than that in the model control
group (P<0.01), but there was no sig-
nificant difference in serum MDA con-
tent between the normal and model
control groups. The reduced serum
MDA content meant reduced free rad-
icals and liver damage. Alkaline phos-
phatase (AKP) is widely distributed in
various body organs, but its content is
highest in liver. Liver damage and lipid
peroxidation caused by free radicals
will cause damage to the structure of
biofilms and lead to functional inactiva-
tion, thereby increasing permeability of
cell membrane. Then, the liver intra-
cellular enzymes, such as AKP, will
enter blood circulation, resulting in
higher AKP level in blood[14-15]. Serum
GGT is mainly from the hepatobiliary
system. In the onset of liver tumor, in-
tra-hepatic obstruction will occur, in-
ducing the generation of GGT by liver
cells; at the same time, tumor cells can
also synthesize GGT, resulting in
higher GGT content in serum. The re-
sults of this study showed that the AKP
and GGT contents in the model control
group were all significantly higher than
those in the normal control group, indi-
cating that the H22 tumor-bearing
mouse models were successfully es-
tablished, and the invasion of tumor
cells caused damage to cell mem-
brane structure and functional inactiva-
tion, thereby resulting in higher AKP
content in serum of mice. There were
significant differences in serum AKP
and GGT contents between the model
control and buddlejasaponin IV treat-
ment groups, but there were no signif-
icant differences in serum indexes be-
tween the model control and CTX
groups, indicating that buddlejas-
aponin IV has certain protective effect
on liver cells.
In short, buddlejasaponin IV has a
certain anti-hepatoma effect in vivo,
and the related mechanism may be
associated with regulating the body’s
antioxidant capacity. However, where
buddlejasaponin IV has inhibitory ef-
fects on other kinds of tumors, as well
as the related mechanisms, needs to
Table 2 SOD activities, MDA contents, GGT activities and AKP activities in serums of mice in all the groups
Group SOD∥U/ml MDA∥nmol/ml GGT∥U/L AKP∥U/L
Normal control 145.47±19.91 11.84±3.25 14.00±1.13 11.46±0.80
Model control 143.20±24.56 15.26±6.14 42.05±2.24 18.44±1.84
CTX 153.53±27.09* 14.85±4.03 42.27±4.36 18.12±1.63
High-dosage BJ-IV 160.56±24.51* 12.58±1.94** 33.92±3.51** 12.01±0.99**
Middle-dosage BJ-IV 151.54±26.12* 12.19±1.52** 32.18±3.42** 13.62±2.82**
Low-dosage BJ-IV 129.01±24.18 10.91±2.73** 32.71±2.81** 13.95±1.84**
* and** indicate significant differences at the 0.05 and 0.01 levels, respectively (compared with model control).
Agricultural Science & Technology 2015
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