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jwxt@im.ac.cn 15 May 2014, 33(3): 567‐570
Http://journals.im.ac.cn Mycosystema ISSN1672‐6472 CN11‐5180/Q © 2014 IMCAS, all rights reserved.
研究论文 Research paper DOI: 10.13346/j.mycosystema.130259
Supported by the foundation of Project of the Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (No.
*Corresponding author. E‐mail: guol@im.ac.cn
Received: 04‐12‐2013, accepted: 09‐04‐2014
Xylaria byttneriae sp. nov. from Yunnan Province in China
HUANG Gu1, 2 GUO Lin2* LIU Na1
1Henan University of Technology, College of Biological Engineering, Henan, Zhengzhou 450001, China
2State Key Laboratory of Mycology, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
Abstract: A new species, Xylaria byttneriae, is described from China. It was collected on fallen fruits of Byttneria pilosa
and Byttneria integrifolia (Sterculiaceae) in Yunnan Province. Stromata are cylindrical with a sterile apex and hairless
Key words: Ascomycota, pyrenomycetous fungi, Xylariaceae, taxonomy
黄谷 1, 2 郭林 2* 刘娜 1
1 河南工业大学生物工程学院 河南 郑州 450001
2 中国科学院微生物研究所真菌学国家重点实验室 北京 100101
摘 要:报道了采自云南的刺果藤炭角菌新种 Xylaria byttneriae,该种主要特点是生在掉落的粗毛刺果藤 Byttneria
pilosa 和全缘刺果藤 Byttneria integrifolia(梧桐科 Sterculiaceae)果实上。子座圆柱形,顶端有不育尖,表面可见
Xishuangbanna of Yunnan Province is lo‐
cated entirely in the tropics. The climate is
characterized by high temperature throughout
the year, plenty of rainfall in summer and au‐
tumn. It is provided with a greatly favorable
condition for fungal species diversity. Some new
species of Xylaria have been published there
(Ma et al. 2011, 2012). During a mycological ex‐
ISSN1672‐6472 CN11‐5180/Q Mycosystema May 15, 2014 Vol. 33 No. 3
pedition to the region in October of 2013, many
specimens of the genus Xylaria have been col‐
lected by the authors. Among them, an addi‐
tional new species is described.
The specimens are cut by cryomicrotome
(Leica CM1950) under the frozen state –20℃.
Microscopic observation and measurements
were made from slide preparations mounted in
water and Melzer’s reagent. The observation
and photographs of the asci, ascal apical ring
and ascospores were taken by using Zeiss micro‐
scope (Axioskop 2 plus). The photograph of
stromata was taken with Sony camera (NEX‐7).
Xylaria byttneriae G. Huang, L. Guo & N. Liu, sp.
nov. Fig. 1
Fungal Name FN 570090
Diagnosis: differs from Xylaria culleniae by
its smaller ascospores and hairless surface of
Stromata cylindrical, unbranched or occa‐
sionally branched, with a sterile apex, 2–4cm
total length, 0.8–1.5mm diam.; 0.9–2.5cm long
at stipes; surface black, with conspicuous
perithecial mounds, finely split by longitudinal
cracks; interior white. Perithecia globose or sub‐
globose, 500–600μm diam. Ostioles papillate.
Asci with eight ascospores arranged in uniseriate
manner, cylindrical, 75–110μm total length,
3–4.5μm broad, the spore‐bearing parts
42–55μm long, with an apical ring staining blue
in Melzer’s iodine reagent, inverted hat‐shaped,
1.5–2μm high, 0.8–1.5μm broad. Ascospores
brown, ellipsoid‐inequilateral, smooth, (6.5–)7–
8.5(–9)×3–4.5μm, with a straight germ slit
spore‐length on concave side.
Etymology: The epithet refers to the
substrate plant genus that the fungus inhabits.
Type: China, Yunnan Province, Mengla
County, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Gar‐
den, Chinese Academy of Sciences; alt. 570m, on
fallen fruits of Byttneria pilosa; 16.X.2013, G.
Huang, L. Guo & W. Li 206, HMAS 269872 (holo‐
type); Jinghong City, Guanping Village, alt. 850m,
on fallen fruits of Byttneria integrifolia;
18.X.2013, G. Huang, L. Guo & W. Li 273, HMAS
269873 (paratype).
Fruit‐ and seed‐inhabiting species of Xylaria
seem to be highly host‐specific (Rogers 1979;
Rogers et al. 1992, 2002; Whalley 1985, 1987).
Xylaria byttneriae is similar to Xylaria culleniae
Berk. & Broome, but the latter has longer
stromata (up to 7cm), tomentose surface of
stromata, slightly larger ascospores, 8.5–9.5×
3.5–4.5μm and mostly on fruits of Leguminosae
(Rogers 1979; Rogers et al. 1988), while Xylaria
byttneriae has shorter stromata (up to 2.5cm),
hairless surface of stromata, slightly smaller
ascospores, (6.5–)7–8.5(–9)×3– 4.5μm and on
fruits of Sterculiaceae.
Xylaria byttneriae differs from X. ianth‐
inovelutina (Mont.) Fr. in the latter having longer
stromata (up to 10cm), tomentose surface of
stromata, larger ascospores, 9–12×3.5–
4.5μm and mostly on fruits of Leguminosae
HUANG Gu et al. / Xylaria byttneriae sp. nov. from Yunnan Province in China
Fig. 1 Xylaria byttneriae (HMAS 269872, holotype). A: Stromata on fruit; B: Surface of stromata; C, D: Sections of perithe‐
cia; E, F: Asci and ascospores.
(Rogers 1979; Rogers et al. 1988). Xylaria bytt‐
neriae differs from X. magnoliae J.D. Rogers in
the latter having longer stromata (up to 12cm),
navicular‐crescentic, yellowish and larger
ascospores, 11–15(–17)×3–5(–6)μm, with obscure
germ slits, and on fruits of the genus Magnolia
ISSN1672‐6472 CN11‐5180/Q Mycosystema May 15, 2014 Vol. 33 No. 3
(Magnoliaceae) (Rogers 1979).
Acknowledgements: The authors would like to express
their deep thanks to Prof. Li Zhen‐Yu (Institute of Botany,
Chinese Academy of Sciences) for identifying the host
plants, to Mr. Du Ying‐Shan for giving help of specimen
Ma HX, Vasilyeva LN, Li Y, 2011. A new species of Xylaria
from China. Mycotaxon, 116: 151‐155
Ma HX, Vasilyeva LN, Li Y, 2012. The genus Xylaria in the
south of China ‐ 3. X. atroglobosa sp. nov. Myco‐
taxon, 119: 381‐384
Rogers JD, 1979. Xylaria magnoliae sp. nov. and com‐
ments on several other fruit‐inhabiting species.
Canadian Journal Botany, 57: 941‐945
Rogers JD, Callan BE, Rossman AY, Samuels GJ, 1988.
Xylaria (Sphaeriales, Xylariaceae) from Cerro de la
Neblina, Venezuela. Mycotaxon, 31: 103‐153
Rogers JD, Ju YM, Hemmes DE, 1992. Hypoxylon rectan‐
gulosporum sp. nov., Xylaria psidii sp. nov., and
comments on taxa of Podosordaria and Strmato‐
neurospora. Mycologia, 84: 166‐172
Rogers JD, San Martín F, Ju YM, 2002. A reassessment of
the Xylaria on Liquidambar fruits and two new taxa
on Magnolia fruits. Sydowia, 54: 91‐97
Whalley AJS, 1985. The Xylariaceae: some ecological
considerations. Sydowia, 38: 369‐382
Whalley AJS, 1987. Xylaria inhabiting fallen fruits. Aga‐
rica, 8: 68‐72