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全 文 :A new sesquiterpene lactone from the roots ofLasianthus acum inatissimus
LI B in
1, 2* , ZHANG Dong-m ing3 , LUO Yong-m ing1
(1. J iangx iUn iversity of Trad itiona lCh ineseM edicine, Nanchang 330006 , Ch ina;
2. B eijing Un iversity of T rad itiona l ChineseM edicine, B eijing 100029 , Ch ina;
3. Institute ofMateriaM ed ica, Chinese Academ y ofM edical S ciences and P ek ing UnionMed ical College, Beijing 100050 , China)
Abstract:Ami  To study the active constituents for the trea tmen t of rheumatoid arthritis from the
ethy l ace tate ex tracts o f the roo ts of Lasian thus acum inatissimusMerr. Methods V arious chroma tographic
techniques w ere used to separate and pu rify the constituents. The ir structure sw ere estab lished on the basis
of 1D , 2D NMR and HRMS spectroscopic analyses and their pre lim inary eva luation of anti-in flammation
effect on the re lease of β-g lucuronidase w as carried ou.t Results E ight compounds we re iso lated and
iden tified as lasianthuslactone A (1), codono lac tone (2), 2, 5-dime thoxy-1, 4-benzoquinone (3),
uncargenin A (4), nonadecy l alcoho l (5), 13-docosenoic acid (6), te tracosano ic acid (7) and β-
sitostero l (8). Compound 3 show ed a significan t inhibitory effect on re lease of β-g lucuron idase ra t
po lymo rphous nuclear leukocy tes activa ted by plate le t activating factor (PAF). Conclusion Compound 1
is a new one, the o thers we re iso lated from the plan t for the first time and 3 is one o f active anti-
in flammation compound in the plan.t
Key words:Lasianthus acum ina tissimus; lasianthuslactone A;2, 5-d imethoxy-1, 4-benzoquinone;
an ti-inflammation
CLC num ber:R284. 1;R284. 2   Docum ent code:A   A rticle ID:0513 -4870(2006)05 - 0426 -05
Received date:2005-08-24.
Foundat ion item:N ational Natu ral S cience Foundation of Ch ina
* Correspond ing au thor Tel:86 -791 - 7118993,
E-m ail:lily7077@ tom. com
李 斌 1, 2* , 张东明3 , 罗永明 1
(1. 江西中医学院 , 江西 南昌 330006;2. 北京中医药大学 , 北京 100029;
3. 中国医学科学院 、中国协和医科大学 药物研究所 , 北京 100050)
摘要:目的 研究长尾粗叶木根乙酸乙酯部分中抗类风湿性关节炎的有效成分。方法 采用各种色谱方法分
离纯化 , 运用现代波谱技术(1D, 2D-NMR和 HRM S等)鉴定各种化学成分 , 并对所分得的化学成分进行抑制 β-葡萄
糖酸苷酶释放的抗炎活性的筛选。结果 从长尾粗叶木乙酸乙酯部分分得 8个化合物 , 分别是:长尾粗叶木内酯 A
(1)、党参内酯(2)、2, 5-二甲氧基-1, 4-苯醌(3)、钩藤苷元 A(4)、正十九醇 (5)、顺-二十二碳-13-烯酸(6)、二十四烷
酸(7)和 β-谷甾醇(8)。另外 , 化合物 3对 PAF刺激的小鼠多形核白细胞 β-葡糖苷酸酶的释放具有明显的抑制作
用。结论 化合物 1是自然界首次发现的新化合物 ,其他化合物均是首次从该属植物中分得 , 化合物 3是长尾粗叶
关键词:长尾粗叶木;长尾粗叶木内酯 A;2, 5-二甲氧基-1, 4-苯醌;抗炎
  Lasianthus acum inatissimus Merr. is a p lant of
Rub iaceae fam ily, and used in traditiona lCh inese fo lk
medicine for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Our
prev ious chem ica l investiga tion showed six known
compounds from the ace tone extrac ts of the roots
[ 1]
Here we report the iso lation o f a new sesquite rpene
lactone name ly lasian thuslac tone A (1)[ 2 -4] , toge ther
w ith seven known compounds, codono lac tone (2)[ 3] ,
2, 5-dime thoxy-1, 4-benzoqu inone (3)[ 5] , uncargen in
426 药学学报 Ac ta Pharm aceu tica S in ica 2006, 41(5):426 - 430
A (4)[ 6] , nonadecy l alcoho l(5), 13-docoseno ic acid
(6), tetracosanoic acid (7)[ 7] and β-sitoste ro l (8)
from the ethy l ace tate extrac ts of the plan t, and
compounds 2 - 7 were iso lated from the p lant for the
first time. Their structu res w ere de term ined based on
1D , 2D NMR andHRMS spectroscopic analyses. F rom
the pre lim inary evaluation of an ti-inflamma tion effect,
we found tha t compound 3 has a significant inhibition
on release of β-g lucuronidase rat po lymo rphous nuc lear
leukocy tes activa ted by pla te let activating factor
(PAF ), wh ich revea led it w as an active anti-
in flammation compound in the plant
[ 8]
Compound 1 The HR-FAB mass spec trum of
compound 1 show ed the mo lecular ion peak atm /z
265.143 1 ( ca lcd. 265.143 9) correspond ing to
mo lecu lar formula to C15H21O4 [M +1] +, while UV
maxim a at 220.2 nm and IR bands at 3 450, 1 740,
1 685, 1 645, and 870 cm -1 suggested the p resence of
hydroxy l g roups, an α, β-unsaturated γ-lactone, and
an exocyc licme thy lene. In the
H NMR spec trum two
broad one-pro ton sing le ts at δ4.76 and 5.01 showed
the p resence o f an exocyclic methy lene. M e thy l
sing le ts we re a tδ1.05(CH3-15) and 2.06(CH3-13).
The EI-MS , 1H NMR , 13C NMR and DEPT spectral
data of 1 show ed it w as sim ila r to those of codonolac-
tone (2)[ 3] , except for the additional presence of a
hydroxy l group. Compared to the compound 2, the
H NMR da ta of 1 show ed an additional signal at δ
4.93(1H , b r d, J =10.5H z), the disappea rance o fδ
2.62(1H , dd, J =2.4, 13.5 H z, H-6α) and 2.43
(1H , t, J =13.5 H z, H-6β), wh ich show ed C-6 w as
sh ifted to a te rtiary carbon, and it w as probab ly
substituted by a hydroxyl group. The
C NMR data of
1 we re compared w ith those of compound 2, several
significant d ifferences invo lv ing the δC values of 1 were
[ 2 - 4] :(1) C-6 w as shifted to a low er fie ld (δC
67.4 cf24.6 fo r refe rence), C-5 w as sh ifted to a low er
fie ld (δC 60.0 cf 51.7 for refe rence). Such changes
w ere in ag reement w ith tha t the β-carbon is shifted to
low er fie ld due to the β-e ffec t of hydroxy l g roup. (2)
C-4 w as also upfie ld to 146.0 from 148.5 in reference,
th is change w as due to the γ-e ffec t o f hydroxy l group.
So the secondary hydroxy l cou ld only be a t the C-6
position. Because of the fact that the J value of the
doub let of H-6 is 10.5 H z, and acco rding to the
re lationship o f ang le be tw een tw o p lanes, the H-6
shou ld be a β configura tion and theOH linking to C-6
is a α configuration. Which w as confirmed by NOE
because of the NOEs w ere observed (Table 2) be tw een
CH3-15 (δ1.05) and H-6 (δ4.93). The propo sed
structure w as further proved by HMBC. In the HMBC
o f 1, the proton atδ4.93(H-6) exhibited cross-peaks
w ith the carbons a t δ60.0 (C-5), 159.1 (C-7),
123.5(C-11); the pro tons at δ5.10, 4.76(H-14,
=CH 2) w ith the carbons a t δ37.1(C-3), 60.0
(C-5);the pro ton atδ1.59(H-1β)w ith the carbons
at 23.1(C-2), 50.6(C-9), 37.0(C-10), 18.2
(C-15), the pro ton atδ1.27(H-1α)w ith the carbons
at 23.1 (C-2), 37.0 (C-10) and 18.2 (C-15),
respectively. Thus, compound 1was identified as 6β,
8β-dihydroxyeudesman-4 (14), 7 (11)-dien-8, 12-
o lide, name ly lasian thuslac tone A. A ll the 1H and 13 C
data of the compound 1 we re unamb iguously assigned
as by means o fHMBC.
Tab le 1 13C NMR spec tra l data for compounds 1
and 2 (CDC l3 , 125MHz)
C 1 2
1 41.4 41. 3
2 23.1 22. 3
3 37.1 36. 1
4 146.0 148. 5
5 60.0 51. 7
6 67.4 24. 6
7 159.1 160. 6
8 103.4 103. 3
9 50.6 51. 3
10 37.0 36. 7
11 123.5 122. 3
12 172.1 171. 9
13 9.1 8. 3
14 107.4 106. 9
15 18.2 16. 6
Table 2 The NOE co rrela tions of compound 1
Irrad iated 1H Observed 1H
5 1α

6 14
15 (M e)
15 (M e) 1β
In add ition , the 1H NMR and 13C NMR data o f
the compound 2 we re assigned correc tly too on the
basis o fHMBC andHMQC , and it is a comp lementary
to the re ference [ 3] .
The effects o f compounds 1 - 7 on release of β-
427 LI B in, et a l:A new se squite rpene lac tone from the roo ts of Lasianthus acum inatissim us
glucuronidase of ra t po lymo rph ic nuc lear leukocy tes
activa ted by plate let activa ting fac to r (PAF ) were
eva luated. In compa rison w ith that of contro l,
compound 3 significantly inhibited re lease of β-
glucuronidase by 147.8% (P <0.01 ) at final
concentration o f 0.5 μmo l L -1 , so compound 3 can
affect the func tions of ra t polymorphic nuc lear
leukocy tes, and its inh ib ito ry e ffec ts on ly sosomol
enzyme release, induced by PAF maybe rela ted w ith its
anti inflammato ry action. The results m ay suggest that
compound 3 is the active anti inflamma to ry compound
of the plan.t
F igure 1 Structures of compounds 1 - 3
F igure 2 Main H-C long-range co rrela tions observed
from theHMBC of 2
Expermi ental
M elting po in tsw ere determ ined w ith anXT4-100X
m icrome lting po int appara tus and are uncorrected. UV
spectra w ere recorded on a Shimadzu UV-260 spectro-
pho tome ter. IR spectra w ere obtained in KB r on a
Pe rkin E lme r 683 infrared spec tromete r.
C NMR spectra and 2D NMR experimen ts (HMQC ,
HMBC)were recorded on a Inova-500 spectrom eter.
HRFABMS and E IM S w e re de term ined on an
Au to spec-U ltima ETOF spectrometer. ESI-MS were
obtained on Agillen t 1100 Series LC M/ SD Trap mass
spectrome te r separately. S ilica gel (Q ing D ao Hai
Yang Chem ical G roup Co. , Q ing Dao, China) was
used for column ch roma tography, S illica ge l GF 254
(Q ing Dao Hai Yang Chem ical G roup C o. ) was used
for TLC and compounds w ere de tec ted by UV at 254
nm. Porous polymer ge lw as purchased from Shandong
Lukang Chem ical Fac to ry. Sephadex LH-20 and ODS
w ere purchased from Shanghai Chem ical Factory and
Bei Jing Jin OuYa Chem ica lCompany separately. The
optica l ro tation w as measured w ith a M odel 312
m icro tite r pla te reader purchased from B iotech
Research Laborato ries, Inc. , Rockville, MD.
The roots of Lasianthus acum inatissimus Merr.
w ere co llected from Yushan, Jiangxi Prov ince o f
Ch ina, du ring Decembe r 2003, which w ere iden tified
by Professor Xue-wen Lai ( Jiangxi University o f
Traditiona l Chinese M ed icine ), and a voucher
specimen is deposited at Jiangx i University o f
Traditiona lCh ineseM edicine, Nanchang, China.
1 Extrac tion and Isolation
A ir dried and powde red roo ts of the p lant(10 kg)
we re refluxed w ith 95% E tOH three times, the alcoho lic
extracts we re concentra ted unde r the decompression
and the concentration w as successively ex tracted w ith
pe tro leum e the r, ethy l e ther, e thy l ace tate, acetone,
and butano l, separa te ly. The e thy l aceta te extract
(7.8 g)was sub jected to a sillica ge l co lumn (400 g)
chrom atog raphy using m ix tu res o f CHC l3-MeOH (20∶
1, 9∶1). F ractions 6 and 7 were combined and
recrystaled by methanol to g ive 8 (60 mg). O ther
frac tions w e re monitored by TLC and sim ilar fractions
combined to afford fractions A (1.1 g), B (2.0 g), C
(0.8 g), D (1.3 g) and E (0.6 g). F raction A w as
refrac tioned on a sillica ge l co lumn e luting w ith
pe troleum ether / acetone to give a to tal of 26 fractions,
Fractions 4 - 5 y ielded 5 (16 mg), and Fractions 10
y ielded 3 (65mg), separa tely. Fraction B w as further
chrom atog raphed over 100 g sillica gel co lumn eluting
w ith petroleum ether / e thy l aceta te to g ive 40 fractions.
Fractions 24 - 26 contained 2 (173 mg), F ractions
35 - 36 con tained 1 ( 125 mg). F raction C w as
chrom atog raphed on a sillica ge l column [ e lu tion w ith
CHC l3 M/ eOH ] to give 20 fractions. Frac tions 5 - 6
con tained 7 (25 mg), Frac tions 8 contained 6 (20
mg). F raction E w as ch roma tog raphed on sillica ge l
co lumns tw ice and a fu rthe r reverse sillica ge l co lumn
[ elution w ith 60%MeOH ] to get 4 (75 mg).
2 Identification
Compound 1 C15H20O4 , needles, mp 165 -
167 ℃ (MeOH ). HR-FAB-MS:m /z 265.143 1
{calcd. 265.143 9 fo r [ C15H21O4 (M +1)+ ] ,
265.143 9}. E I-MSm /z (%):264[M ] +(12), 246
[M -H2O ] +(89), 228[M - 2H2O ] +(48), 213(35),
185(22), 147(30), 142(60), 124(90), 108(100),
93(45), 83(63), 67(57). 1H NMR (CDC l3 , 500
MHz) δ:5.10(1H , b r s, H-14), 4.93(1H , d, J =
428 药学学报 Ac ta Pharm aceu tica S in ica 2006, 41(5):426 - 430
10.5H z, H-6β), 4.76(1H , b r s, H-14), 2.40(1H ,
br d, J =12.5H z, H-3β), 2.28(1H , d, J =14.0 Hz,
H-9β), 2.10(1H , d, J =10.5 Hz, H-5α), 2.06(3H ,
s, CH3-13), 1.96(1H , d, t, J =7.5, 12.5H z, H-3α),
1.68(2H , m , H-2α, 2β), 1.59(1H , br d, J =13.0Hz,
H-1β), 1.56(1H , d, J =14.0 Hz, H-9α), 1.27(1H ,
dt, J =7.0, 13.0H z, H-1α), 1.05(3H , s, CH 3-15).
C NMR:Tab le 3. HMQC and HMBC:Tab le 4.
Compound 2 C15H20O 3 , need les, mp 179 -
181℃ (MeOH). E I-MS m /z (%):248[M ] +(12),
230[M -H2O ] +(15), 220[M -CO ] +(40), 205(26),
191(20), 175(23), 147(100). 1H NMR(CDC l3 , 500
MHz) δ:4.87(1H , br s, H-14), 4.60(1H , br s, H-14),
2.62(1H , dd, J =2.4, 13.5H z, H-6α), 2.43(1H , t,
J =13.5 H z, H-6β), 2.37(1H , b r d, J =12.5 Hz,
H-3β), 2.25(1H , d, J =14.0 Hz, H-9β), 1.96(1H ,
d, t, J =7.0, 12.0H z, H-3α), 1.86(1H , br d, H-5α),
1.82(3H , br s, CH3-13), 1.65(2H , m , H-2α, 2β),
1.59(1H , br d, J =13.5Hz, H-1β), 1.55(1H , d, J =
13.5H z, H-9α), 1.24(1H , dt, J =6.0, 12.5 Hz,
H-1α), 1.03(3H , s, CH3-15). 13C NMR:Tab le 3.
The spec tra l data are sim ilar to codono lactone in the
re ference [ 2] .
Compound 3 C8H8O 4 , brown need les, EI-MS
m /z (%):168[M ] +(85), 153[M - CH 3 ] +(13),
138(50), 125(30), 112(15), 110(10), 97(25),
80(55), 69[ C5H 9 ] +(100). 1H NMR(CDC l3 , 300
MHz) δ:5.85(2H , s, H-3, 6), 3.82(6H , s, 2×MeO).
C NMR(CDC l3 , 75MH z) δ:186.9(C =O), 157.3
(C-2, 5), 107.6(C-3, 6), 57.5(MeO). Compared
to the reference [ 5] , compound 3was iden tified as 2,
5-dimethoxy-1, 4-benzoquinone.
Compound 4   C30H48O5 , need les, EI-MS
m /z (%):488[M ] +(82), 470[M -H2O ] +(35),
452[M - 2H2O ] +(40), 444(12), 426(10), 411
(9), 383(10), 248(5), 240(5), 222(20), 205
(100), 203(65), 146(37), 123(70), 105(30).
H NMR(C5D5N , 500 MH z) δ:5.31(1H , t, J =3.5
H z, H-12), 4.75(1H , m , H-6), 2.92(1H , dd, J =
12.5, 3.0 H z, H-3), 2.68(1H , ddd, J =12.0, 11.5,
3.0 H z, H-16α), 2.58(1H , b r s, H-18), 1.69,
1.57, 1.55, 1.44, 1.39, 1.37(18H , each 3H , s),
1.24(3H , d, J =7.0 Hz, H-30). 13C NMR(C5D5N ,
500MHz) δ:40.7(C-1), 26.7(C-2), 76.9(C-3),
39.1(C-4), 57.0(C-5), 63.3(C-6), 42.7(C-7),
39.2(C-8), 49.6(C-9), 37.7(C-10), 24.5(C-11),
123.7(C-12), 136.7 (C-13), 44.1 (C-14), 32.8
(C-15), 29.3(C-16), 49.0(C-17), 51.2(C-18),
68.2(C-19), 43.2(C-20), 26.1(C-21), 38.4(C-22),
17.8(C-23), 30.4(C-24), 17.2(C-25), 19.0(C-26),
24.8(C-27), 178.9(C-28), 27.9(C-29), 15.2(C-30).
The spectra l data are sim ila r to uncargenin A in the
reference [ 6] .
Compound 5 C19H 40O , white powder, E I-MS
m /z:283[M - 1] +, 209, 195, 181, 167, 153, 97,
83, 69, 57, at an interval of CH2. 1H NMR(CDC l3 ,
400MH z)δ:3.64(2H , t, J =6.8Hz, CH2OH), 1.56,
1.24(CH2 ), 0.87(3H , t, J =6.8 Hz). 13C NMR
(CDC l3 , 100 MHz) δ:63.1, 32.8, 31.9, 29.7,
29.6, 29.4, 25.7, 22.7, 14.1. The spectra l data are
matched w ith a characteristic satu ration alcoho l, so it
w as iden tified as nonadecy l alcoho.l
Compound 6 C22H21O 4 , wh ite pow de r, ESI-MS
m /z (%):360[M +N a] +(100), 1H NMR(CDC l3 ,
300MH z)δ:5.52(1H , br s, OH), 5.35(2H , t, J =
Tab le 3 HMBC corre lations for compounds 1 and 2
Posit ion
HMBC data of 1
δH    δC  
HM BC data of 2
δH   δC  
1α 1. 27(d, t) 2, 10, 15 1. 24(d t) 2, 10, 15
1β 1. 59(b r d) 2, 9, 10, 15 1. 59(b r d) 2, 9, 10, 15
2 1. 68(m) 1, 3, 4 1. 65(m) 1, 3
3α 1. 96(dt) 2, 4, 14 1. 96(d t) 2, 4, 14
3β 2. 40(b r d) 1, 5 2. 37(b r d) 1, 5
5 2. 10(d) 4, 6, 10, 14, 15 1. 86(b r s) 4, 6, 10, 14, 15
6α 2. 62(dd) 5, 7, 11
6β 4. 93(d) 5, 7, 11 2. 43(1H , t) 5, 7, 8, 11
9α 1. 56(d) 1, 5, 10, 15 1. 55(d) 1, 5, 10, 15
9β 2. 28(d) 5, 7, 8, 10, 15 2. 25(d) 5, 7, 8, 10, 15
13-CH3 2. 06(s) 7, 8, 11, 12 1. 82(b r s) 7, 8, 11, 12
15-CH3 1. 05(s) 1, 5, 9, 10 1. 03(s) 1, 5, 9, 10
14-CH2 5. 10, 3, 5 4. 87, 3, 5
4. 76(b r s) 4. 60(b r s)
Table 4 E ffects o f compounds 1 - 7 on β-g lucu roni-
dase re lease o f rat po lymo rphous nuc lear leukocy tes
activated by pla telet activating fac to r (concentration
1×10-5 mo l L -1)
C om pound A550 Inh ib itory /%
C on trol 0. 609±0.097
1 0. 605±0.014 3. 674
2 0. 583±0.011 21. 63
3 0. 428±0.046** 147. 8
4 0. 584±0.041 20. 2
5 0. 603±0.015 5. 4
6 0. 619±0.091 - 7. 96
7 0. 598±0.036 8. 98
**P <0. 01
429 LI B in, et a l:A new se squite rpene lac tone from the roo ts of Lasianthus acum inatissim us
5.1 H z), 2.24(2H , t, J =7.5 H z, CH2COOH ),
2.00, 1.64, 1.27(CH2), 0.88(3H , t, J =6.9H z).
C NMR(CDC l3 , 100MHz)δ:175.5, 129.9, 116.4,
35.9, 31.9, 29.8, 29.6, 29.5, 29.5, 29.3, 29.2,
27.2, 25.5, 22.7, 14.1. The da ta of 1H NMR and
C NMR are m atched w ith a charac teristic long fatty
acid, so compound 6 w as identified as 13-docoseno ic
Compound 7 C24H48O 2 , white pow der, EI-MS
m /z:368 [M ] + , 354, 340 , 326 , 312 , 297 , 284 , 269,
256, 99, 85, 69, 57 , at an interval o fCH2. 1H NMR
(CDC l3 , 400 MH z) δ:2.35(2H , t, J =7.6 Hz,
CH 2COOH), 1.63, 1.30 (CH2), 0.88(3H , t, J =
6.4H z). 13C NMR(CDC l3 , 100 MH z) δ:177.8,
33.8, 31.2, 29.9, 29.8, 29.7, 29.6, 29.5, 29.3,
24.9, 22.9, 14.3. The spectra ldata arema tched w ith
a cha racteristic sa turation acid, so itw as identified as
tetraco sanoic acid
[ 7]
Compound 8 S lice crystal, mp 139 - 140 ℃,
In comparison w ith β-sitosterol by TLC , it w as
identified as β-sitostero.l
3 B iolog ical testing
In search of the anti inflamma tion b ioactive
compounds, effects o f the presen t compounds on the
re lease of β-g lucuronidase of rat po lymorphous nuc lear
leukocy tes activa ted by pla te let activating factor
(PAF) were investiga ted according to the refe rence
[ 8 ] . β-glucuronidase re lease w as quan tified by
enzyme re ac tion in wh ich phenophtha leing lucuron ic
acid w as used as the substrate.
A cknow ledgements:The autho rs wou ld like to thank
pro fesso rs o f Institute o f M ate ria M edica, Ch inese Academ y of
M edica l Sciences, thankM r. L i Jian-be i, H eW en-Y i andM s.
W ang Y ing-hong fo r the ir he lp in the struc tures e lucida tion, and
thankM iss L iu Yang fo r her he lp in the b io active te sting.
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M ate rM ed(中国中药杂志), 2006, 31:133 - 135.
[ 2] Toyo ta M, A sakaw a Y, F rahm JP. Hom om ono and
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430 药学学报 Ac ta Pharm aceu tica S in ica 2006, 41(5):426 - 430