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全 文 :第 25卷第 2期
2005年 6月
林 产 化 学 与 工 业
Chem istry and Indus try of Fo res t Products
Vo.l 25 No. 2
June 2005
WANG X iao
1, 2 , CHENG Chuan-ge1 , LIU Jian-hua1 , ZHENG Cheng-chao2*
(1. Ana lysis and Test Center, Shandong Academy of Sciences, J inan 250014, China;
2. College of L ife Sciences, Shandong Agricultural University, Ta i′an 271078, Ch ina)
Abstract:The essentia l o il from the flow ers o fPau lown ia tom entosa (Thunb. ) Steud. w as ob tained
through hydrod istillation. The chem ica l components w ere separa ted and identified by GC-MS. Re la-
tive content o f each componentw as de term ined by area nom alization. S ixty-nine com pounds represen-
ting 89. 33% o f the oil we re iden tified. The most abundan t constituen ts we re benzy l a lcoho l(13. 276 %), 1, 2, 4-
trime thoxybenzene (8. 342 %), pheno l, 2-m e thoxy-3-( 2-propeny l) ( 6. 141 %), pheno l, 3, 4-dim e thoxy-
(3. 986 %), tricosane(3. 682 %) and pen tacosane(3. 238 %).
K ey words:Paulownia tomen tosa (Thunb. )Steub. ;essential oil
CLC num ber:TQ654. 2   D ocum ent code:A   Art ic le ID:0253 - 2417(2005)02 - 0099 - 04
王 晓 1, 2 , 程传格 1 , 刘建华 1 , 郑成超2
(1. 山东省科学院分析测试中心 , 山东 济南 250014;2. 山东农业大学生命科学学院 , 山东 泰安 271018)
摘 要:利用水蒸气蒸馏法提取泡桐花中的精油 , 运用 GC -M S技术 , 对其化学成分进行分析鉴定 ,用色谱峰
面积归一化法计算各组分的相对含量。分离出 91个组分 , 鉴定了其中 69个组分 , 占总精油量的 89. 33 %。
泡桐花精油的主要成分为苯甲醇(13. 276%)、 1, 2, 4-三甲氧基苯(8. 342 %)、 2-甲氧基 -3-(2-丙烯基) -
苯酚(6. 141 %)、 3, 4-二甲氧基苯酚(3. 986 %)、 二十三烷(3. 682 %)和二十五烷(3. 238 %)等。
Pau lownia tomentosa (Thunb. ) S teud. , one o f the major fast-grow ing trees native to Ch ina, is now
w ide ly planted in C entral China′s agrofo restry system for both harvestings of crops and timbe r[ 1] . A side from
its con tinuing ornamen tal use, the species has value for its sma ll saw n timbers that are in demand for specia lity
products. The perfec t flow ers of P. tomentosa are bo rne in term ina l panicles up to 50 cm long in April and
M ay
[ 2]
. The flow er can be e ffec tive to inh ib it bac te ria and enhance immunity
[ 3]
. It is a lso used among
Chinese fo lks to trea t bronch itis, dysentery, bacterial dy sen te ry, acu te enteritis, parotitis and acute
conjunc tiv itis, e tc. [ 4] . Kang reported that the ex tract from stem and stem bark o f P. tomen to sa show ed
antibacte ria l and antiviral activities
[ 5 -6]
. To the best of ou r know ledge, no reports have been pub lished on the
vo latile constituen ts o fP. tomentosa flow ers. The presen t paper describes the iso lation of the e ssentia l oil from
the flow ers and iden tification of 69 constituents.
1 Experimental
1. 1 P lantm aterial
* R eceived date:2004 - 06 -10
  Founda tion item:山东省自然科学基金资助项目(Q2002BO4)
  B iography:王 晓(1971 - ),男 ,山东临沭人 ,副研究员 ,博士生 ,从事天然产物的研究与开发
* C orrespondence Author:郑成超 ,博士生导师 ,从事生物技术研究。
100  林 产 化 学 与 工 业 第 25卷
The plan tmaterialsw ere co llected in April 2002 from Jinan Bo tanica lGa rden, Shandong Prov ince. The
plant w as identified by Pro fessor LI Jian, Co llege o f Fo rest, Agricu lture Unive rsity of Shandong. The samples
w ere co llected at fu ll flow ers and air-dried a t room temperature (20 - 25℃) in the shade.
1. 2 Isolation of the essential oil[ 7]
The essential oilw as iso la ted by steam d istillation from the dried flowe rs for 4 h (steam was genera ted in
a separate bo iling flask), fo llowed by exhaustive ex traction o f the condensate w ith ethe r, and remova l o f the
solvent unde r vacuum at low temperature. The oil w as dried over anhydrous sod ium su lphate and stored a t
0 - 4℃.
1. 3 GC-MS analyses
GC-MS analy sis w as carried out on an A gilen t Ne tw ork GC sy stem 6890N , equipped w ith an Agilen t
5973N m ass se lective detecto r(MSD), and Pen tium 4 compu terw ithMSD Productiv ity Chem sta tion So ftw are.
A capillary co lumnHP-5 (25m long, 0. 25mm diame ter), coa ted w ith a non-po lar stationary phase (Hew lett-
Packard-5 cross-linked 5 % pheny l methy l silicone)was used. The tempera ture prog ram began a t 50 ℃,
1 m in and increased 5℃ /m in un til180℃ was reached (10m in), then increased 1℃ /m in until 280℃was
reached (20m in). He lium was used as carrier gas (1. 0mL /m in. ). In jec to r and de tector temperatures w ere
260℃ and 280℃, respective ly. The injection techn ique used w as sp litles. The volume o f the samp le injected
w as close to 1μL. Themass spectrome te rw as scanned ove r the 29 - 400 u range a t scan 1 s, w ith an ionizing
vo ltage o f 70 eV and an ionization current of 150 μA. Componen ts w ere identified by their mass spectra
compared w ith the mass spec tra in commercialm ass spectra library (W iley and N IST 98). The pe rcentages o f
the components w ere calcu lated from the GC peaks areas, using the no rmalization me thod.
2 Results and discussion
The yie ld o f the essential oil samp le distilled from the dried flow ersw as abou t 2mL /kg.
A typical gas ch romatog ram of the oil consisted of mo re than 91 peaks depending on the co lumn used and
the concentration o f the sample injected. S ixty-nine compounds representing 89. 33 % of the oilw ere identified
(Tab le 1). The essentia l oil was consisted of a high numbe r of pheno lic compounds, hydrocarbons, aldehydes
Tab le 1 The com position of the essent ial oil from flowers ofP. tomen tosa
tim e /m in
con stituen ts
m olecu lar
form u la
mo lecu lar
w eigh t
con tent /%
3. 002 p ropano ic acid C4H8O 2 88 0. 097
3. 071 pyrrole C4H5N 67 0. 048
3. 735 n-hexanal C6H12O 100 0. 083
4. 000 3-fu raldehyde C5H4O 2 96 1. 170
4. 434 fu rfu ral C5H4O 2 96 1. 495
4. 590 bu tanoic acid, 3-m ethy l- C5H10O 2 102 0. 488
4. 829 bu tanoic acid, 2-m ethy l- C5H10O 2 102 0. 306
4. 963 2-fu ranmethanol C5H6O 2 98 1. 189
5. 054 ethylbenzene C8H10 106 0. 078
5. 697 p entanoic acid C5H10O 2 102 0. 113
8. 070 b enzaldehyde C7H6O 106 0. 119
8. 210 2-fu rancarboxaldehyde, 5-m ethy l- C6H6O 2 110 0. 700
9. 212 h exano ic acid C6H12O 2 116 2. 095
10. 961 b enzy l alcohol C7H8O 108 13. 276
11. 264 b enzeneacetaldehyde C8H8O 120 2. 261
12. 510 2-furanm ethanol, 5-ethenyltetrahydro-α, α, 5-trim ethyl C10H18O 2 170 0. 553
12. 922 phenol, 4-m ethy l- C7H8O 108 0. 346
13. 230 phenol, 2-m ethoxy- C7H8O 108 0. 773
第 2期 王 晓 ,等:泡桐花精油化学成分分析 101 
 续表 1
tim e /m in
con stituen ts
m olecu lar
form u la
mo lecu lar
w eigh t
con tent /%
13. 708 1, 6-octad ien-3-ol, 3, 7-d im ethy l- C10H 18O 154 1. 479
13. 898 nonanal C9H18O 142 1. 248
14. 311 pheny lethy l alcohol C8H10O 122 1. 864
15. 595 2, 6, 6-trim ethy l-2-cyclohexene-1, 4-d ione C9H12O 2 152 0. 291
16. 342 nonenal C9H16O 140 0. 244
17. 275 octanoic acid C8H16O 2 144 0. 243
17. 674 α-terp ineo l C10H 14O 150 0. 481
17. 808 b enzene, 1, 4-d im ethoxy- C8H10O 2 138 0. 145
19. 531 b enzenep ropanol C9H12O 136 0. 253
20. 529 b enzaldehyde, 4-m ethoxy- C8H8O 2 136 0. 437
21. 675 nonanoic acid C9H18O 2 158 1. 940
21. 918 b enzenem ethano l, 4-m ethoxy- C8H10O 2 138 0. 356
22. 270 indo le C8H7N 117 0. 127
23. 120 ethanone, 1-(3-m ethoxypheny l)- C9H10O 2 150 1. 895
23. 242 2, 4-decad iena l C10H 16O 152 0. 152
23. 433 b enzoic acid, 2, 3-d ihyd roxy-, m ethyl ester C8H8O 4 168 1. 480
23. 697 phenol, 3, 4-d im ethoxy- C8H10O 3 154 3. 986
23. 932 4-cyano-3, 5-dim ethy lphenol C9H9ON 147 0. 221
24. 010 phenol, 3, 5-d im ethoxy- C8H10O 3 154 2. 012
24. 995 phenol, 2-m ethoxy-3-(2-p ropenyl)- C10H12O 2 164 6. 141
25. 200 2-(3H)-furanone, d ihyd ro-5-pentyl- C9H16O 2 156 0. 992
25. 667 1, 2, 4-trim ethoxyb enzene C9H12O 3 168 8. 342
26. 127 2-bu ten-1-one, 1-(2-6, 6-trimethy l-1, 3-cyclohexad ien-1-y l)- C13H 18O 190 0. 869
26. 804 van illin C8H8O 3 152 0. 682
28. 354 2 - bu tanone, 4-(2, 6, 6-trim ethyl-1-cyclohexen-1-yl)- C13H 22O 194 0. 135
28. 840 phenol, 4-m ethoxy-4(1-p ropeny l)- C10H12O 2 164 0. 256
30. 272 2-buten-1-one, 1-(2-6, 6-trim ethyl)-1, 3-cyclohexen-1-y l) C13H 20O 192 1. 223
30. 884 p entadecane C15H 32 212 0. 138
31. 882 2(4H)-benzofu ranone, 5, 6, 7, 7a-tetrahydro-4, 4, 7a-trimethy l C11H16O 2 180 0. 722
33. 887 m egastigmatrienone C13H 18O 190 0. 214
34. 577 d iethyl ph thalate C12H14O 4 222 2. 544
43. 490 b enzy l benzoate C14H12O 2 212 0. 641
47. 587 2-pen tadecanone, 6, 10, 14-trim ethyl- C18H 36O 268 0. 651
48. 181 d ibu ty l ph th alate C16H22O 4 274 0. 832
48. 993 nonadecane C19H 40 268 0. 424
50. 303 p alm itic acid C16H32O 2 256 0. 895
50. 824 eicosane C20H 42 282 0. 290
51. 280 2, 6, 10-dodecatrien-1-o l, 3, 7, 11-t rim ethy l-, acetate C17H28O 2 264 0. 465
52. 230 h eneicosane C21H 44 296 0. 661
53. 376 docosane C22H 46 310 0. 584
54. 421 tricosane C23H 48 324 3. 682
55. 337 tetracosane C24H 50 338 1. 306
56. 180 p entacosane C25H 52 352 3. 238
56. 995 h exacosane C26H 54 366 1. 435
57. 780 h eptacosnae C27H 56 380 2. 569
58. 653 octacosn ae C28H 58 394 1. 365
59. 638 nonacosane C29H 60 408 1. 707
60. 827 triacon tane C30H 62 422 0. 845
62. 248 h entriacontane C31H 64 436 0. 695
63. 999 dot riacontane C32H 66 450 0. 452
66. 130 tritriacon tane C33H 68 464 0. 286
and fatty acids. However, the conten t of mono terpene and sesqu iterpene w as quite little. The principa l
102  林 产 化 学 与 工 业 第 25卷
identified componentsw ere benzyl a lcohol (13. 276 %), 1, 2, 4-trime thoxybenzene (8. 342 %), pheno l,
2-methoxy-3-(2-propeny l) (6. 141 %), pheno l, 3, 4-dimethoxy (3. 986 %), tricosane (3. 682 %) and
pen tacosane (3. 238 %).
The essen tia l oils have certain b io log ical func tions such as physio log ical func tion (p lantmetabolism ) and
eco logical func tion ( interaction o f the p lants w ith their environment)[ 7] . How eve r, recently mo re and more
resea rch repo rted tha t the essential o ils had antibacterial, antifungal, antisep tic, antiviral, analgesic and
immune-stimulating properties[ 8] . The essentia l o il of P. tomen tosa contains mostly pheno lic and a ldehyde
compounds w hich are probably responsible for these an tim icrobia l func tions. It also contains othe r active
compounds such as vanillin andα-terp ineo lwh ich had antibacterial properties. Vanillin a lso w as used in food
as an tiseptic and α-te rpineo lw as beneficia l fo r asthma[ 9] .
R eferences:
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[ 3]付明哲 ,袁福汉 ,卢兴民.泡桐花黄酮抗菌作用及对免疫机能的影响[ J] .中国兽医杂志 , 1999, 25(5):46-47.
[ 4]江苏新医学院. 中药大辞典 [M ] . 上海:上海科学技术出版社 , 1985. 1 456.
[ 5] KANG K H , HUH H , K IM B K. An an tiv iral furanoquinone from Pau lown ia tomen tosa S teud. [ J] . Phy toth er Res, 1999, 13(7):624-626.
[ 6] KANG K H , JANG SK , K IM BK. An tibacteria lpheny lpropanoid glycosid es from Pau lown ia tom en tosa S teud. [ J] . A rch Pharm Res, 1994,
[ 7] SLAVKOVSKA V , JANC IC R, BO JOV IC S. Variab ility of essen tial oils ofSa turejam on tana L. andSatureja kitaibeliiW ierzb. ex H euf.f from
th e cen tral part of th eB a lkan pen in sula [ J] . Phytoch em isty, 2001, 57:71-76.
[ 8]孙凌峰.植物精油及萜类成分的生物活性 [ J] . 江西师范大学学报 , 2000, 24(2):159-162.
[ 9]孙 彬 ,王 鸿 ,陆 曼. 用超临界 CO 2流体萃取技术研究中药百里香挥发性化学成分 [ J] .西北植物学报 , 2001, 21(5):990-996.
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