全 文 :中 国 食 品 学 报 2012 年第 6 期
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The Application and Research Progress of Chromatin Immunoprecipitation
Li Ling1 Yang Pengyue2 Zhu Benzhong2 Fu Daqi2 Tian Huiqin2 Luo Yunbo2*
(1Department of Food science, Tianjin Agricultural University, Tianjin 300384
2Food Biotechnology Lab, College of Food Science & Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University,
Beijing 100083)
Abstract The article described the basic principles, experimental procedures, advantages, disadvantages and appli-
cation aspects of chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP). After that, it was illustrated different determining methods of
ChIP, and compared two important determining ways in detail. In particular, it was introduced the latest research
progress of ChIP in plant. Finally, the technology was summarized and prospected.
Key words chromatin immunoprecipitation; ChIP-on-chip; ChIP-SEQ; application; research progress
榴莲含有的热量及糖分较高,因此肥胖人士宜少食。 榴莲含有较高钾质,故肾病及心脏病人宜少食。 榴莲一次不
宜多吃,若闻到已熟的榴莲带有酒精味,则表示已变质不能吃。 此外,在吃完榴莲后多喝些水或多吃些含水分比较多
的水果。 榴莲和山竹同时吃能避免上火,但有可能引起便秘。 (消息来源:科技日报)