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Study on a Mutant with Low Content Chlorophyll b in a High Yielding Rice and Its Photosynthesis Properties

A high yielding rice mutant (Oryza sativa L. cv. Zhenhui 249) with low chlorophyll b was recently discovered in the field. The mutant was mainly characterized by the decrease of the content of extrinsic antennae complex. This variation was shown in the stage when the leaves were expanding. When the leaves are at the final developmental stage, the content would approach to that of the wild type. It was discovered that only moderate amount of chlorophyll b decreased in this mutant. The photosynthetic apparatus of the mutant was rather stable in the whole life span of the leaf. The extrinsic antennae complex of the mutant might make efficient use of light and meanwhile reduce the production of O2-.。

戴新宾1  曹树青1 许晓明1  陆巍1 张荣铣1** 许长成2  陈耀东2  匡廷云2

(1.  南京农业大学水稻研究所,南京210095 ;2. 中国科学院植物研究所光合作用基础研究开放实验室,北京100093)

摘要:最近发现了一个在田间条件下自然产生的低叶绿素b高产水稻突变体(Oryza sativa L. cv.Zhenhui 249),该突变体主要降低了外周捕光天线复合体的含量.这种变化主要表现在叶片全展前后,到叶片发育后期则接近野生型.与以往所研究的突变体不同的是,该突变体叶绿素b含量仅适量减少,因而不影响类囊体膜的稳定性.突变体的光合机构在叶片一生中较稳定,这可能表明突变减少了光系统截获的光能,相对提高了光能的利用率,减少了O-2的产生.

关键词: 叶绿素b;突变体;水稻;衰老

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