作 者 :郭涛,杨小波,廖香俊,龙文兴,李东海
期 刊 :生态学报 2007年 27卷 2期 页码:755~762
Keywords:vegetation composition, vegetation succession, mining tailing wasteland, Shilu iron mine,
摘 要 :实验开展了3个不同年代的海南石碌铁尾矿库区植被调查研究,根据记录数据计算了各样地物种的重要值、物种多样性指数和均匀度等。结果表明,铁尾矿库区内植物种类总体上来看较为稀少,不同尾矿库区内植物群落组成成分差异比较大。已经停止使用20a的尾矿区(样地1)内,自然定居的植物仅有44种,其中禾本科植物种类较多,其次为豆科植物和莎草科植物,表明这3个科的植物种类较其它科植物更容易适应这种环境,特别是禾本科的水竹(Phragmites karka)、雀稗(Paspalum commersonii)和豆科的田菁(Sesbaniacannabina)表现出较强的适应能力;刚停止使用2a的尾矿库区(样地2)内,自然定居的植物有21种,其中硬骨草(Panicum repens)、斑茅(Saccharum arundinaceum)和芒(Miscanthus sinensis)等禾本科植物为该样地的优势种群;正在使用的尾矿库区(样地3)内物种单一,只有水竹(Pyllosacys karka)、芒(Miscanthus sinensis)和田菁(Sesbaniacannabina)三种植物能在该恶劣的生境中顽强地生长和发育,表现出极强的适应能力。结果还表明了3个不同年代库区的植物群落的组成与结构存在明显的演替顺序差异,样地3单种优势明显,从样地3到样地1,这种优势依次减弱,物种多样性指数也依次增加,这表现出由较少先锋物种种类组成的简单群落向稳定复杂群落方向演替的趋势,反映了植物群落结构随演替时间的延长越来越趋向复杂化。在同一个尾矿库区内土壤的不同水分含量和理化性质会对植物的定居与群落的组成关系密切。
Abstract:This paper focuses on the research into the vegetation of three iron mine tailing wastelands of Shilu Mining Area (in Changjiang county, Hainan) in different periods. According to the data derived from this on-the-spot investigation into the wastelands, the author of the paper calculated the important value of the plant species, the index of diversity of the plant species as well as the evenness of the plant species.
The findings showed that in each wasteland, the types of plant species on the whole were not many and the composition between the plant communities was relatively different. In No.1 waste-land, which was deserted two decades ago, there were 44 types of native plant species, among which Gramineae family was the most dominant while Leguminosae and Cyperaceae families are less dominant, especially the species like Phragmites karka and Paspalum commersonii of Gramineae, and Typhaceae angustifolia of Cyperaceae were flourishing and more adaptable to the habitat. In No.2 wasteland, which was abandoned two years ago, 21 types of native plant species had been found, among which the most adaptable were Panicum repens, Saccharum arundinaceum and Miscanthus sinensis that belonged to Gramineae family. The vegetation of No. 3 tailing wasteland, which is still being mined now, was much worse than that of No.1 and No.2 wastelands. Because of its poor habitat, only three species could survive, which were Pyllosacys karka, Sesbaniacannabina and Miscanthus sinensis.
The analysis of the findings had indicated that the plant community structures of the three mine wastelands were obviously different in succession sequence, single species dominance lowering from No.3 to No.1 and species diversity indexes increasing from No. 3 to No. 1. This phenomenon demonstrated that the succession trends changing from simple plant communities composed by few pioneer species to complex and stable communities, and plant community structures become more complex with the succession going on. Besides, the analysis of vegetation of No.1 wasteland showed that even in the same digging, different water contents and different physical and chemical characters might influence the plant ecesis and community composition at different levels. For this part, a further study is necessary.