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Euonymus chengii var. yangxiensis (Celastraceae)——A New Variety from South China


全 文 :Recieved: 2011–12–14    Accepted: 2012–04–05
Supported by the Knowledge Innovation Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (KSCX2-EW-Q-8) and the National Natural Science Foundation of
China (30970441)
WU Lan-fen. E-mail: liangfen46@163.com
* Corresponding author. E-mail: yeys1@126.com
热带亚热带植物学报 2012, 20(5): 523~526
Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Botany
Celastraceae, a family mainly in the tropics and
subtropics, some in temperate regions, contains ca.
97 genera and 1194 species. Of which, 14 genera and
192 species are in China[1]. Euonymus L., a big genus
in Celastraceae, comprises nearly 130 species[1],
mostly occurring in subtropics and warm areas. In
China, Euonymus contains 90 species belong to five
sections[1]. Many species in this genus have economic
values both in ornaments and medicines.
During an investigation in the field of Yangxi
City, a peculiar Euonymus specimen was collected
in a typical tropical ravine rainforest of Guangdong
Province. The density of this Euonymus species in
rainforest was very low. In total, about 10 individuals
have been found in the survived valley rainforest,
while the surrounding forests have been seriously
damaged. The Euonymus species occurs understory,
associated with Fagraea ceilanica Thunb., Erythroxylum
sinense Y. C. Wu, Psychotria asiatica L., Casearia
membranacea Hance, Ardisia villosa Roxb., trees
mainly including Acacia lebbeck (L.) Willd, Acmena
acuminatissima (Bl.) Merr. et Perry, Ficus hispida
吴兰芬, 叶育石*
(中国科学院华南植物园, 广州 510650)
摘要: 报道了中国广东省阳西县沟谷雨林内 1 新变种——阳西静容卫矛(Euonymus chengii var. yangxiensis Y. S. Ye & L. F. Wu),
(E. chengii J. S. Ma)和中华卫矛(E. nitidus Benth.)相似,主要区别是该变种叶缘顶部 2/3 以上具锯齿,侧脉明显,花少且大,蒴果
关键词: 卫矛科; 阳西静容卫矛; 新变种; 广东
doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005–3395.2012.05.016
Euonymus chengii var. yangxiensis (Celastraceae) —— A New Variety
from South China
WU Lan-fen, YE Yu-shi*
(South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, China)
Abstract: Euonymus chengii J. S. Ma var. yangxiensis Y. S. Ye & L. F. Wu (Celastraceae), var. nov., a new variety
with larger leaves characterized by crenulate margins above middle, venation distinct on both surfaces and bigger
capsules is described and illustrated. It is restricted to the most typical tropical ravine rainforest in Yangxi City,
Guangdong Province in South China. It belongs to sect. Euonymus, a section whose capsules with emarginated
apex, and resembles E. chengii J. S. Ma and E. nitidus Benth.
Key words: Celastraceae; Euonymus yangxiensis; New variety; Guangdong
524                       热带亚热带植物学报               第20卷
L. f., Diospyros philippensis (Desr.) Gurke, Vitex
quinata (Lour.) Wall., pteridophytes and lianas.
The specimen was examined in the Herbarium of
South China Botanical Garden of Chinese Academy of
Sciences (IBSC) and was concluded as a new variety
of E. chengii J. S. Ma in Euonymus sect. Euonymus, a
section with apex emarginated capsules, includes 37
species and of which 19 are endemic to China[1]. For
E. chengii, we once found it in E’huangzhang Nature
Reserve, Guangdong Province, mainly in hillside or
valley forest. The new variety is somewhat resembling
to Euonymus nitidus Benth.
Herbarium materials of Euonymus chengii J. S.
Ma var. yangxiensis Y. S. Ye & L. F. Wu, E. chengii
and E. nitidus were examined in the herbaria of IBSC
and PE. Field surveys were conducted in Yangxi
City of Guangdong Province where E. chengii var.
yangxiensis grown. The holotypes of E. chengii var.
yangxiensis (Fig. 1) and E. chengii (Fig. 2) were used
for comparison. Texture and morphologies of leaves,
fruits, flowers and seeds of representative samples for
three species (Table 1) were also compared.
Fig. 1 Euonymus chengii var. yangxiensis Y. S. Ye & L. F. Wu. A. Flowering and fruiting branch; B. Flower; C. Flower without sepals; D. Petal;
E. Stamen; F. Capsule. (Drawn from holotype)
第5期 525
Fig. 2 Habitat of Euonymus chengii var. yangxiensis.
Fig. 3 Type of Euonymus chengii. A. Type of E. chengii; B. Leaves; C. Capsules.
526                       热带亚热带植物学报               第20卷
Euonymus chengii J. S. Ma var. yangxiensis Y.
S. Ye & L. F. Wu, var. nov. Fig. 1.
Shrubs to 2 m high; young branches distinctly
4-angled, twigs slender. Leave blades chartaceous,
elliptic or ovate-elliptic, 9 –11.5 cm × 3.5– 4.5 cm,
apex acute to caudate-acuminate, base cuneate, margin
crenulate above middle, venation distinct onboth
surfaces, nerves 3–5 per side; petiole 6 –10 mm long.
Cymes supra-axillary, many-flowered, peduncle
slender, ca. 2 cm long. Bracts lanceolate,ca. 1.5 mm
long, caducous. Flowers light green, 4-merous,
pedicels ca. 3 mm long. Sepals nearly round, margin
entire, nearly 2 mm long and 2 mm broad. Petals
ovate or nearly round, 3–3.2 mm × 2.8–3 mm broad.
Disc flat and round, stamens inserted on the outer
margin of the disc, no filament, pistill lied on the
centre of the disc. Capsule obovoid, light yellow,
2.7–3.3 cm long, ca. 2.8 cm in diam., 4-angled, apex
emarginated, opening by 4 valves at maturity. Seeds
1–3 in each locule, globose or subglobose, orange,
covered with orange aril. Flowering in June; Fruiting
more than one year (so fruits can be seen with second-
year flowers at the same individual).
China. Guangdong(广东): Yangxi(阳西), alt.
380 m, 2004–06–08, Hua-gu Ye(叶华谷) 10695
(holotype, IBSC!).
Euonymus chengii var. yangxiensis is similar
to E. chengii var. chengii,but differs from it by the
larger leaves with crenulate margins above middle,
venation distinct on both surfaces, and by the bigger
capsule to 2.7–3.3 cm long and ca. 2.8 cm in diameter
with spreading and margin reflexed persistent calyx-
lobes. It is also similar to E. nitidus, but differs from
it by the papery leaves with venation distinct on
both surfaces, flowers fewer but larger, and by the
bigger capsule in diameter with spreading and margin
reflexed persistent calyx-lobes. The morphological
differences between three species are presented in
Table 1 and Fig. 2.
[1]  Ma J S, Funston M. Euonymus [M]// Wu Z Y, Raven P H. Flora
of China Vol. 11. Beijing: Science Press & St. Louis: Missouri
Botanical Garden Press, 2008: 439–463.
Table 1 Diagnostic characters of Euonymus chengii var. yangxiensis, E. chengii var. chengii and E. nitidus
Character E. chengii var. yangxiensis E. chengii var. chengii E. nitidus
Height (m) 1–2 3 2–10
Texture Papery Papery Leathery to thickly papery
Shape Elliptic to ovate-elliptic Elliptic Elliptic or oblong-elliptic
Margin Crenulate above middle Entire Subentire
Veins Evident Obscure Obscure
Length (cm) 9–11.5 5–9 6.5–10
Width (cm) 3.5–4.5 2.5–3.5 3–4
Petiole length (mm) 6–10 Sessile to sub-sessile 5–8
Number Some Some Many
Diameter (mm) 10–14 10–14 5–6
Capsule length (cm) 2.7– 3.3 ca. 2 1.5–1.7
Capsule diameter (cm) ca. 2.8 1.5 1.4–1.6
Persistent calyx-lobes Spreading, margin reflexed Stick to capsule Stick to capsule
Seeds per locule 1–3 2 2

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