全 文 :During our botanical trips to Yunnan, two little
known species of Orchidaceae from China were
Dendrobium transparens Wall. ex Lindl., Gen.
Sp. Orchid. Pl. 79. 1830. —— Callista transparens
(Wall. ex Lindl.) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 655. 1891.
Type: Nepal, Wall. Cat. 2008. (holotype, K-LINDL!;
isotypes, E!K!). 紫婉石斛 Fig. 1
Stem 30 – 60 cm, cylindrical, with many nodes,
nodes slightly thickened, internodes 2 – 3 cm long.
Leaves borne on the young stems, ca. 7.5 – 10 cm ×
1.3 cm, linear-lanceolate, apex oblique, acute, margin
entire, base sheathing; leaf sheath pale white when
dry, papery. Flowers in pairs from the nodes of the old
or deciduous stems. Flora bracts ca. 1.2 cm × 0.4 –
0.5 cm, broadly lanceolate, scarious, apex acuminate.
Pedicle and ovary ca. 2.2 cm long. Sepals and petals
white tinged with pale purplish red or distal part pale
purplish red, lip with purplish red striation on both
Recieved: 2013–05–27 Accepted: 2013–08–04
This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31107176, 31311120061).
JIN Wei-tao, E-mail: jinweitao@ibcas.ac.cn
* Corresponding author. E-mail: xiaohuajin@ibcas.ac.cn
热带亚热带植物学报 2014, 22(1): 34 ~ 37
Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Botany
金伟涛1, 何疆海2, 朱正明2, 金效华1*
(1. 系统与进化植物学国家重点实验室, 中国科学院植物研究所, 北京 100093; 2. 云南绿春自然保护区管理局, 云南 绿春 662500)
摘要: 报道了中国兰科植物一新记录种互生对叶兰[Neottia alternifolia (King & Pantl.) Szlach.];并对紫婉石斛(Dendrobium
transparens Wall. ex Lindl.)的形态特征、生境等进行了描述。紫婉石斛与兜唇石斛[Dendrobium aphyllum (Roxb.) C. E. Fischer]
相似,区别在于唇瓣中央具深紫红色大斑块,唇瓣正面具柔毛; 互生对叶兰是鸟巢兰属自养类型种类中唯一具有两片互生叶的
关键词: 新资料; 紫婉石斛; 互生对叶兰; 兰科; 中国
doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005–3395.2014.01.006
Additional Notes on Orchids from China
JIN Wei-tao1, HE Jiang-hai2, ZHU Zheng-ming2, JIN Xiao-hua1*
(1. State Key Lab of Systematics and Evolution Botany, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, China; 2. Administrative
Authority of Luchun Natural Reserve, Luchun 662500, China)
Abstract: Based on field observation and specimen examination, two little known orchids, Dendrobium transparens
Wall. ex Lindl. and Neottia alternifolia (King & Pantl.) Szlach., are documented first time in field in China.
Dendrobium transparens is similar to Dendrobium aphyllum (Roxb.) C. E. Fischer, but it is easily distinguished
from the latter by its lip having a large deep purplish red patch along its middle and pubescent adaxially; Neottia
alternifolia (King & Pantl.) Szlach. is quite different from other species of Neottia Guettard by having two
alternate leaves.
Key words: Additional note; Dendrobium transparens; Neottia alternifolia; Orchidaceae; China
第1期 35
sides at base, has a large deep purplish red patch along
its middle, with purple lines towards the base. Sepals
subequal, ca. 2.5 cm × 0.5 cm, lanceolate, acuminate,
6 – 7-veined; petals ca. 2.5 cm × 0.9 cm, ovate,
cuneate at base, apex acute, 7 – 8-veined; lip obovate
or suborbicular when spread out, ca. 2.7 cm × 1.5 cm,
laterally embracing column and trumpet-shaped,
base narrowly clawed, margin irregularly denticulate,
pubescent adaxially; column ca. 4 mm long, with two
horn-like stelidia; column foot ca. 8 mm, base with a
small nectar-secreting cavity. Fl. Apr. – May.
Distribution: Bhutan, India, Nepal and Myanmar.
China: Yunnan (云 南), Luchun County (绿 春),
Qimaba, alt. 1100 m, subtropical evergreen forest,
2012 – 05 – 13, Jin Xiaohua 13041 (PE!)
Conservation status: Dendrobium transparens
is widespread from western Himalayas, eastern
Himalayas, India, Nepal, Bhutan, and Myanmar in dense
wet forests. However, due to the growing population
in these regions, dense wet forest is decreasing greatly.
Therefore, we consider this species as “Critically
Endangered” (CR), according to IUCN Red List
Categories and Criteria[9].
Dendrobium Swartz is a genus with approximately
1100 species, distributed from India across to Japan,
south to Malaysia and Indonesia, east to Australia, New
Guinea, and the Pacific islands. The genus is characterized
by lateral or terminal inflorescences, lateral sepals forming
a mentum with the column foot, column short with apical
stelidia and four naked pollinia in appressed pairs[1–3,6].
There are 78 species (14 endemic) in 14 sections in China
including this species.
Dendrobium transparens is similar to Dendrobium
aphyllum (Roxb.) C. E. Fischer. In Dendrobium
transparens, the lip has a large deep purplish red
patch along its middle and pubescent adaxially, but in
the latter, lip is pale yellow and both surfaces densely
Dendrobium transparens has previously reported
by Xu et al.[10]. However, neither a detail description
nor voucher specimen was provided.
Neottia alternifolia (King & Pantl.) Szlach., Fragm.
Florist. Geobot., Suppl. 3: 117. 1995. —— Listera
Fig. 1 Habitat of Dendrobium transparens
36 第22卷热带亚热带植物学报
alternifolia King & Pantl., J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Pt. 2,
Nat. Hist. 65: 126. 1896. Type: India, Sikkim, Lachen
valley, Pantling 390 (Holotype, CAL; isotypes, E! K!
W). 互生对叶兰 (新拟) Fig. 2
Plants autotrophic, ca. 18 cm high. Stem with
two tubular sheaths at base, ca. 0.8 – 2.5 cm, lower
portion below leaves glabrous, the portion above the
lower leaf densely pubescent. Leaves 2, borne at the
upper of stem, conspicuously alternate, sessile, lower
one slightly larger than upper one, 1.3 – 1.5 cm ×
0.65 – 0.9 cm, elliptic to ovate, apex blunt or subacute,
margin entire, base truncate, lateral veins and midrib
converged at apex, forming a firm point. Inflorescence
racemose, ca. 4.5 cm, rachis densely pubescent, laxly
ca. 6-flowered. Flora bracts 2.5 – 4.5 mm × 1.2 –
2.5 mm, elliptic-lanceolate, apex blunt or subacute,
1-veined. Pedicle and ovary glabrous, each ca. 4 mm.
Dorsal sepal ca. 3.8 mm × 1.6 mm, elliptic-lanceolate,
apex blunt, 1-veinded; lateral sepals ca. 4 mm × 1.7 mm,
elliptic-lanceolate, apex blunt, 1-veinded; petals ca.
3.5 mm × 1.5 mm, elliptic-lanceolate, apex blunt,
1-veinded; lip ca. 4.2 mm × 2.5 mm, obovate, with a
thickened central line from base to apex, apex shortly
2-lobed, with the margin slightly undulate, 3-veined,
each lateral vein subdivided into 2-veined at middle,
two small auricles at each side of base of lip; column
ca. 2.5 mm high, slightly curved and inflated at top;
rostellum ovate; Capsule subglobose. Fl. July – Aug.
Distribution: India, Nepal.
China: Yunnan (云南), Gongshan County (贡山),
Danzhu, alt. 2700 – 3100 m, under alpine shrub, 2011 –
08 – 12, Jin Xiaohua et Zhang Liang 11280 (PE!).
Conservation status: Although Neottia alternifolia
is distributed in the eastern Himalayas, there are
Fig. 2 Neottia alternifolia. A: Habitat; B: Flower.
第1期 37金伟涛等:中国兰科植物研究杂记
very few records in the field. Thus, we temporarily
consider this species as DD according to IUCN Red
list Categories and Criteria[9].
Neottia Guettard is a genus of about 70 species
distributed in E and N Asia, Europe, and North America,
with a few species extending into tropical Asia. The
genus is characterized by autotrophic or holomycotrophic,
leaves usually (when autotrophic) 2, opposite or sub-
opposite, borne midway along stem, anther inserted at
rear margin of clinandrium, erect or slightly nodding,
and 2 pollinia without caudicles, each ± longitudinally
2-parted and granular-farinaceous[6,8]. There are 35
species (23 endemic) in China including this species.
Neottia alternifolia is easily distinguished from
other species of Neottia by having two alternate leaves
[1] Seidenfaden G. Orchid genera in Thailand: XII. Dendrobium Sw.
[J]. Opera Bot, 1985, 83: 1–295.
[2] Wood H P. The Dendrobiums [M]. Ruggell: A. R. G. Gantner
Verlag, 2006: 1–847.
[3] Zhu G H, Ji Z H, Wood J J, et al. Dendrobium Swartz [M]// Wu Z
Y, Raven P H, Hong D Y. Flora of China, Vol. 25. Beijing: Sciences
Press and St. Louis: Missouri Botanical Garden Press, 2009:
[4] Lindley J. The Genera and Species of Orchidaceous Plants [M].
London: Ridgways Piccadilly, 1830: 74–94.
[5] King G, Pantling R. The Orchids of the Sikkim Himalaya [J]. Ann
Roy Bot Gard, Calcutta, 1898, 8: 38–63.
[6] Pearce N R, Cribb P J. The Orchids of Bhutan [M]. Edinburgh:
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh and Bhutan: Royal Government
of Bhutan, 2002: 1–643.
[7] King G, Pantling R. New Orchids from Sikkim [J]. J Asiat Soc
Bengal, Pt. 2, Nat Hist, 1896, 65: 126–127.
[8] Chen S C, Stephan W G, Cribb P J. Neottia Guettard [M]// Wu Z Y,
Raven P H, Hong D Y. Flora of China, Vol. 25. Beijing: Sciences
Press and St. Louis: Missouri Botanical Garden Press, 2009:
[9] IUCN. IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria, Version 3.1 [M].
Gland, Switzerland: IUCN, 2001: 10–22.
[10] Xu Z H, Jiang H, Ye D P, et al. The Wild Orchids in Yunnan [M].
Yunnan: Yunnan Publishing Group Corporation and Yunnan
Science & Technology Press, 2010: 1–500.(in Chinese)