Studies on the Application of Electrolyte Leakage Rate and the Distribution of the Lowest Temperature to Introduction Decision of Eucalyptus in the Centre of Fujian Province
Abstract:According to the recorded data of the lowest temperature from 1971 to 2005 in Yongan City of Fujian Province and the maths model of extreme values distribution and meteorology theory, the possibility of the lowest temperature was estimated in different altitude within 5~10 years. The semilethal temperature of the different Eucalyptus species with different cold-resistant capability in the introducing area was determined by the method of electrolyte leakage rate. The introduction decision was estimated and made based on the likely occurrence of the lowest temperature at different altitude in 5~10 years and the semilethal temperature of the different species, called as "the extreme-environment reflecting method" . The results showed that Eucalyptus dunnii could distribute at altitude of 775 m, Eucalyptus grandis and other Eucalyptus sp. with samilar cold-resistant capability could be planted below 467 m, E. camaldulensis could survive below 960 m, when the lowest temperature over decade occurred in the area. This method could be widely used to other areas and species in evalution and decision making of the introduction.