全 文 :Investigation of Types and Hazard of Weeds in
Coffea arabica Orchads in Nujiang River Basin
Faguang HU* , Rongfu LI, Xiaofei BI, Yaqin LONG, Rongqi GUO, Yanchun YU, Guiping LI,
Wandong WANG, Yingchun ZHOU
Institute of Tropical and Subtropical Cash Crops, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Baoshan 678000, China
Supported by the Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest, China
*Corresponding author. E-mail: Hfg2632@126.com
Received: September 15, 2012 Accepted: October 18, 2012A
Agricultural Science & Technology, 2012, 13(11): 2367-2369
Copyright訫 2012, Information Institute of HAAS. All rights reserved Plant Protection
Abstract [Objective] Through the investigation of weeds in Coffea arabica orchads in
Nujiang River basin, this study aimed to provide scientific guidance for the weed
control and improving the ecological and economic benefits of the plantation of Cof-
fea arabica. [Method] The types of weeds and the characteristics of weed occur-
rence in Coffea arabica orchads in Nujiang River basin were investigated from July
to August in 2012. [Result] The results showed that there were 69 types of weeds
belonging to 21 families in Coffea arabica orchads. The predominant harmful types
were shown as follows: Commelina nudiflora L. + Leptochloa chinensis, Cyperus ro-
tundus L. + Bidens pilosa L. + Eleusine indica, Imperata cylindrical + Ageratum
conyzoides L. + Eupatorium odoratum L., Ageratum conyzoides L. + Digitaria san-
guinalis (L.) Scop. The preponderant weeds consisted mainly of 10 species, namely,
Cyperus rotundus L., Commelina nudiflora L., Leptochloa chinensis, Digitaria san-
guinalis (L.) Scop, Imperata cylindrical, Bidens pilosa L., Ageratum conyzoides L, E-
upatorium odoratum L., Eleusine indica and Chenopodium serotinum L. [Conclusion]
The result from this study is of great significance for the plantation of Coffea arabica
in Nujiang River basin, as well as the control of weeds.
Key words Investigation; Coffea arabica; Types and hazard of weeds; Nujiang River
W eeds are formidable ene-mies for crop production. Ac-cording to the statistics from
Food and Agriculture Organization of
the United Nations(FAO), the econom-
ic loss can amount to $20.1 billion ev-
ery year due to the hazard caused by
weeds. In China, the loss caused by
weeds can account for 10%[1]. The oc-
currence and hazard of weeds in farm-
land restrict the improvement of crop
yield. Even under better conditions for
weed control in modern agriculture,
the crop yield can be diminished by
10% , and even 45% -96% if without
any weed control measures[2-8]. Coffea
arabica which belongs to Coffea in Ru-
biaceae, is native to Ethiopia and Ara-
bian peninsula. As a major cash crop
in Nujiang River basin, the present
planting area of Coffea arabica has
been over 1×104 hm2. In order to pro-
vide scientific guidance for weed con-
trol and improving the ecological and
economic benefits of the plantation of
Coffea arabica, the types of weeds
and the characteristics of weed occur-
rence in Coffea arabica orchads in
Nujiang River basin were investigated.
Investigated Sites and Me-
Investigated sites
According to the actual planting
area and location of Coffea arabica or-
chads in Nujiang River basin, 52 in-
vestigated sites were established and
selected from July to August in 2012.
All the investigated sites were located
in Yunnan Province, among which 43
were located in Baoshan City, includ-
ing 18 at Lujiang Town and 21 at
Mangkuan Township in Longyang
District, one situated at Mengnuo
Township and three at Mucheng
Township in Longling County. In ad-
dition, there were another two at
Liuku Town and seven at Shangjiang
Township in Lushui County of Nu-
jiang Prefecture.
Investigation methods
The investigation was conducted
at both fixed sites and random sites.
The area of each investigated Coffea
arabica orchad was no less than 33
225 m2, of which 300 m2 was investi-
gated by using the W-shaped sam-
pling method with nine points. The
names, types, number and height of
weeds within a quadrat(1 m×1 m) were
investigated and recorded, in addition
to the collection of specimens. The
collected specimens were classified
and identified with reference to the
Color Atlas of Weeds in Farmland of
China by Wang et al.[9] and the Record
of Weeds in China by Li et al.[10]
Results and Analysis
Types of weeds
The result of investigation showed
that the hazard of weeds was serious
and the types of weeds were multi-
tudinous, which covered 21 families in
total. Weeds in Asteraceae, Poaceae,
Euphorbiaceae and Solanaceae took
larger proportions. There were 17, 14,
6 and 6 types of weeds in Asteraceae,
Poaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Solanac-
eae, respectively, with corresponding
proportion of 24.64%, 20.29%, 8.70%
and 8.70%. In addition, there were four
types of weeds in either Amaran-
thaceae or Cyperaceae with a total
proportion of 11.59%, and 18 species
in the other families with a total pro-
portion of 26.09%(Table 1).
Agricultural Science & Technology
Agricultural Science & Technology Vol.13, No.11, 2012
Table 1 The result of investigation of weeds in Coffea arabica orchards in Nujiang River basin
Scientific name of weed Family name Scientific name of weed Family name
Equisetum debile Roxb.* Equisetaceae Emilia sonchifolia (L.)DC. Asteraceae
Pteridium aquilinum(L.)Kuhn ver. Latiuscum
Dennstaedtiaceae Artemisia apiacea Hance. Artemisia*
Polygonum amphibium L. var. terrestre Leyss* Polygonaceae Eupatorium adenophorum*
Chenopodium album L.* Chenopodiaceae Eupatorium odoratum L.*
Chenopodium serotinum L. Bidens biternata(Lout.)Merr. et Sherll
Amaranthus restroflexus L. Amaranthaceae Bidens pilosa L.
Amaranthus viridis L. Sonchus oleraceus Linn. L.
Alternanthera philoxcroides(Mart.)Griseb.* Ixeris chinensis (Thunb.)Nakai*
Alternanthera sessilis(L.)DC.* Xanthium sibiricum Patris
Portulaca oleracea L. Portulacaceae Carduus crisps L.*
Malachium aquaticum(L.)* caryophyllaceae Youngia japonica(Linn.)DC.
Oxalis corniculata L. Oxalidaceae Sigesbeckit pubescens(Makino)Makino
Sagittaria sagittifolia vat. Sinensis* Alismataceae Syedrella nodiflora
Cyperus rotundus L.* Cyperaceae Galinsoga Ruiz et Cav.
Cyperus compressus L. Tridax procumbens L.*
Cyperus duclouxii E-G.Camus* Solanum nigrum L. Solanaceae
Mariscus umbellatus Vahl*
Commelina nudiflora L. Commelinaceae
Datura stramonium L.
Physalis angulata L.
Digitaria sanguinalis(L.)Scop
Digitaria cruciata(Nees)A.Camus
Poaceae Physalis angulata L.
Solanum alatum Moench
Eleusine indica
Paspalum conjugatum Bergius
Solanum indicum L.*
Phyllanthus simplex R.Br. Euphorbiaceae
Setaria viridis
Setaria faberii Herrum
Phyllanthus urinaria Linn*
Euphorbia helioscopia L.
Cynodon dactylon*
Poa annua L.
Acalypha australis L.
Euphorbia hirta L.
Imperata cylindrical*
Phragmites communis Trim.*
Euphorbia humifusaWilld.
Malvastrum coromandelianum(L.)Gurcke* Malvaceae
Leptochloa chinensis
Echinochloa crusgalli (L.)Beauv
Hibiscus trionum L.
Pharbitis nil(L.)Choisy Convolvulaceae
Panicum repens Linn.*
Roegneria kamoji Ohwi*
Ipomoea sinensis
Verbena officinalis L.* Verbenaceae
Ageratum conyzoides L.
Comnyza canadensis L.
Asteraceae Centella asiatica(L.)Urb.* Umbelliferae
‘*’ represents perennial weeds.
Characteristics of the occurrence of
preponderant weeds and primary
structure types of harmful weeds
The characteristics of the occur-
rence of major pernicious weeds
The structure of weeds in Coffea ara-
bica orchads in Nujiang River basin
was complicated with various weed
types. The characteristics of the oc-
currence of major pernicious weeds
were as follows: Ageratum conyzoides
L. was most frequently seen, mainly in
Coffea arabica orchards on dry fields
and in hilly areas; Commelina nudiflora
L. mainly occurred in Coffea arabica
orchards on paddy fields with low alti-
tude and dry fields with high water
level; Cyperus rotundus L., Bidens pi-
losa L., and Eleusine indica were most
common in Coffea arabica orchards on
dry fields with low altitude, sometimes
on paddy fields; Imperata cylindrical
and Eupatorium odoratum L. were
most commonly distributed in Coffea
arabica orchards in hilly areas, which
may even be pervasive in some ex-
tensively managed Coffea arabica or-
chards or prematurely aged ones.
Primary structure types of harmful
weeds Through the investigation of
the structure of weed communities,
there were four major types of struc-
ture of harmful weeds: Commelina
nudiflora L. + Leptochloa chinensis
and Cyperus rotundus L. +Bidens pi-
losa L.+Eleusine indica were most fre-
quently seen in Coffea arabica or-
chards located in areas with a low alti-
tude of less than 900 m, which was
characterized by a variety of harmful
species and serious hazard and con-
sisted mainly of annual weeds; Agera-
Agricultural Science & Technology
Vol.13, No.11, 2012 Agricultural Science & Technology
胡发广 *,李荣福,毕晓菲,龙亚芹,郭容琦,俞艳春,李贵平,王万东,周迎春 (云南省农业科学院热带亚热带经济作物研究所,云南保山 678000)
摘 要 [目的]调查怒江流域小粒咖啡园的杂草情况,以期为杂草防除、提高小粒咖啡种植的生态和经济效益提供科学指导。[方法]2012年 7~8
月对怒江流域的小粒咖啡园杂草种类及发生情况进行调查。[结果]怒江流域小粒咖啡园杂草有 69种,分属 21科,主要危害类型以竹节菜+千金
飞机草、牛筋草及小藜等 10种。[结论]该研究结果对怒江流域小粒咖啡的种植及其杂草防除具有重要意义。
关键词 调查;小粒咖啡;杂草种类及危害;怒江流域
基金项目 公益性行业(农业)科研专项(No. 200903024-02)。
作者简介 胡发广(1979-),男,云南宣威人,助理研究员,主要从事热带作物有害生物综合控制研究,E-mail: Hfg2632@126.com。*通讯作者。
收稿日期 2012-09-15 修回日期 2012-10-18
Responsible editor: Fujuan QI Responsible proofreader: Xiaoyan WU
tum conyzoides L. + Digitaria san-
guinalis (L.)Scop +Emilia sonchifolia
(L.)DC. was most commonly seen in
Coffea arabica orchards in areas with
an intermediate altitude between 900-
1100 m; Imperata cylindrical+ Agera-
tum conyzoides L. + Eupatorium odor-
atum L. were most commonly distribut-
ed in Coffea arabica orchards in areas
with a high attitude of over 1 100 m.
Characteristics of the hazard of
The type of weeds was multitudi-
nous Coffea arabica is a perennial
cash crop with an economic life of
more than 30 years. Furthermore,
Nujiang River basin is an ecologically
particular region belonging to tropical
and subtropical climates, where the
weeds in farmland can amount to 69
types. During the investigation, there
were more than 15 types of weeds in
most investigated Coffea arabica or-
chards, and even up to 38 types in
Coffea arabica orchards on paddy
Proportion of perennial weeds was
huge Equisetum debile Roxb. and
Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn ver.
Latiuscum (Desv) Underw. were the
most serious species in Coffea arabica
orchards in Nujiang River basin.
Perennial weeds amounted to 28
types, which were classified into 16
families, accounting for 40.58% of the
total weed species (Table 1). Among
the ten preponderant species, up to
three species were perennial weeds,
namely, Cyperus rotundus L., Imperata
cylindrical and Eupatorium odoratum .
From the result of investigation,
there were 69 species of weeds which
belonged to 21 families in all the in-
vestigated Coffea arabica orchards in
Nujiang River basin. There were the
following four major types of structure
of harmful weeds: Commelina nudiflo-
ra L. + Leptochloa chinensis, Cyperus
rotundus L.+Bidens pilosa L.+Eleusine
indica, Imperata cylindrical+ Ageratum
conyzoides L. + Eupatorium odoratum
L., Ageratum conyzoides L.+ Digitaria
sanguinalis (L.)Scop. The preponder-
ant weeds contained Cyperus rotun-
dus L., Commelina nudiflora L., Lep-
tochloa chinensis, Digitaria sanguinalis
(L.)Scop, Imperata cylindrical, Bidens
pilosa L., Ageratum conyzoides L, Eu-
patorium odoratum L., Eleusine indica
and Chenopodium serotinum L. This
study is of great significance for the
plantation of Coffea arabica in Nujiang
River basin, as well as the control of
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