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A revision of Chinese Thuidiaceae (s. l., Musci)

 The study on Chinese Thuidiaceae was started in 19th century. However the present pa-
per deals with the first revision of the family in China. There are 17 genera and 71 species in total
including one subspecies. In this paper, several nomenclatural problems are treated, mainly involv-
ing 7 genera: Leptocladium Broth., Anomodon Hook. et Tayl., Haplocladium ( C. Muell. ) C.
Muell., Claopodium (Lesq. et Jam. ) Ren. et Card., Bryonoguchia Iwatsuki et Inoue, Helodium
(Sull.)Warnst. and Actinothuidium (Besch.)Broth. One new species, 3 new synonyms, including
one generic synonym and two specific synonyms, and one Chinese new name are reported.

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