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全 文 :甘松挥发性化学成分的研究*
韩泳平1 向永臣1 肖丹1 叶利民2 陈聪2
(1.成都中医药大学 药学院 ,四川成都 610075;2.华西医科大学药学院)
摘 要: 采用气相色谱—质谱联用技术对药材甘松挥发油的化学成分进行了研究 ,共分离鉴定出了
21个化合物 ,其相对含量之和占挥发油总量的 88.5%。其中主要成分为卡拉烯(29.44%), ■1(10)-土青木
关 键 词 甘松;挥发油;气相色谱;质谱
中图分类号:R 284.1  文献标识码:B  文章编号:1004-0668(1999)03-0043-02
  甘松为败酱科植物甘松 Nardostachys chinensis
BataL.或匙叶甘松 Nardostachys jatamansi DC.的干
燥根及根茎。主要分布于四川 、甘肃 、青海及西藏等
地[ 1] 。具有理气止痛 、开郁醒脾之功效[ 2] 。为促进
这一植物资源的开发利用 ,我们采用气相色谱—质
谱联用技术(GC —MS),首次对甘松挥发油进行了研
究 ,鉴别出 21 个化合物 ,并以峰面积归一化法测定
1 实验材料及样品制备
甘松样品购于成都市五块石药材市场 ,经成都
Nardostachy chinesis Batal.。
称取阴干后的甘松样品 50 g ,按文献[ 2]方法进
行水蒸气蒸馏 ,经 6 h后停止加热 ,静置过夜 ,油水
相分离后得浅绿色油状液体即为挥发油 。平行操作
3 次 ,平均收率为2.87%。
2 仪器及实验条件
在HPCHEM 操作界面下 ,通过气相色谱一质谱
主要仪器为HP 5973/6890GC/MSD ,并配以HP-
5MS石英毛细管柱(30m×250 μm×0.25μm)。升温
程序:40℃下恒温 2 min , 以 8℃/min 速率升至
120℃,恒温 5min ,再以 6℃/min的速率升至 165℃,
最后以 20℃/min升至 240℃,气化室温度为 260℃,
载气为氦气 ,柱前压为 98 kPa ,流量为 0.8mL/min ,分
流比 100∶1 ,进样量 1.2 μL ,电离方式 EI ,电子能量
70 eV ,离子源温度 230℃,扫描速度为 5200 amu/s ,
扫描范围为 10 ~ 400 amu 。
对GC —MS 分析结果运用系统内存的Wiley 谱
库自动检索 ,并核对有关资料[ 3 ~ 4] ,鉴别出了总离子
流图中主要峰对应的化合物 。
3 结果与讨论
3.1 挥发油样品不经处理 ,直接进样 ,得到总离子
3.2 总离子流图显示 ,挥发油成分复杂多样 ,从中
鉴定了 21个化合物 ,用归一化法计算出有关组分的
含量 ,其相对含量之和占挥发油总量的 88.51%,结
果见表 1 ~表 2。
表 1 甘松挥发性化学成分(一)
化合物名称 保留时间(min) 分子量 含量(%)
桉树脑(Eucalyptol) 6.33 154 0.02
α-蒎烯( -Pinene) 10.01 136 0.01
β-蒎烯(β-Pinene) 10.05 136 0.01
β-橄榄烯(β-Maaliene) 15.91 204 4.83
土青木香烯(Aristolene) 16.17 204 3.22
卡拉烯(白菖烯 , Calarene) 16.76 204 29.44
作者简介:韩泳平 , 男 , 1965 年 2月生;化学工程博士 , 副教授 , 硕士生导师;中药制药工程专业;研究方向:中药制药工程研
·43·1999 年 9月第 22 卷第 3 期         成都中医药大学学报Sep.1999 , Vol.22 , No.3        Journal of Chengdu University of TCM
DOI :10.13593/j.cnki.51-1501/r.1999.03.023
表 2 甘松挥发性化学成分(二)
化合物名称 保留时间(min) 分子量 含量(%)
1a , 2 , 3 , 4 , 4a , 5 , 6 , 7b-辛氢-
1 , 1 , 4 , 7-四甲基-1H 丙烷甘菊环烃 17.70 204 1.33
(1H-cycloprop[ e] azulene , 1a , 2 、3、
4 , 4a , 5 , 6 , 7b-octahydro-1 , 1 , 4 , 7
4-(2 , 6 , 6 , -三甲基-1-环已烷烯-1)
-3-丁烯酮 18.91 192 1.68
3-Buten-2-one , 4-(2 , 6、6-
香木兰烷(Aromadendrane) 19.15 206 0.98
荜橙茄二烯(Carinane) 19.85 204 0.08
芹菜二烯-3 , 7(Selina-3.7-diene) 21.15 204 4.40
匙叶桉油烯醇(Spathulenol) 21.53 220 3.02
桉萜醇(Globulol) 21.66 222 2.38
β-石竹烯(β-caryophyllen) 22.12 204 1.03
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8-辛氢-1 , 4-
(Azulene , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8-octahydro-1 , 22.79 204 0.78
广藿香醇(Patchouli alchol) 23.45 222 3.17
(■1(10)-Aristolenone-2) 23.71 218 16.57
土青木香柔酮(Debilone) 23.71 218 16.57
甘松酮(Nardostachone , 1 , 8 , 9 , 10-tetrade
hydrouristolan-2-one) 25.14 216 3.63
甘松醇(Jatamansinol) 25.60 246 8.80
正十九烷(Nonadecane) 31.05 268 3.11
总计 88.51
3.3 鉴定出的化合物就结构类型来看 ,以烯烃为
主 ,其次为酮和醇类 ,此外 ,还含有少量烷烃。其中
卡拉烯 , ■1(10)-土青木香烯酮-2及甘松醇的相对
含量分别达到 29.44%、16.57%及 8.80%。
1 江苏新医学院.中药大辞典(上).上海:上海科学技术出
版社 , 1985.566
2 中华人民共和国药典委员会.中华人民共和国药典(一
部).广州:广东科技出版社 , 1995.71 ,附录 62
3 龙康候.萜类化学.北京:高等教育出版社 , 1985.385
4 丛浦珠.质谱在天然有机化学中的应用 , 北京:科学出版
社 , 1980.
·44· 成都中医药大学学报               1999年第 22 卷
Clinical Observation of the Prevention and Cure Function of
Yuming Prescription to Retinal Injury by Laser
YUE Hong-yun , ZHANG Bai-hong , WANG Rui-sheng , et al (岳红云 ,等)
Lanzhou Military Command General Hospital , The Chinese People s Liberation Army(Lanzhou , 730050 , China)
ABSTRACT:Objective:To learn the prevention and treatment of Yuming Prescription (the composition were Antelope Horn , Chinese An-
gelica , Root of Herbaceous Peony , CHuangxiong Rhizome , Divaricate Saposhnikovia Root , Chinses Goldthread , Cassia Seed and etc.)to reti-
nal injury by laser.Method:27 patients whose eyeground received laser therapy were treated by Yuming Prescription.Result and Conclu-
sion:Yuming Prescription could improve the visual threshold and the prescription had a good function to therapeutic retina injury by laser.
KEYWORDS:Yuming Prescription;therapeutic retina injury by laser;eyeground disease;visual threshold
(Original article on page 12)
Influence of LI Zhongyu s Clubbed Needling Stimulating the Foot Three Li(St.36)
to Contents of Monoaminergic Neurotransmitter in Central Nervous System on Rat
ZHOU Qi-zhi , SONG Kai-yuan , LIU Yi-man , et al(周奇志 ,等)
Acupuncture , Moxibustion and Tuina College , Chengdu University of TCM(Chengdu , 610075 , China)
ABSTRACT:Objective:To shed light on the central nervous system mechanism of acupuncture analgesia effect of LI Zhongyu s clubbed
needling.Method :Observed the stimulation effect of LI s clubbed needling to the contents of monoarminergic neurotransmitter in diencephalon
and telencephalon of normal and received pare-chlorophenylanime(PCPA)intapreitoneal injection rats.Result:To normal rats , stimulating the
Foot Three Li(St.36)by LI s clubbed needling could increase the contents of 5-HT(5-hydroxytryptamine)and 5-HIAA in diencephalon and
telencephalon , and could decreased the contents of NE(norepinephrine)in diencephalon.Meanwhile , the contents of DA(dopamine)in dien-
cephalon and telencephalon and NE in telencephalon continued without appreciable change.After received PCPA intraperitioneal injection , the
contents of 5-HI , 5-HIAA were decreased and stimulating by LI s clubbed needling could regain them to be close to normal status.The results
were similar to the function of electroanalgesia.Conclusion:There was an analogy of analgecize effect between LI s clubbed needling and
KEYWORDS:LI s clubbed needling;the Foot Three Li(St.36);monoarminergic neurotransmitter
(Original article on page 28)
Influence of Acupuncture to the Contents of Neurotransmitter
in Central Nervous System of Senile Rats and Mice
ZHAO Ji-lan , YU Shu-guang , ZHOU Qi-zhi , et al(赵纪岚 ,等)
Acupuncture , Moxibustion and Tuina College , Chengdu University of TCM(Chengdu , 610075 , China)
ABSTRACT:Objective:Inquire into the nervous system mechanism of that acupuncture could improve the learning and memory abilities of
the patients of senile dementia.Method :Determined and compared the contents of monoarminergic neurotransmitter in the brain of senescence
and adolescence rats.Result:The contents of monoarminergic neurotransmitter in brain of senescence rats were grossly reduced and acupunc-
ture could increase the contents of monoarminergic neurotransmitter of senescence rats.Conclusion:To senescence rats , the contents of
monoarminergic neurotransmitter were apparently reduced in senescence and acupuncture could reduce the descent of monoarminergic neuro-
transmitter in brain.
KEYWORDS:Acupuncture;Senile dementia;monoarminergic neurotransmitter;Brain
(Original article on page 30)
Study on the Volatile Oil of Nardostachy Chinesis Batal.
HAN Yong-ping , XIANG Yong-cheng , XIAN Dan , et al(韩泳平 ,等)
College Of Pharmacy , Chengdu University of TCM(Chengdu , 610075 , China)
ABSTRACT:The Volatile oil Of Nardostachys chinesis Batal.has been studied by GC-MS , and 21 compounds have been solated and i-
dentified.The total rative content of the components reachs 88.51%, Major compounds have been identified as Calarene(29.44%)■1(10)-
aristolenone-2(16.5%)and jatamansinol(8.80%).
KEYWORDS:Nardostachy Chinesis Batal.;Volatile oil;GC-MS
(Original article on page 43)
·64· 成都中医药大学学报    1999年 9 月第 22卷第 3 期Journal of Chengdu University of TCM    Sep.1999 , Vol.22 , No.3