摘 要 :本文主要研究贵州苏铁C. guizhouensis Lan et R. F. Zou的繁殖问题。播种繁殖:12月或翌年元月采种,随采随播或干藏一段时间后播种,一般6月中旬可陆续出土。分割繁殖:又分为切茎和切芽,切茎可横切或纵切,埋土后覆草保湿,切芽宜在茎与芽的交界处切,即可插入湿润土壤中。分割繁殖一般经1年左右便可形成新的植株。
Abstract:The present paper reports methods of propagation of Cycas guizhouensis Lan et R. R. Zou.
1. Seed propagation: collecting seeds in December or January next year, sowing seeds immediately or doing after storing them for about three months, germinating usually in the middle of June.
2.Partite propagation: cutting stems or buds vertically or horizontally into 2-4 pieces, which were immediately planted in the damp soil. New seedlings grew in one year or so.