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Two species and one variety of the Amblystegiaceae (Musci) new to China

During our recent study of the Chinese Amblystegiaceae, we found that Calliergon meg-
alophyllum Mikut., Drepanocladus trichophyllus (Warnst.) Podp. and Cratoneuron filicinum
(Hedw.) Spruce var. atro-virens (Brid.) Ochyra are new to China. The occurrance of Hygroum-
blystegium noterophilum (Sull. et Lesq. ) Warnst. in China as previously recorded represents only a
misidentification. All the Chinese specimens referred to this species should be identified as Crato-
neuron filicinum (Hedw.) Spruce var. atro-virens (Brid.) Ochyra.

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