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全 文 :中国藓类植物两个新分布属———脆尖藓属和卷枝藓属
马文章1,James R. SHEVOCK2*
(1 中国科学院昆明植物研究所东亚植物多样性与生物地理学重点实验室标本馆,昆明 650201;
2 美国加利福利亚州科学院植物学部,旧金山 加利福利亚 94118)
摘要:报道和描述了花叶藓科 (Calymperaceae)和平藓科 (Neckeraceae)在中国的两个新分布属:脆尖藓
属 (新拟名)(Arthrocormus Dozy & Molk. )和卷枝藓属 (新拟名)(Noguchiodendron T. N. Ninh & Pócs)。脆
尖藓 (A. schimperi)和球蒴卷枝藓 (N. sphaerocarpum)分别为这两个单种属的模式种,前者在热带亚洲及大
中图分类号:Q 949 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2095-0845(2015)04-389-07
New Distributional Records of Two Monotypic Moss Genera
Arthrocormus and Noguchiodendron in China
MA Wen-zhang1,James R. SHEVOCK2*
(1 Herbarium,Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asia,Kunming Institute of Botany,Chinese
Academy of Sciences,Kunming 650201,China;2 Department of Botany,California Academy of Sciences,
55 Music Concourse Dr.,Golden Gate Park,San Francisco,California USA 94118)
Abstract:Two monotypic genera,Arthrocormus Dozy & Molk. and Noguchiodendron T. N. Ninh & Pócs are reported
as new distributional records for China. Arthrocormus schimperi is widely distributed in tropical Asia and Oceania,
while N. sphaerocarpum is previously reported from Bhutan,India,Nepal and Thailand. Arthrocormus schimperi looks
like some Leucobryaceae species and N. sphaerocarpum resembles Homaliodendron spp. We speculate these are the
main reasons why they have been overlooked by collectors. The extremely brittle tips with a cylindrical appearance in
the upper portion of leaves make Arthrocormus very distinguishable in the field,while the strongly curled branch in
dry condition is the most diagnostic feature of Noguchiodendron. Illustrations for both taxa reported are provided for
reference purposes.
Key words:New distributional records;Arthrocormus;Noguchiodendron;Bryophyte inventory;Yunnan
Moss,liverwort and hornwort checklists have
been produced for China over the last two decades
(Piippo,1990;Redfearn et al.,1996;Jia and He,
2013). With ongoing collection and inventory,new
distribution records were incorporated into the re-
cently completed eight volumes of the Moss Flora of
China (Wu et al.,1999-2011). Nevertheless,even
with these recent floristic works,much inventory
work remains in China. Yunnan Province has the
largest assemblage of bryophyte species in China.
New species and new records for Yunnan have been
described and reported in the past ten years (She-
植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报 2015,37 (4):389~395
Plant Diversity and Resources DOI:10.7677 /ynzwyj201514130
* Author for correspondence;E-mail:Jshevock@calacademy. org
Received date:2014-09-19,Accepted date:2015-03-24
作者简介:马文章 (1981-)男,助理研究员,主要从事苔藓植物学研究。E-mail:mawenzhang@mail. kib. ac. cn
vock,2005;Enroth and Ji,2006;Shevock et al.,
2006;Long and Váňa,2007;Váňa and Long,
2008,2009;He et al.,2009;Bednarek-Ochyra
and Ochyra,2010;Enroth et al.,2010;Blom et
al.,2011;Caparrós et al.,2011;Shevock et al.,
2011;Peng and Zhu,2013;Ma et al.,2014).
These discoveries had contributed to a better under-
standing of the bryoflora in China.
As part of the ongoing bryophyte inventory work
for China,two monotypic genera:Arthrocormus Dozy
& Molk. and Noguchiodendron T. N. Ninh & Pócs
are now documented as new for the country. Both
species are represented by voucher specimens col-
lected by the authors from several field expeditions
in Yunnan Province. The description,illustrations
and discussion for these two species are listed sepa-
rately as follows.
1 Arthrocormus schimperi (Dozy & Molk.)Dozy
& Molk.,Music Fr. Ined. Archip. Indici 76. 27. 1846.
Mielichhoferia schimperi Dozy & Molk.,Ann.
Sci. Nat. Bot. Sét. 3:312. 1844.
Octoblepharum schimperi (Dozy & Molk)Mitt.
J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 10:178. 1868.
Mielichhoferia trifaria Dozy & Molk. Bryol. Jav.
1:25. 1855,nom. nud. in synon.
Leucophanes trifaria Hampe in Dozy & Molk.,
Bryol. Jav. 1:25. 1855,nom. nud. in synon.
Arthrocormus thraustus C. Müll. in Par.,Ind.
Bryol. Suppl. 16. 1900,nom. nud. in synon.
Illustrations:Fig. 1,see also Eddy 1989 (p.
34);Enroth 1990(p. 107) ;Whittier 1976(p. 110).
Description:Plant medium sized,1. 5-3. 5 cm
high,whitish pale green. Stems usually not branched,
Fig. 1 Arthrocormus schimperi (Dozy & Molk.)Dozy & Molk. A. Broken leaf;B. Cells at basal sheath;C. Cross sections in the upper
middle of leaf. Scale:a= 0. 5 mm (for A);b= 50 μm (for B-C) (Drawn from Ma 12-3477,KUN) (Drawn by W. Z. Ma)
093 植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报 第 37卷
epi-gametophytic plants common. Leaves ranked in 3
rows,rigid,up to 8 mm long,0. 5-0. 8 mm wide,
oblanceolate,upper parts of lamina cylindrical and
subulate,gradually narrowing into an acute apex,
which composed entirely of the hyaline leucocysts,
very fragile;leaf base keeled. Chlorocysts of the cos-
ta polygonal in cross-section,in one layer at base,
in two layers in middle and finally in three layers
further up,superficial ones covered by a hyalocyst
layer one cell in thickness. Hyaline lamina confined
to the sheathing base of the leaf,cells mostly rectan-
gular,thin-walled,marginal ones narrow,linear in
3 - 4 rows. Dioicous. Female gametoecia terminal.
Perichaetial leaves small,narrowly lanceolate,pa-
raphyses filiform,hyaline,short.
Sporophyte not seen.
Gemmae clavate or fusiform,often present at tips
of unbroken leaves.
nesia,Malaysia,New Guinea,Philippines,Samoa,
Singapore,Sri Lanka. New for China.
Specimens examined:CHINA:Yunnan,Hek-
ou County:Nanxi Zhen,Shabachong,on decaying
wood in seasonal rain forest,535 m,22°3850″ N,
103°5052″ E,6 May 2012,Ma 12-3477 (CAS,
Discussion:Records show that Arthrocormus
schimperi has a very wide distribution throughout
Southeast Asia and Oceania,and further expands in-
to tropical Pacific islands such as Fiji and Samoa
(Whittier,1976;Enroth,1990). This species dis-
covered in China represents the northern edge of its
distribution range. As the Chinese collecting site of
A. schimperi is only a few kilometers from the Sino-
Vietnamese border,theoretically,it could also be
found in Vietnam or Laos,although no literature has
reported this species to date.
The extreme fragility of the leaf-tips in Arthro-
cormus,as suggested by Eddy (1989),may be the
primary reason why A. schimperi has often been ig-
nored,since most collectors would not consider the
broken leaf tips to become a quality herbarium speci-
men (Fig. 2). Therefore,it is not surprising that
this species is largely under-collected in tropical re-
gions. Besides the rigid leaves with broken tips,the
upper portion leaf in A. schimperi is cylindrical,which
is the most unique feature observed in the field.
Fig. 2 Plants of Arthrocormus schimperi (Dozy & Molk.)Dozy & Molk.
(Ma 12-3477,KUN)(Photo by F. Z. Shangguan)
When looking at the specimen,A. schimperi is
easily mistaken for some species of Leucophanes or
Leucobryum,this too may account for it being over-
looked. However,a comprehensive survey of uniden-
tified specimens of Calymperaceae and Leucobryace-
ae in KUN by the first author failed to locate any ad-
ditional records in China. Since most of the herbari-
um specimens were collected before the 2000s,this
new record of Arthrocormus might be a result of re-
cent climate change that favors tropical species to
disperse towards the subtropical region.
1934期 MA and SHEVOCK:New Distributional Records of Two Monotypic Moss Genera Arthrocormus and …
2 Noguchiodendron sphaerocarpum (Noguchi)
T. N. Ninh & Pócs,Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung. 27:
161. 1981.[Neckeraceae]
Homaliodendron sphaerocarpum Noguchi,Fl. E.
Himalaya:p. 576,1966.
Illustrations:Fig. 3. See also Gangulee (1978:
1422),and Noguchi (1966:575)as Homalioden-
dron sphaerocarpum.
Description:Epiphytic,dendroid,large in size,
4. 1- 8. 9 cm tall,stolons long and creeping,rhi-
zoids well developed and adhering tight to tree trunk.
Erect stem uni-(very rarely) ,bi- or tri-pinnately
branched,stipe 1. 5-3. 0 cm long. The upper part of
branching system is strongly recurved when dry.
Cross section of stem elliptic,ca. 0. 5-0. 7 × 0. 7-
0. 9 mm in diameter,central strand present,formed
by 10-17 cells of narrow lumen with thin yellowish
or light brownish cell walls;cortical cell 8-10 lay-
ers,hexagonal,cell walls strongly incrassate,yel-
lowish brown;medullary cells thin-walled. Stipe
leaves 0. 9-1. 0 × 1. 4-2. 0 mm,broad ovate with a
round and apiculate tip,appressed to stalk,decur-
rent at base,cells linear,5. 5-8. 0 × 34-82 μm,
cell walls incrassate,porose. Stem leaves oblong-
ovate to ovate,1. 2 - 1. 6 mm wide,1. 9 - 2. 2 mm
long,and horizontally expanded or erect,longitudi-
nally plicate when dry,apex obtuse,serrulate from
the tip to 1/3 of leaf length,teeth at the top are larger.
Fig. 3 Noguchiodendron sphaerocarpum (Noguchi)T. N. Ninh & Pócs A. Branch leaf;B. Stem leaf;C. Stipe leaf;D-G. Stem leaf cells
(D:Apical;E:Upper marginal leaf cells;F:Median leaf cells;G:Basal leaf cells);H. Stipe leaf cells;I. Stipe cross section.
Scale:a= 1. 0 mm (for A-C) ;b= 100 μm (for D-G) (Drawn from Shevock & Ma 45359,CAS) (Drawn by W. Z. Ma)
293 植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报 第 37卷
Leaf base decurrent,curved inwardly at one side by
lateral leaves,which appear asymmetrical,leaf cells
smooth,slightly incrassate,subquadrate to rhomboid
at tip,8-10 × 14-20 μm,and gradually become
longer towards base,7-10 × 20-40 μm at middle
and 8-13 × 40-72 μm at base. Alar region consis-
ted of a group of rectangular cells,7-13 × 17-25
μm in size. Costa single, stout, usually finely
forked,ending near the apex. Branch leaves ovate,
0. 54-0. 60 × 0. 78-0. 90 mm,appressed to erect;
Leaf margins serrulato-dentate at tip,becoming den-
tato-crenulate towards the middle of leaf.
Perichaetial leaves up to 2. 5 mm long,outer
leaves ovate,appressed,their apex spreading,elon-
gate-lingulate,inner leaves erect,from a wide,ovate
base suddenly narrowed into a lanceolate to lingulate
with serrulate apex. Seta curved,short and thin,
2. 0- 2. 7 mm long,smooth,yellowish brown,and
become reddish brown at maturity;capsule subglo-
bose,straight or slightly inclined,1. 2-1. 5 mm long
and 1. 0-1. 2 mm in diameter. Exothecial cells thin-
walled,quadrate to hexagonal,irregularly arranged;
annulus well differentiated. Peristome teeth double,
linear-lanceolate,coarsely papillose,especially to-
wards base. Operculum conical,1. 1-1. 3 mm long,
with a short,inclined rostrum. Calyptra cucullate,
smooth. Spores spherical,20 - 28 μm in diameter,
slightly papillose. Flagelliform branches present at
the tip.
New for China.
Specimens examined:CHINA:Yunnan,Bao-
shan,Longyang District:Mangkuan Xiang,Baihua-
ling Village,old road between Hanlong and Da-
luchang villages,1 805 m,25°1819″ N,98°4740″
E,11 Oct 2007,Long & Shevock 37490 (E,CAS,
H,KUN);along road between Yibansan and Zhang-
angfang forestry station sites,2 200 m,4 Jul 2014,
Shevock & Ma 45359 (BOL,CAS,DR,E,H,
KUN,NY,TAIE) ;trail to Nanzhaigongfang Pass
between Huangzhu River and trailhead,2 350 m,8
Jul 2014,Shevock & Ma 45479 (CAS,CONN,H,
gong County:Lishadi Xiang,Yaduo Village,east
slope of Gaoligongshan,north bank of North Fork
Yamu River,along road about 3 km above Shibali
Forestry Station,2 735 m,27°1018″ N,98°4616″
E,6 Aug 2005,Long 34418 (CAS,E,H,KUN) ;
Tengchong County:Qushi Zhen,along the Tea-
Horse Ancient Trail towards Nanzhaigongfang Pass,
2 439 m,25°1657″ N,98°4224″ E,19 Mar 2014,
Ma 14- 5515 (CAS,KUN) ;along the Tea-Horse
Ancient Trail towards Nanzhaigongfang Pass,2 554
m,25°1706″ N,98°4259″ E,19 Mar 2014,Ma
14-5531 (CAS,KUN) ;Yongde County:Wumu-
long Xiang,Yinchangjie Village,along trail from
reservoir to Yinchangjie Forestry Station,2 550 m,
24°1054″ N,99°3855″ E,26 Sep 2014,Shevock,
Ma & Yao 43546 (CAS,H,KUN).
Homaliodendron sphaerocarpum Noguchi was first
described by Noguchi (1966). As additional materi-
al from India,Nepal and Thailand were examined by
Ninh and Pócs,they separated this species from Ho-
maliodendron and established the new genus Nogu-
chiodendron,based on the following features:cen-
tral strand present in stem (Fig. 3I),dry branches
recurved (Fig. 4C) ,capsule subglobose (Fig. 4B) ,
exthothecial cells not arranged in lines,endostome
segments not keeled,and annulus well differentiated.
As a Himalayan species extending eastward to
the Gaoligongshan Range and Nushan Range,the
discovery of N. sphaerocarpum in Yunnan had been
expected by Ninh and Pócs (1981)based on other
species with similar distribution patterns. Several
specimens previously named as Penzigiella sp. and
Homaliodendron sp. in the field proved to be N. sph-
aerocarpum upon closer inspection,and we specu-
late that the deceptive appearance of N. sphaerocarpum
would be the main reason why it was overlooked by
collectors. In a dry condition,fronds of N. sphaeroc-
arpum are folded and curled into a circinate whorl
which resemble Penzigiella cordata (Hook et Harv.)
3934期 MA and SHEVOCK:New Distributional Records of Two Monotypic Moss Genera Arthrocormus and …
M. Fleischer. When hydrated (Fig. 4A),N. sphaer-
ocarpum looks very similar to Homaliodendron scal-
pellifolium (Mitt.)M. Fleischer or H. montagneanum
(Müll. Hal.)M. Fleischer. It thus becomes under-
standable why N. sphaerocarpum is either under-col-
lected or overlooked in the field,or is misidentified
later in the lab without careful examination under
the microscope. Not surprisingly,several individuals
of P. cordata and H. scalpellifolium were extracted
among N. sphaerocarpum voucher specimens cited
The individuals of Noguchiodendron sphaerocarpum
discovered in Yunnan,generally are smaller in size
as compared to the populations from Thailand accord-
ing to the description by Ninh and Pócs (1981). The
populations in western Yunnan share more similari-
ties with those that occur in the Himalayan region.
However,the porose walls near the costa in the bot-
tom part of stem leaves (Ninh and Pócs 1981)were
not observed in our collections. So,more specimens
are needed for a better understanding of this South-
east Asian endemic genus.
We have determined that it is not always easy to
recognize Noguchiodendron sphaerocarpum in the field,
especially when a sporophyte is not available (the
subglobose capsule with a slightly pendulous seta is
very diagnostic in this species). When the plants are
dry,it could be easily taken as Penzigiella cordata,
but N. sphaerocarpum has more appressed leaves
with a conspicuous apiculate apex as compared to the
abrupt leaf tips in P. cordata. Also,in P. cordata,the
main branch is prominent and often forming very
long or even pendent structures. When plants are
wet,confusion with Homaliodendron scalpellifolium
Fig. 4 Plant of Noguchiodendron sphaerocarpum (Noguchi)Ninh & Pócs (Shevock & Ma 45359,CAS).
A:wet plant;B:capsules and setae;C:dry plant. (Photo by Aaron Yang and Codie Otte)
493 植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报 第 37卷
seems inevitable;the best way to tell them apart is
to check the leaves on secondary stems. The stem
leaves in H. scalpellifolium are large and spreading,
which covers about 1/3 the length of the stem below
the lowest branching point,while the leaves on the
secondary stem of N. sphaerocarpum is more scale-like
and adhering on stem. In both situations,a hand lens
will be of great importance in telling them apart.
Acknowledgments:Dr. Johannes Enroth from University of
Helsinki is thanked for his identification and confirmation of
Noguchiodendron sphaerocarpum specimens. Special thanks
are given to the Forest Department of Yunnan Province for
permitting our field work in the National Nature Reserves. The
administrative staffs and forest guides from Daweishan,Gaoli-
gongshan and Yongde Daxueshan are appreciated for their
help during the field work.
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5934期 MA and SHEVOCK:New Distributional Records of Two Monotypic Moss Genera Arthrocormus and …

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