Abstract:The effects of BA and KT on somatic embryogenesis of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciaefolia Scop) have been studied. Light-yellow callus was able to be formed from sainfoin hypocotyl explants cultured on LS medium containing I mg/l BA+ 1 mg/1 KT, and its somatic embryogenesis was induced by 1 mg/l BA and inhibited by 1 rog/1 KT on LS medium. Analysis of free amino acid in different types of calli indicated that the content of L-proline in embryonic callus was only as much as 2/5 of that in nonembryonic callus. Addition of L-proline to culture medium led to the stimulative effects on somatic embryogenesis in sainfoin and its optimal concentration is 1000 mg/1.