全 文 :柏木生长性状变异研究
谭小梅 1*,周益权 2 (1.重庆市林业科学研究
院,重庆 400036;2.重庆市中药研究院 ,重庆
摘 要 [目的 ]探索重庆市柏木生长性状变
基础。 [方法]对重庆市綦江、彭水和酉阳 3 个
优良柏木林分的生长性状等进行调查。 [结果]
林分最差, 材积生长平均值分别为 0.14、0.11
和 0.06 m3。林分间,主要生长指标的变异系数
均在 11.31%以上 , 材积变异系数最大为
39.11%,林分内,树高的变异基本相当 ,均在
20%左 右 。 胸 径 的 变 异 以 綦 江 最 大 ,为
42.42%,酉阳次之。 材积的变异与胸径一致,
利。 [结论]开展柏木种源选择很有必要。
关键词 柏木;生长性状;变异;种源;林分
基金项目 重庆市科技攻关计划项目“珍贵用
油料种质资源库建设”; 重庆市财政野生动植
作者简介 谭小梅 (1980-),女,四川眉山人 ,
E-mail: txmzyq2006@126.com。 * 通讯作者。
收稿日期 2014-12-23
修回日期 2015-02-15
Study on the Variation in Growth Traits of
Cupressus funebris
Xiaomei TAN1*, Yiquan ZHOU2
1. Chongqing Academy of Forestry, Chongqing 400036, China;
2. Chongqing Academy of Chinese Materia Medica, Chongqing 400065, China
Supported by Key Scientific and Technological Project of Chongqing Study on
Collection, Protection and Breeding Technology of Cupressus funebris Germplasm
Resources; Special Fund for Construction of Forest Tree Breeding System of
Chongqing Finance Bureau Construction of Woody Oil-bearing Plant Germplasm
Resource Database; Project of Wildlife Protection and Nature Reserve Construction of
Chongqing Finance Bureau Study on Key Breeding Technology of Artocarpus
*Corresponding author. E-mail: txmzyq2006@126.com
Received: December 23, 2014 Accepted: February 15, 2015A
Agricultural Science & Technology, 2015, 16(3): 558-561
Copyright訫 2015, Information Institute of HAAS. All rights reserved Forestry
C upressus funebris, an ever-green large tree species ingenus Cupressus of family Cu-
pressaceae, is highly adaptable and
resistant to drought and barren, which
prefers limestone soil especially, with
rapid growth and high productivity.
Due to moderate hardness, C. fune-
bris wood is easy to process with
smooth section, fine and uniform
structure, small shrinkage and strong
corrosion resistance; therefore, C. fu-
nebris has become an excellent timber
material for decoration, advanced
furniture manufacture, carving and
plywood manufacture. Furthermore,
C. funebris exhibits a good adaptability
and can be used as the main species
in slash after control of pine wilt dis-
ease and an alternative tree species
of Pinus massoniana Lamb. In recent
years, a large number of studies have
been conducted on extensive cultiva-
tion of C. funebris in Sichuan, Chong-
qing, Guizhou, Zhejiang and other
southern provinces and regions in
China. Currently, seed orchard con-
struction [1], light-media seedling rais-
ing [2] and afforestation technology [3 -5]
of C. funebris have been explored
Chongqing is the main producing
area of C. funebris with a large distri-
bution range. Specifically, natural
forests or plantations of C. funebris are
widely distributed in 39 districts and
Abstract [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the variation in growth traits of
Cupressus funebris in Chongqing Municipality, thus laying the foundation for further
breeding and improvement of fine varieties. [Method] Growth traits of three fine stands
of C. funebris in Qijiang, Pengshui and Youyang of Chongqing Municipality were in-
vestigated. [Result] The results showed that C. funebris stand in Pengshui exhibited
the best growth performance, followed by C. funebris stand in Qijiang; C. funebris
stand in Youyang exhibited the poorest growth performance. The average volume
growth of C. funebris in Pengshui, Qijiang and Youyang was 0.14, 0.11 and 0.06
m3, respectively. Among different stands, variation coefficients of major growth traits
were above 11.31% , and the maximum variation coefficient of the volume was
39.11%; within the stands, variation coefficients of plant height were basically the
same (about 20%). The variation coefficient of diameter at breast height in Qijiang
reached the maximum of 42.42%, followed by that in Youyang. The variation coeffi-
cients of volume and diameter at breast height were consistent; seed bearing coeffi-
cient (SBC) of C. funebris stand in Pengshui exhibited the maximum variation,
which indicated that C. funebris stand in Pengshui was conducive to establishing
seed stands and constructing seed orchard by using the selected stands. [Conclu-
sion] It is necessary to conduct provenance selection.
Key words Cupressus funebris; Growth traits; Variation; Provenance; Stand
Agricultural Science & Technology2015
counties including Qijiang, Fuling,
Wulong, Pengshui, Qianjiang and
Youyang, exhibiting abundant re-
sources [6]. However, few researches
have been carried out on C. funebris
resources in Chongqing Municipality.
Therefore, investigating the genetic
variation in stands of C. funebris in
Chongqing Municipality and taking full
advantage of the extensive genetic
variation among provenances is of im-
portant significance for promoting the
construction of C. funebris and other
precious timber forests and accelerat-
ing the development of valuable timber
resources in Chongqing Municipality.
In this study, growth traits of three fine
stands of C. funebris in Qijiang, Peng-
shui and Youyang of Chongqing Mu-
nicipality were investigated, which
provided an important theoretical basis
for breeding and genetic improvement
of C. funebris in Chongqing Municipal-
ity and surrounding provinces and
Materials and Methods
The experiment was conducted in
Qijiang, Pengshui and Youyang of
Chongqing Municipality. Based on the
basic situation of C. funebris stands in
three districts and counties, fine plan-
tations of C. funebris with the same
age in Anwen Town of Qijiang County,
Hanjia Town of Pengshui County and
Xiaoba Town of Youyang County were
selected for survey. All the stands
were afforested with locally collected
seedlings. The plantation area was
above 7 hm2 and all the C. funebris
plants were 22 -24 years old. The
basic situation of these plantations of
C. funebris was shown in Table 1.
Survey of growth traits
In the surveyed plantations, three
20 m × 20 m temporary plots were set
in representative areas. Each plant
taller than 4 cm in the plot was mea-
sured. To investigate the growth per-
formance of various stands, plant
height, diameter at breast height,
crown width (east-west and north-
south crown widths were measured
and averaged), clear bole height
(height of the first living branch from
the ground), stem straightness (divid-
ed into five grades of straight, relative-
ly straight, moderate, bent and
severely bent[7-8], denoted by 5, 4, 3, 2
and 1; a higher score indicated higher
straightness) and seed bearing coeffi-
cient (divided into five levels of numer-
ous, relatively numerous, moderate,
relatively rare, rare, denoted by 5, 4, 3,
2 and 1; a higher score indicated high-
er seed bearing rate) of C. funebris
plants were investigated[9-10]; site con-
ditions, climate environmental condi-
tions, planting density, mixing situa-
tion, afforestation measures and other
major afforestation activities in C. fu-
nebris plantations were recorded.
Statistical analysis
Correlation analysis was per-
formed using SPSS13.0 software; the
coefficient of variation was calculated
using Excel software. Individual vol-
ume (V) was calculated according to
the formula
V =0.000 0571 7 ×D1.31.881 330 5 ×
H0.995 68845; where, D and H indicated the
diameter at breast height and plant
height, respectively. In data analysis,
stem straightness and seed bearing
coefficient were converted by .
Results and Analysis
Analysis of growth traits
The growth performance of C. fu-
nebris plantations in Qijiang, Pengshui
and Youyang was shown in Table 2.
Specifically, C. funebris stand in
Pengshui exhibited the best growth
performance, followed by that in Qi-
jiang; C. funebris stand in Youyang
exhibited the poorest growth perfor-
mance. The average volume growth
of C. funebris in Pengshui, Qijiang
and Youyang was 0.14 m3, 0.11 m3
and 0.06 m3, respectively. Crown
width, stem straightness and volume
of C. funebris showed the same varia-
tion pattern among three provenances,
which reached the maximum in Peng-
shui, followed successively by Qijiang
and Youyang. C. funebris stands in
Qijiang displayed the highest clear
bole height (3.8 m) and those in Peng-
shui showed the highest seed bearing
coefficient, which was conducive to
establishing seed stands and con-
structing seed orchard by using the
selected stands[11].
The variation in growth traits among
Cupressus funebris stands
Under the natural growth pattern
and without any artificial nursery
management measures, average plant
height, diameter at breast height and
volume of 22-24 years old C. funebris
plantations were 14.5 m, 11.53 cm and
0.10 m3, respectively, and the variation
ranges among three provenances
were 13.30-16.40 m, 9.60-13.30 cm
and 0.06 -0.14 m3, respectively. The
variation coefficients of major growth
traits were above 11.31%; to be specif-
ic, the maximum variation coefficient of
volume was 39.11% , which indicated
that C. funebris stands varied signifi-
cantly among different provenances,
exhibiting a huge selection potential.
Thus, it is extremely necessary to
conduct provenance selection of C. fu-
nebris in Chongqing Municipality [12-13].
In addition, clear bole height, crown
width and seed bearing coefficient also
Table 1 Basic situation of fine plantations of Cupressus funebris
Location Altitude∥m Annual mean temperature∥℃ Annual rainfall∥mm Age Aspect Slope∥° Stand composition
Qijiang 530 18.8 1 070 24 Southwest 18-20 Pure stand
Pengshui 630 17.6 1 224 24 South 18-20 Pure stand
Youyang 670 14.9 1 380 22 Southeast 22-25 Pure stand
Table 2 Growth traits of Cupressus funebris
Stand Plantheight∥m
Diameter at breast
Clear bole
Seed bearing
Qijiang 13.90 11.70 0.11 3.30 3.80 2.50 1.40
Pengshui 16.40 13.30 0.14 3.60 3.30 2.80 2.40
Youyang 13.30 9.60 0.06 2.20 2.00 2.00 1.70
Agricultural Science & Technology 2015
Table 3 The variation in growth traits among Cupressus funebris stands
Trait Plantheight∥m
Diameter at breast
Clear bole
Seed bearing
Mean 14.50 11.53 0.10 3.00 3.00 2.40 1.80
Range 13.30-16.40 9.6-13.3 0.06-0.14 2.20-3.60 2.00-3.80 2.00-2.80 1.40-2.40
CV∥% 11.31 16.09 39.11 24.30 30.63 16.61 27.99
exhibited a great variation, which could
be used to select fine materials and
establish fast-growing, high-yielding
plantations and seed orchards.
The variation in growth traits within
Cupressus funebris stands
Based on variation analysis of
growth traits within C. funebris stands,
plant height of C. funebris was basi-
cally consistent (around 20% ) within
the same plantation. The variation co-
efficient of diameter at breast height
reached the maximum (42.42%) in Qi-
jiang and was relatively low (24.78%)
in Youyang that was reduced by 18
percentage points compared with that
in Qijiang. Volume of C. funebris
showed consistent variation pattern to
diameter at breast height within the
same plantation, which indicated that
diameter at breast height possessed a
decisive effect on volume growth [14].
The variation in diameter at breast
height and volume also confirmed the
feasibility and necessity of selecting
fine stands of C. funebris [8, 13]. Accord-
ing to variation analysis of crown
width, clear bole height and stem
straightness in three C. funebris
provenances, clear bole height exhibit-
ed the maximum variation range. To
be specific, the variation coefficient of
clear bole height reached the maxi-
mum in Qijiang and reached the mini-
mum in Youyang, and the maximum
variation coefficient of clear bole height
was improved by nearly 30 percentage
points compared with the minimum,
which was consistent with the variation
pattern of diameter at breast height
and volume. Furthermore, seed bear-
ing coefficient of C. funebris exhibited
the maximum variation in Pengshui
and slightly smaller variation in
Conclusion and Discussion
According to survey results, aver-
age volume growth of C. funebris plan-
tations in Qijiang, Pengshui and
Youyang was 0.14, 0.11 and 0.06 m3,
respectively. Crown width, stem
straightness and volume exhibited the
same variation pattern among three
provenances. C. funebris stands in
Youyang exhibited poor growth per-
formance. This might be due to that
these three C. funebris stands were all
pure stands, with an average planting
density of about 2 m × 3 m, which be-
longed to a natural growth pattern
without any seedling cultivation mea-
sures. Therefore, the great variation in
the growth performance of C. funebris
might be derived from two factors: ①
site environmental conditions. The ex-
perimental site of C. funebris stand in
Youyang had a large slope of 22°-25°,
with an uphill slope position, sunny
slope aspect and slightly high altitude,
resulting in the great variation in
growth between C. funebris stand in
Youyang and other two plantations; ②
inherent genetic differences. Accord-
ing to the growth performance of C. fu-
nebris stands in Qijiang and Pengshui,
it is preliminarily believed that C. fune-
bris stands in sites with relatively low
altitude, sunny aspect, moderate slope
and deep soil layer are more con-
ducive to the improvement of growth,
stem shape, seed bearing and other
Average plant height, diameter at
breast height and volume of C. fune-
bris stands were 14.50 m, 11.53 cm
and 0.10 m3, respectively, and the vari-
ation ranges were 13.30 -16.40 m,
9.60-13.30 cm and 0.06-0.14 m3, re-
spectively. According to the basic situ-
ation of C. funebris stands in three
plantations, C. funebris is a precious
timber tree species with good growth
and wide adaptability that exhibits
greater advantages for development
compared with nanmu, ginkgo and
other rare species cultivated in
Chongqing Municipality [6]. Thus, culti-
vation and utilization of C. funebris re-
sources should be strengthened.
The variation analysis within
C. funebris stands shows that growth
traits of C. funebris stands in Qijiang
exhibit the maximum variation coeffi-
cient, which indicates that C. funebris
resources in Qijiang have a great se-
lection potential. Therefore, fine stands
of C. funebris should be selected to
obtain a higher genetic gain. More-
over, the present study also conforms
the feasibility and necessity of select-
ing fine stands of C. funebris. Seed
bearing coefficient of C. funebris
stands exhibited the maximum varia-
tion in Pengshui and slightly smaller
variation in Youyang. In reconstruction
of seed stands with these two C. fune-
bris stands, the stand in Pengshui ex-
hibits higher selection intensity, and
the reconstructed seed stands will ob-
tain a higher genetic gain in seed bear-
ing traits[14-15].
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