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全 文 :Journal of Forestry Research, 13 (1): 33-36 (2002) 33

Composition and properties of soil humus in a mixed forest of
Cunninghamia lanceolata and Tsoongiodendron odorum

YANG Yu-sheng, GUO Jian-fen, LIU Yan-li, LIN Rui-yu, CHEN Guang-shui
(Fujian Agricultural and Forestry University, Nanping 353001, P. R. China)

Abstract: This study was conducted in Xinkou Experimental Forestry Farm of Fujian Agricultural and Forestry University,
Sanming, Fujian Province in January 1999. Taking pure stand of Chinese fir as control, the authors measured and studied the
content of organic carbon, content of humic acid (HA), ratio of HA to fulvic acid (FA), and the characteristics of infrared light
spectrum and visible light spectrum of soil humus in the mixed forest of Chinese fir and Tsoong’ tree. Compared to humus
composition in the pure stand of Chinese fir, the content of soil organic C, HA content, and the E4 value of HA for different layers
of soil, except for the ratio of HA to FA, showed a significant increase in the mixed forest, while the ratios of E4 to E6 had a little
decrease. The infrared light spectrum of humic acid had an absorptive peak at 1650 cm-1. It is concluded that the levels of
humification and aromaticity of soil humus are higher in the mixed forest, which is favorable for the improvement of soil structure
and nutrient supply, thus improving the soil fertility to a certain degree.
Keywords: Chinese fir; Tsoong’s tree; Mixed forest; Soil humus fraction; Optical properties
CLC number: S714.5; S791.27.02 Document code: A Article ID: 1007-662X(2002)01-0033-04


Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lamcealata (Lamb.) Hook) is
one of the most important plantation tree species in China
in terms of planting area, yield and timber usage. The
continuous monoculture of Chinese fir is a traditional
silvicultural practice. However, yield decline and soil
degradation have widely occurred in Chinese fir stands
with such a forestry practice. This problem has caused
considerable attentions.
In order to preserve long-term site productivity or to
restore soil fertility in a degraded site, mixing broad-
leaveds in a stand have been tried as silvicultural
measures (Yang 1998; Yu 1996; Zheng et al. 1998). Some
characteristics of soil feritlity have been reported in the
mixed stands of Chinese fir and several broad-leaveds (Yu
1996; Yang et al. 1996). However, study on composition
and propertie of soil humus in these forests was limited.
Soil humus was involved in many of the soil chemical,
physical and biological processes determining the capacity
of a soil to support plant growth, and, an assessment of
humus properties is critical to define overall soil quality.
Although there was great interest in the role of humus in
soil nutrition and ecosystem function, there have been few
studies providing unequivocal identification and

Foundation item: This paper was supported by Natural Science
Foundation of Fujian Province (B0110025) and Foundation for
University Key Teacher by the Ministry of Education.
Biography: YANG Yu-sheng (1964-), male, professor in Fujian
Agricultural and Forestry University, Nanping 353001, P. R. China.
Received date: 2001-12-12
Responsible editor: Zhu Hong
quantification of humus because of the heterogeneous and
polydisperse nature of humic substances, and the
complexity of the inter- and intramolecular reactions. In this
study, we focused attention on the organic C, humic and
fulvic acid, and optical properties of humus to compare the
difference of humic substances extracted from soils in a
mixed forest of Chinese fir with Tsoong’ tree
(Tsoongiodendron odorum Chun) and an adjacent pure
Chinese fir forest.
The study was conducted in Xiaohu experimental area
of Xinkou Experimental Forestry Farm of Fujian
Agricultural and Forestry University, Sanming, Fujian
Province (26°11¢30² N, 117°26¢00² E). The sites are on the
slope of 35° in facing northeast in the mixed forest of
Chinese fir and Tsoong’ tree, and in the pure Chinese fir
stand, respectively. The climate is characterized by sub-
tropical monsoon, with an annual mean temperature of
19.1 °C, an annual mean precipitation of 1 749 mm, an
annual mean evaporation of 1 585 mm, an annual mean
relative humidity of 81%, and a frost-free period of 300 d.
The soil is red soil derived from sandy shale.
The mixed forest and pure stand were established with
seedling in 1973, with an initial planting density of 3 000
stems per hectare. The mixed pattern is strip spacing,
three rows of Chinese fir spaced by one row of Tsoong’
tree. At the time of survey, the pure stand (at age of 27)
had a density of 1 100 stems per hectare, with a crown
density of 0.80 and undergrowth coverage of 95%. The
mean tree height and diameter at breast height were 19.61
m and 23.6 cm respectively. In the surface soil (0-20 cm),
the contents of hydrolysable N, available P, and available
YANG Yu-sheng et al. 34
K were 86.21 mg·kg -1, 4.92 mg·kg-1 and 82.31 mg·kg -1,
respectively. The mixed stand had a density of 907 stems
per hectare for Chinese fir and 450 stems per hectare for
Tsoong’ tree. The mean tree height and DBH were 20.88
m and 25.1 cm for Chinese fir, 17.81 m and 17.0 cm for
Tsoong’ tree, respectively. The crown density was of 0.95
and the undergrowth coverage was of 80%. The contents
of hydrolysable N, available P, and available K in the
topsoil at 0-20 cm, were 106.80 mg·kg -1, 5.42 mg·kg -1 and
92.65 mg·kg-1, respectively.

Materials and methods

Soil collection
Six plots (20 m × 20 m) were established in each stand.
For determination of soil humus, soil samples were
collected in January 1999 from five sampling locations
following a sigmoid route across each plot. Soil was
divided into three layers, 0-20 cm, 20-40 cm and 40-60 cm.
Soil samples at the same layer in each plot were equally

Soil analysis
Soil organic C content was determined by the procedure
of heating oxidation with the mixture of K2Cr2O7 and H2SO4
at (180±5) °C for five minutes. For determination of soil
humus fractionation, each sample was extracted with the
mixture of 0.1 mol/L NaOH and 0.1 mol L-1 Na4P2O7 in a
airtight container, which was made of polyethylene and
filled with nitrogen, at (20±1) °C for 16 h, then the
suspension was filtrated the next day. 10-25-mL alkaline
extract was subsampled from the filtrate and added with 6
mol/L HCl to pH 1.5, vaporized; then humus C content was
determined with the oxidizing method. Another 10-50-mL
alkaline extract was subsampled, added with 6 mol/L HCl
to pH 3, heated at (80±1) °C for half an hour, cooled, and
then centrifuged the next day. HA precipitate was obtained
and dissolved in 0.05 mol/L NaOH. 10-25-mL subsample
dissolved in 0.05 mol/L NaOH was made to determine
humic acid C content. C content of all samples was also
determined as the method described above. In addition, in
order to purified humic acids, the raw humic acids were
treated with 0.5%HF: 0.5%HCl (removal of SiO2) and
dissolved in 0.05 mol/L NaOH, dialysed until no Cl- can be
examined by 1% AgNO3 solution, then dialysed with a self-
made electric dialysed equipment to pH (6.5-7.0) and
freeze-dried (Kononoba 1966). The values of E4 and E6
were determined by dissolving HA in 0.05 mol/L NaHCO3
and measuring optical densities at 465 nm and 665 nm
with an UV-120-02 ultraviolet–visible spectrometer (Chen
et al. 1977). FT-IR spectra were obtained from KBr-pellets
of freeze-dried samples on a Perkin-Elmer-Spectrum-2000
FTIR spectrophotometer (Takacs et al. 1999).

Statistical analysis
Significant differences in various parameters of soil
humus (e.g. soil organic C, humic C, percentage HA and
FA) at each soil layer between the mixed and pure stands
were determined by Students t-tests, which was at a
significant level of 0.05.


Soil humus composition
The contents of organic C and humus C in the topsoil of
the mixed forest were 19% and 36% higher than those of
the pure stand, respectively. The degree of humification,
an index of soil humus property referred to the proportion
of soil humic acid (HA) in total soil C, was 1.25 times, and
the content of humic acid was 1.49 times, as much as
those of the pure stand, respectively. In addition, HA/FA
ratio in the surface soil of the mixed forest was higher than
that of the pure stand, although this difference was not
statistically significant (Table 1). The same trends occurred
in soil depths of 20-40cm and 40-60 cm.
Table 1. Composition and optical property of soil humus (mean±SE, n=6)
Stands type Soil layer /cm OM-C /g·kg-1 Humus-C /g·kg-1 HA-C /g·kg-1 FA-C /g·kg-1
0-20 15.68±0.47* 8.60±0.28* 2.47±0.20* 6.13±0.18*
20-40 8.70±0.45* 5.65±0.29* 0.90±0.06* 4.75±0.09*

Mixed forest
40-60 6.37±0.24 * 3.67±0.51 0.52±0.05* 3.15±0.15
0-20 13.18±0.39 6.33±0.24 1.66±0.18 4.67±0.22
20-40 5.84±0.42 3.58±0.38 0.44±0.06 3.14±0.27

Pure forest
40-60 4.70±0.27 2.75±0.47 0.22±0.03 2.53±0.12
Stands type Soil layer /cm HA (%) FA (%) HA/ FA E4 E4/E6
0-20 15.75±0.05* 39.09±0.09* 0.40 0.36±0.03* 5.26
20-40 10.34±0.07* 54.60±0.10* 0.19 0.30±0.02* 6.12

Mixed forest
40-60 8.16±0.03* 49.45±0.08 0.17 0.21±0.01* 6.50
0-20 12.59±0.09 35.43±0.11 0.36 0.27±0.02 5.41
20-40 7.53±0.05 53.77±0.09 0.14 0.14±0.01 6.36

Pure forest
40-60 4.68±0.07 53.83±0.06 0.09 0.11±0.01 6.71
Notes: OM-C, HA-C, and FA-C stand for carbon content of organic matter, humic acid, and fulvic acid respectively. HA-humic acid, FA stand for
fulvic acid. HA%=HA-C/MO-C×100, FA%= FA-C/MO-C×100. HA/FA is ratio of carbon content of humic acid to fulvic acid. E4 and E6 are extinct
coefficient of HA at 465 nm and 665 nm, respectively. Significant differences (p<0.05) in the same soil layer between the mixed and pure forests are
indicated with an asterisk.
Journal of Forestry Research, 13 (1): 33-36 (2002) 35
4 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 0 0 3 7 0

W a v e - n u m b e r ( c m
- 1
M i x e d f o r e s t
4 0 - 6 0 c m
M i x e d f o r e s t
2 0 - 4 0 c m
M i x e d f o r e s t
0 - 2 0 c m
P u r e f o r e s t
4 0 -6 0 c m
P u r e f o r e s t
2 0 - 4 0 c m
P u r e f o r e s t
0 - 2 0 c m
Optical properties of soil humus
The E4 value (the optical density at 465 nm wavelength)
of humic acid in the surface soil of the mixed forest was
33% higher than that of the pure stand, while lower E4/E6
ratio of soil HA was observed in the mixed forest (Table 1).
The FT-IR spectra of soil humic acids showed structural
difference of HAs from the two stands (Fig. 1). The spectra
showed the following absorbances: broad-leaved band in
the 3 350-3 450 cm-1 region, due to H-bonded OH stretch;
sharp peaks at 2 920 cm-1, attributed to aliphatic C-H
stretch; broad-leaved bands at 1 640-1 665 cm-1, originated
from quinone C=O and aromatic C=C stretch; bands at
1 380-1 390 cm-1, produced by COO- groups and/or
aliphatic C-H stretch; absorption bands around 1 240 cm-1;
produced by C-O stretch and/or O-H deformation
vibrations of carboxyl groups, sharp peaks around 1 050
cm-1 due to silicates and/or polysaccharides; The
absorption bands at 465 cm-1 are probably due to the
present of silicate. Most infrared spectra of soil HAs in the
mixed forest were coincident with those in the pure stand
(Fig.1), it is suggested that their HAs had similar molecular
structure and functional groups (Liu 1990). However, the
former having characteristic absorption peak around 1 720
cm-1 was representative of its undissociated COOH and
COOR groups, absorption bands at 1 650 cm-1 also
indicated higher degree of polycondensation.

Fig. 1 Infrared absorption spectra of soil HA at three soil
layers in the mixed and pure forests


Soil humus fraction and property
Soil organic matter content strongly affected soil fertility
on nutrient cycling and on the physical-chemical and
biological properties of soils. Humus was the most
important component of soil organic matter. Also, soil
humus represents a major pool of C in forest ecosystems.
The chemical composition of humus was understood
poorly because of the complexity of the soil-plant
interaction and the lack of reliable analytical methods. The
higher humic C content in soils of mixed forest suggested
that there are more favorable external environmental
conditions for the formation of soil humus in mixed forest
than in pure forest.
The decomposition and transformation of organic
material in soils ultimately resulted in the formation of fulvic
acids (FAs) and humic acids (HAs). Fulvic and humic acids
were important components in soil systems, and they were
able to strongly combine both essential and toxic elements.
In particular, the content and characteristic of soil HA
usually reflected humus quality. In this study, HA/FA ratios
in the mixed and pure forests were 0.40 and 0.36
respectively and both less than 0.5, which was similar to
the results of Yang (1996) for soil humus in the pure and
mixed Chinese fir stands in Nanping. The low HA/FA ratio
in this study agreed with the common findings (HA/FA ratio
less than 0.45) in red soils of subtropics (Xiong et al. 1990).
Optical properties of soil HA were often used to estimate
its molecular structure. There were higher E4 value and
lower E4/E6 ratio in the mixed forest, compared with the
corresponding parameter in the pure stand. Infrared
spectrum analysis had also exhibited relatively simple
chemical structure of soil humus in the pure Chinese fir
The composition and property of forest soil humus were
closely related to decomposability of aboveground litter
and fine roots (Yang et al.1997; 1998). However, it was
impossible to quantify the individual contribution of each of
these sources to humus formation. Differences in litter
quality in both stands played a major role in differentiating
the humus. Compared with broadleaves, needle litter with
lower N concentration, higher C/N ratio, and a higher
content of decay-resistant substrates (e.g., lignin and
tannins) decomposed slowly and allowed for the
accumulation of mor humus with a low degree of
humification (Berg et al. 1996). Especially, the amount of
acid insoluble (AIS) material in the litter would obviously
influence the proportion of the litter that became humus. In
forest floor of the mixed forest, there was more mull humus.
As well, in progressing from mor humus to mull humus,
there was a gradual increase in the degree of
decomposition. This, in turn, resulted in greater nutrient
availability. Overall, the type of humus greatly influenced
soil fertility.

Soil humus function
The importance of humus for the nutrition of forests had
been recognized for a long time. Gregorich et al. (1994)
proposed two essential functional roles of humus, which
was soil structure and nutrient storage. The addition of
humic substances to soils was effective in increasing the
YANG Yu-sheng et al. 36
amount and size of water-stable aggregates, especially in
soils with low total organic matter contents (Tisdall and
Oades 1982; Angers and Mehuys 1989). A better soil
structure in the mixed forest than that in the pure stand
could be testified by a higher content of soil water-stable
aggregates and a higher level of total porosity. Obviously,
the improvement of soil structure had a favorable effect on
soil aeration and water permeability, which benefited trees
growth. On the other hand, humus might also be view as a
nutrient sink, especially for nitrogen. This nutrient reserve
was critical to long-term site fertility, and helped to buffer
the site against disturbances that might lead to nutrient
depletion. In addition, intense biological activity resulted in
humus oxidation to CO2 and disorganization of the organo-
mineral complexes, and then available nutrients were
released correspondingly, which improved short-term
In view of the ways of soil humus affecting soil fertility,
proper management of this resource entailed two rather
divergent considerations, that was, to conserve soil humus
in sites to protect long-term site productivity, and to
manipulate soil humus to increase nutrient release for
short-term productivity. Growing mixtures of species might
balance the two aspects, particularly if hardwoods were
interplanted with conifers (Yang 1998). This mixture effect
might be the result of the mycorrhizal associates of some
species, which is favorable to access organic forms of
nutrients. Higher nutrient availability found in Chinese fir
and Tsoong’s tree mixed forests seemed that soils in the
mixed forest provided better nutrient supply for the trees
and this silvicultural pattern could avoid soil degradation of
the pure Chinese fir forest.


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物总数的 42.4%,这些珍稀植物主要分布在 1200~1800 m山
3组,DCA排序也使 14种珍稀物种在反映海拔梯度的第一轴
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