Abstract:A group of angiosperm fossil woods from the Late Tertiary rocks were excavated in the northern part of Yanglou Town, Xinzhou County, the City of Wuhan, Hubei Province. The angiosperm fossil wood in China was discovered and studied for the first record. Three fossil woods have been identified to be Phyllanthus wuhaneasis J.J. Yang sp. nov. Bridelia wuhanensis J.J. Yang sp.nov, and Bischofia polycarpa Airy-Shaw of the Phyllanthoideae. A group belonging to Phyllan- thoideae of the Euphorbiaceae, and the more scorching and humid climate in Wuhan area at the ancient time than it is recently deduced from: 1. The habitat of the modem Phyllanthoideae trees are mainly in the tropical zone; 2. Besides the three species of Phyllanthoideae the previously reported Acrocarpus fraxinifolius Am. ex Wight of Mimosaceae and Ormosia pinnata Merr. of Papilionaceae which are modem tropical tree species, also were included in the fossil wood group; 3. The B/schofia polycarpa Airy-Shaw recently growing in Wuhan area in the subtropical zone, was included in the fossil wood group with previously reported Bischofia javanica BI., a modem tropical tree species which has disappeared in the subtropical zone. The modem B. polycarpa Airy-Shaw is a diffusewood tending to become semi-diffuse-wood while no such tendency was found in its fossil wood, showing the tree evolution from tropical tree species to subtropical one, for the tropical species tend to have diffuse-wood.