全 文 :热带亚热带植物学报 2005,13(3):224—228
Journa/ofTropical and SubtropicalBotany
张志胜 17 DORNA Hanna2
(1.华南农业大学农学院,广州 510642:2.波兹南农业大学种子科学技术系,波兹南 Baranovo,62·081,波兰)
摘要:研究脱落酸引发及其与植物生长调节剂的复合处理对夜香紫罗~_(Matthiola bicornis)种子萌发的效应。结果表
明,将夜香紫罗兰种子于20~cT在2.5x10"s mol/L脱落酸(ABA)溶液中引发7 d,能显著缩短种子平均萌发时间,增加
中图分类号:Q945.34 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005—3395(2005)03—0224—05
The Efects of ABA Priming on Germination
of Matthiola bicornis Seeds
ZHANG Zh i—Sheng . DORNA Hanna
(1.Colege ofAgriculture,South China Agricultural University,Guangzhou 510642,China;
2.Dept ofSeed Science and Technology,Poznan Agricultural University,Bara.rlovo,62·081 Przezmierovo,Poland)
Abstract:The efects of ABA priming,both alone and in combination with GA3,KT and NAA on germination of
Matthiola bicornis seeds were investigated. The best priming was to treat seeds in 2.5x 1 0‘ mol/L ABA solution at
20~C for 7 d.This treatment significantly reduced mean germ ination time and increased germ ination index
compared with the contro1. Combined treatment by ABA th NAA showed no further efect on germ ination of
the seeds,but all the other combined treatm ents sign ificantly increased the percentage of norm al seedlings. The
treatment in combination with KT and NAA increased the germ ination index compared to the treatment with ABA
or PEG priming alone. There were quite diferences in the seed relative water absorption between treatm ents with
PEG and ABA priming. The potential and the mechanisms for using ABA priming to improve seed germ ination
are discussed.
Key words:Matthiola bicornis;ABA;Seed priming;Seed germ ination
Seed treatm ent can improve seed quality and
becomes more and more important in modern seed
industryt 1.Seed priming first coined by Heydecher et
a1.回for the controlled hydration ofseeds is an important
and efective seed treatment method to achieve
germ ination advancing and synchronizing【 , and
several seed treatm ent methods have been developed【堋.
Exogenous ABA can reversibly block the process
of germ ination~,and ABA treatm ent significantly
Recieved:2004-09—13 Accepted:2004-1 1-26
increased the synchrony of carrot seed germ ination t91.
Pre—treating tomato seeds in ABA solution sign ificantly
enhanced seedling emergence and gave very similar
results to that of osmotic priming【Ⅻ.ABA seed pre—
treatment significantly increased the plant growth and
l(十concentration in the plant of salinity sensitive
wheat variety “.However.Carneiro et al reported
that ABA treatment delayed seed germ ination of
alfalfa. seeds maintained in ABA had very lOW
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第 3期 张志胜等:脱落酸引发对夜香紫罗兰种子萌发的效应 225
germination.and the interaction of ABA+GA3 was not
su缅cient to overcome the action of the inhibitor. Up
to now.there were few reports in literature on the
response of seeds to ABA priming (treated seeds as
osmotic priming).The main goal of the present study
was to investigate the potential for using ABA
priming. both alone and in combination with other
plant growth regulators, to improve germ ination of
Matthiola bicornis seeds.
1 Materials and Methods
1.1 Plant material
Seeds of Matthiola bicornis DC used as material
were kindly granted by Pozndn Horticultural Seed
Company “CNOS”. The chemicals of abscisic acid
lacetic acid (NAA)and polyethylene glycol(PEG)
were purchased from Sigma Company.
1.2 ABA priming
For each treatment, six—replicates of fifty seeds
were placed in Petri dishes lined with four layers of
filter paper moistened with 5 ml of ABA solution at
2.5x10 .5.0xl0~.7.5×l0’ or 1.0x10 moI/L concen—
tration. Petri dishes were sealed with parafilm and
placed in culture room at 20℃ for 7 d. Following
treatm ent,seeds were washed under running tap water
f0r l min and next rinsed three times in distilled water.
Then all seeds were dried back at 20℃ and 45% ±5%
relative humidity for 48 h.After drying,seeds were set
up for germ ination. The untreated seeds were the
1.3 PEG priming
Preliminary experiments showed that the best
priming conditions for Matthiola bicornis seeds were
to prime seeds in—1.25 MPa PEG solution at l5℃ f0r
7 d.Seeds were primed in the same way as ABA
priming except for using PEG solution instead of
1.4 Combined treatment
Th e most effective concentration of ABA
2.5×1 0 mol/L for improvement germ ination of
bicornis seeds was selected from the germ ination test
and was used in combination m 1.4x 1 0 mo儿 GA3,
7.0x 0 5 mo儿 KT.4.7×10 mo儿 KT,2.9x10 mo儿
GA + 4.7×10 mol/L KT,2.9× 10 mol/L GA3,
5.4 × 10 mol/L NAA, 2.7× 10 mol/L NAA,
2.9× l0 mol/L GA + 5.4 × 10 mol/L NAA,
4.7× l0‘ mol/L 1 r + 1.4 × 10 mol/L NAA,
2.9× 10’ mo儿 GA + 4.7× l0 mo儿 l +
5.4x l 0 mol/I NAA.respectively.Seeds were treated
in the same way as described above.After treatm ent,
seeds were set up f0r germ ination.
1.5 Seed germination test
In each germ ination test, six replicates of 50
seeds were placed in 9 cm diameter Petri dishes lined
with four layers of filter paper moistened with distilled
water. and then incubated at 20℃ in darkness. Th e
number of seeds germinated (the length of radical is
no shorter than the length of the seed) was recorded
daily until no further germ ination occurred.The final
count and evaluation of norm al seedlings and
ungerminated flesh seeds took place after 1 4 d
according to Intemational Seed Testing Association
rules[131.Mean germ ination time,germ ination index
were calculated according to the following form ula:
Mean gem inatiOn time:—d1Xal+d2xa
a1+n2+⋯ +
Gemination index 鲁+乏 一+ dnd ,d,
Where dl=d1,d2,⋯ dn,the number ofdays of
germ ination; a1,a2,⋯ %,the number of germ inated
seeds during the first day,the second day⋯..etc.
Th e percentage of normal seedlings an d un germi—
nated flesh seeds were also calculated.
1.6 Relative water absorption determination
Two sets of Mathiola bicornu seeds(each set
comprised of six replicates of 50 seeds)( 1)were
treated in ABA solution containing various plan t
growt h regulators or in PEG solution as mentioned
above. Following treatm ent, seeds of each set were
harvested together and washed un der running tap
water for 2 min next rinsed in distilled water three
times.Then,the seeds were surface dried with filter
paper and weighed on an analysis balance( 2).The
relative water absorption was calculated as follows:
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226 热带亚热带植物学报 第 13卷
Relative water absorption(%)=(W2一W1)/W1x I O0
The control was the relative water absorption of
seeds which just began to germinate on filter paper
moistened with distilled water.
2 Results
2.1 Germination response of seeds to ABA priming
Germ ination response of Matthiola b icornis seeds
to ABA priming depended on ABA concentration.
Seeds treated with 1.25×1 0一 mol/L ABA germ inated
during the priming. Priming seeds in 2.5~1 0‘ mol/L
ABA solution at 20cI二for 7 d significantly increased
germ ination index and reduced mean germ ination time
compared to untreated seeds(Table 1 .Although
treating seeds in 5.0×10一moI/L and 7.5×l0。 mol/L
ABA solution reduced mean germ ination time and
increased germ ination index,the diferences were not
significant at statistical leve1. Seeds treated in
1.0×1 0 mol/L ABA solution showed slower germ i—
nation and thepercentage of norm al seedlings was
significantly decreased compared to the contro1.
Hence, the concentration of 2.5~1 0。 mol/L was best
for ABA priming of Matthiola b icornis seeds and was
selected for further experiment.
It should be noted that all ABA treatments
signifcantly increased percentage of ungerm inated
fresh seeds. which indicated that ABA priming could
increase dorm ancy ofthe seeds.
2.2 The efects of ABA priming, both alone and
in combination with GA3,KT and NAA,on
germination of the seeds
Compared with the control, priming Matthiola
Table 1 Germination response of Mathiola bieornis seeds to
various concentrations of ABA priming at 2O℃
Means in the same column followed by the same letter are not
signifcantly diferent at ot:O.05 by Duncan’s multiple range test.The
maximum value ofgermination index is 100,an d the minimum 0.
bicornis seeds in 2.5xl0~mol/L ABA solution signi—
ficantly increased germ ination index and reduced
mean germ ination time. but did not afrect the final
percentage of norm al seedlings. These results were
similar to that of PEG priming(Table 2).There were
fewer bacteria and fungus diseases to occur during
ABA priming, however, it was more severe during
PEG priming.
Priming seeds in 2.5× 10‘ moI/L ABA +
2.9× 10 mol/L GA , 2.5× 10 mol/L ABA +
7.0× 10‘ mol/L KT. 2.5 × 10一 mol/L ABA +
4.7× 10一 mol/L KT and 2.5× 10一 mol/L ABA +
2.9×10一 mol/L GA +4.7×10‘ mol/L KT solution at
20~C for 7 d,respectively,resulted in seed germ ination
during the treatments. The percentages of germ inated
seeds were 35.0%,87.0%,85.3% and 85.0%,respec—
tively.This showed that both KT and high concen.
tration GA could relieve the action of ABA to block
seed germ ination. Seeds treated in 2.5×1 0‘ mcI/L
ABA+4.7xl0一and 7.0xl0~mol/L KT solution germ i.
nated more uniform ly than those in 2.5×10‘ moI/L
ABA+2.9x 1 0 mol/L GA3 solution.It suggested that
KT was more effective than GA .
Al combined treatments(Table 2)signifcantly
reduced mean germ ination time and increased
Table 2 The efects of ABA priming alone and in combination
with GA3’KT,NAA on germination ofMathiola bicornis seeds
Mearls in the same column followed by the same letter are not
significantly diferent at ot=O.O5.I:PEG priming;II—l:2.5x10 mol/L
ABA;II:2.5×l0 mol,L ABA+2.9×l0 mol,L GA1:IV:2.5×l0- mol,L
ABA+5.4xl0 mol/L NAA: V: 2.5×l0- mol,L ABA+2.7xl0-5 moI几
NAA: VI: 2.5×l0 mol/L ABA +2.9×l0。 mol/L GAl+5.4xl0- mol/L
NAA: VI: 2.5xl0 moI,L ABA+4.7x 0 moI,L KT+1.4xl0- moI/L
NAA;VIII:2.5×l0 moUL 人BA +2.9xl0 mol/L GA +4.7×lO moI几
KT+5.4xl0 mol/l NA^.
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germination index compared with the control,
however only the combined treatment with GA3+NAA
(VI) signifcantly increased percentage of normal
The efects of combined treatm ents on seed
germ ination depended on the kind of plant growth
regulator used. Combined ABA priming with NAA
(IV and V)showed no extra efect on germination
index and percentage ofnorm al seedlings compared to
treating seeds with ABA alone, however combined
ABA priming with GA3(11)further increased the
percentage ofnorm al seedlings and germination index.
Seeds treated in ABA+GA3+NAA(Ⅵ)solution had the
highest percentage of norm al seedlings,while those
treated in ABA+KT+NAA(VI 1 were characterized by
the highest germination index and shortest mean
germ ination time.These results were even better than
that ofpriming seeds with PEG.
2.3 Relative water absorption
Though the efect of ABA priming on the
germ ination ofMatthiola bicornis seeds was similar to
that ofPEG priming,the seed relative water absorptions
ofthe two treatm ents were quite diferent.The relative
water absorption of seeds primed with PEG was lower
than that of the control, while that of seeds primed
with ABA. both alone and in combination with other
plant growth regulators,were higher than that ofthe
contro1. This indicated that it was possible to achieve
‘priming efect’without an osmoticum.
Further studies showed that the concentration and
the sort ofplant growth regulators had efects on seed
relative water absorption. Generally. the lower the
ABA concentration, the higher the relative water
absorption(Table 3). The highest relative water
absorption appeared in the treatment of ABA in
combination with KT+NAA(Vl1),while the lowest in
combination with 5.4×l0一 mol/L NAA(rv1.
3 Discussion
In our study, the results showed that ABA
priming sign ificantly reduced mean germ ination time
and increased germ ination index.and it did not affect
percentage of norm al seedlings of Matthiola bicornis.
These results were in accordalice with the findings on
carrot and tomato seeds reported by Finch—Savage and
McQuistanp, .
Previous studies indicated that combined plant
growt h regu lators used in treatm entwith PEG priming
further enhanced the benefits of PEG priming on seed
germ ination and seedling emergence[14-16]Our results
also showed that incorporation of GA3 into the ABA
priming solution further increased the percentage of
normal seedlings and germ ination index of Matthiola
bicorn~seeds,and the highest germination index and
the shortest mean germ ination time were obtained in
the combination OfKT+NAA and ABA treatm ent.Th is
indicated that incorporation ofother plant growth regu—
lators into the ABA priming could further enhance the
benefits of ABA priming on seed germ ination.
ABA priming could improve seed germ ination
and seedling emergence of some vegetable and flower
species.This kind of improvement depended on plant
species and the concentration ofABA.For instance,the
optimal ABA concentrations for treatment of Callis—
tephus chinensis cv.Pola and Matthiola incana CV.
Brillant seeds were 5x10 mol/L and 1.25x10- mol/L,
respectively (data not presented here). ABA could
efectively prevent the bacteria and fungus growt h
during seed priming treatm ent, which had advantages
for both appraising the priming efect and practical
use. Therefore, ABA priming will be an efective
method to improve seed germ ination.
Both osmotic and ABA priming could improve
seed germ ination.However,the mechanisms involved
in were diferent.In osmotic priming,osmoticum such
Table 3 Comparison of the relative water abso rption between PEG priming and Alia priming
Means folowed by the salle leter are not signifcantly different at oL=O.05. II-2:5.0x10。 mol/L ABA;II一3:7
.5x10’ moFL ABA;11-4
1.0x10 mol/L ABA;The others are the same as in Table 2.
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228 热带亚热带植物学报 第 13卷
as PEG were used to control the hydration of seeds in
order to permit pregerm inative metabolic events to take
place and at the same time inhibit radical emergence.
In ABA priming.ABA was used to prevent the radical
cell wall loosening and there by cell expansion【B]or
antagonize the weakening of endosperm restraint
radical cells. ABA priming allows seeds to absorb
more water to take the physiological and biochemical
events.the‘priming efects’might be be~er.
As a growth inh ibitor, does ABA interfere in the
pregerminative metabolic event to take place and
subsequent seed germ ination process?Both our results
and that of Finch—Savage and McQuistant 。 noted that
ABA priming could improve seed germ ination,
therefore,ABA priming was thought not to afect the
pregerm inative metabolic events, if the proper ABA
concentration was used.However,ABA priming had
some effects on the seedling development. Finch—
Savage and McQuistan 0]found that root length from
PEG priming was significantly greater than that from
ABA treatment. In our experiment, we also found
ABA priming inh ibited the main root growt h to some
extent,but promoted the root hair development.Was it
the efect ofABA priming or because not all ofABA
was removed from the treated seeds? The true reason
was not understood
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