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Vernalization, a Switch in Initiation of Flowering, Promotes Differentiation and Development of Spikelet in Winter Wheat

Vernalization is a decisive physiological process for heading, flowering and graining of biennial plants. Variable duration of low-temperature treatment has effects on lateral morphogenesis, such as spike initiation, floral development and graining rate in winter wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.). The investigation data showed that the duration of vernalization treatment was a decisive factor for the initiation of spike relevant to the time of initiation; the longer the duration at low temperature, the earlier the spike initiation in winter wheat. In the process of the spike differentiation, relatively lower temperature and longer differential time benefited for spike differentiation. Under laboratory condition, a low-temperature treatment for 45 d was optial for flower differentiation and graining in winter wheat. It is novelly recognized that vernalization treatment is essential for development of both spikes and spikelets, besides for promoting initiation of differentiation in winter wheat.

梁铁兵 雍伟东 谭克辉* 徐继 种康*


摘要:春化作用是决定冬性及二年生草本植物成花和穗分化的一个关键生理过程。通过用不同时间的前期低温处理 ,观察对冬小麦 (Triticumaestivum L .)后期形态建成中穗分化启动、小花发育及结实率的影响 ,发现前期低温处理对穗启动分化的早晚具有决定作用。春化时间越长 ,穗分化启动越早。较长时间低温有利于促进穗分化。在实验室低温处理条件下 ,促进小花分化和提高结实率的最佳春化处理时间是 45d左右。实验观察表明 ,春化处理促进小麦生长锥分化启动时间和分化速率 ,减少小穗退化。这一结果表明了春化处理不仅是冬小麦开花启动过程所必需的 ,而且是花序正常发育过程和顶部与基部小穗完全结实所不可缺少的。
关键词: 春化作用;冬小麦;穗分化

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