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全 文 :广 西 植 物 Guihaia 23(2):l2l— l22 2003 年 3 月
陈文红,税 玉民 *
(中国科学 院昆明植物研究所 ,云南昆明 650204)
摘 要 :报道 了云南兰科 1个 新 记 录属及 4个新 记 录种 ,确定 了文 山石仙 桃 (Pholidota wenshanica S.C
Chen et Z.H.Tsi)的具体 野外产地 ,并对石仙恍 属一种和厚唇兰属 一种 的文献进 行了订正 。
关键词 :兰科 ;云南 ;新 资料
中图分类号 :Q949 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :i000—3142(2OO3)02—012卜o2
Additional notes on the Orchidaceae
of Yunnan,China
CHEN W en—hong,SHUI Yu—min
(Kunming Institute of Botany,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Kunming 650204,China)
Abstract:One genus and four species(Orchidaceae)are reported new to Yunnan.The precise locality of Pho—
lidota wenshanica is confirmed,and some records of Pholidota and Epigenium are corrected.
Key words:Orchidaceae;Yunnan;new data
During the study on the flora of the seed
plants of SE Yunnan,the specimens and literature
of Orchidaceae there are examined.As a result,one
genus and four species are reported new to Yun—
nan ~
. Besides,we confirm the precise locality of
Pholidota wenshanica based on our collections and
correct a misidentification of Pholidota wenshanica
S.C.Chen et Z.H .Tsi 钉.
Appendicula cornuta B1.,Bijdr.6:fig.12,et 7:
Yunnan: Hekou county,Nanxi Zhen,Luyin—
chong,in the dense forests on a limestore hill,ah.
7O0~ 950 m ,Oct.2l,200l,in fruit,Y.M . Shui et
a1.15077 (KUN). M engla county,Bubeng,Nan—
shahe,on tree in a forest,ah. 830 m ,Dec. 18,
l988,in fruit,H. Zhu 2245 (KUN).
Hongkong,Hainan,new to Yunnan. Sikimm ,M y~
anmar,Thailand,Vietnam ,M alaysia,Indonesia,
Philippines.Type in Java.
The genus Appendicula is a new record in
Hemipilia kwangsiensis T. Tang et F.T.W ang ex
K.Y.Lang in Guihaia 18(1):7.fig.2.1998.
Yunnan: Hekou county,Nanxi Zhen,Luyin—
chong,on cliffs in dense forests on a limestone hill,
ah. 700~ 950 m ,0ct.2l,200l,in fruit, Y.M .
Shui et a1. 15l88 (KU N).
Distribution: SE and SW Guangxi,new to
Yunnan.Type in Guangxi(J ingxi county).
Lecanorchis japonica B1.in Mus.Bot.Lugd.Bat.
Yunnan:Luchun count M t. Huanglianshan,
收稿 日期 :2002-02-07; 修订 日期 :2002-06-28
基金项目:中国科学院生物分类区系特别支持费 ;云南省科委应用基础研究基金(2OOLCOO22Q)。
作者简介 :陈文红(1975一),女 ,云南文山人 ,硕士 ,主要从事植物学研究及兰科植物栽培管理工作。 *为通讯作者
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122 广 西 植 物 23卷
Shandouyahou,alt. 2 200 m ,Oct. 16,1995,in
fruit,S.K.W u et a1.2487(KUN);Jinping coun—
ty,Ma—an—di,in moist place in a dense forest,alt.
1 900 m ,Sep.25,1996,in fruits,S.K. W u et a1.
3190 (KUN).
Distribution:N Fujian(Mt.Wuyi),SW Hunan
(Tongdao),new to Yunnan.Type in Japan.
Nervilia fordii(Hance)Schltr.in Bot.Jahrb.En—
— — Pogo fordii Hance in J. Bot. 23:
247. 1885.
Yunnan: Hekou county,Ying—pan—shan,in a
limestone forest near the summ it,alt. 1 800 m ,
Sep. 19,1999,without flower and fruit, Y.M .
Shui et a1. 11180(KUN );Hekou county,Nanxi
Zhen,intropical forest,alt. 340 m ,Oct. 20,1992,
without flower and fruit,S. H. H uang 92072
Distribution: Guangdong,Hongkong,Guan—
gxi,Centr.to W est Sichuan,new to Yunnan;Thai—
land. Type in Guangdong(Luofushan).
Thrixspermum saruwatarii(Hayata) Schltr. in
Fedde Repert.Sp. Nov. Beih.4:275. 1919.
— — Sn,.f(Jf^ Z“s saru~uatarii Hayata,Icon.
P1.Formos. 6:84,fig. 18. 1916.
Yunnan:Hekou county,Yaoshan community,
Daweishan,on trees in the dense forests,alt. 1 240
m ,Apr. 9,1997,in fruit,Exp. to M t. Daweishan
4247 (KUN,SW FC).
Distribution:North Fuj ian(Mt.Wuyi),Tai—
wan (Xinzhu,Daluge,Nantou,Gaoxiong),Hunan
(Xiangxi),new to Yunnan. Type in Taiwan.
Epigeneium rotundatum (Lind1.) Sm umerh. in
Kew Bul1. 13(2):264. 1957.
— — Snrfopodium rotundatum Lind1.,Fo1.
0rch.Sarcopodium :2. 1853.
— — P P “m amplum auct non (Lind1.)
Summerh.,S.C.Chen et Z.H .Tsi in Native Or—
chids of China in Colour,196,1999.
Between Oct. 20~ 26,2001,the second auther
went to Hekou county,SE Yunnan,collected the
specimens of the genus Epigeneium ,Y.M .Shui et
a1. 15060(f1.and fr.)in KUN ,and took the photos
on them ,the the subrhombic mid—lobe of lip of
which shows that they definitely belong to Epige—
neium nmplum (Lind1.)Sum merh.However,on the
photo in “Native Orchids of China in Colour”,the
rotuntate.mid—lobe of lip of Epigeneium amplum
proves that the plant is allied to Epigeneium ro—
tundatum (Lind1.)Smumerh.
Pholidota longipes S.C.Chen et Z.FI.Tsi in Acta
Phytotax. Sin.21(3):346.p1. 1(4).1983.
— — Pholidota wenshanica auct non S.C.
Chen et Z.H. Tsi,S.C. Chen et Z.H
. Tsi in N—
ative Orchids of China in Colour,358,1999.
Yunnan:Xichou county,Tuopishu communi—
ty,Pianyan village,alt. 1 6 50 m ,on limestone hills,
1964—06—03,in fruits,S. Z W ang 690(KUN ,x2,as
P. wenshanica by Tsi);ibid.,Gangou village,
Dongzhongcao,alt.1 400 m ,1964—05—06,in flow—
ers,S.Z W ang 0144(KUN ,x2,as P.wenshanica
by Tsi);M alipo county,Tung—ting,alt.1 500~
2 000 m ,in mixed forests on rock hills,1947—11—23,
in flowers,K.M . Feng 13589(KUN ,x2,as P.
wenshanica by Tsi);.ibid.,M alipo village,alt.1
000 m ,among rocks,1940—01—04,in flowers,C.W .
W ang 84183(KUN ,as P.wenshanica by Tsi).
Although Chen and Tsi(1983)described the
species,the specim ens with bigger acute lips of
flowers in KUN were still identified as P
. P s—
hanica by Tsi. The authors compared these speci—
mens with the origin description of Pholidota lon—
gipes S.C.Chen et Z.H. Tsi,and went to Xichou
county,the place of the type of Pholidota longi—
pes,and observed flowering of the species in the
field,finally made out how Pholidota longipes is
like.So,the note is neccesary here

Pholidota wenshanica S.C. Chen et Z.H. Tsi in
Bul1.Bot. Res.8(1):7.fig. 1. 1988.
Yunnan: Gej iu, M anhao Zhen, Potou to
Shazhidi,in a second forest,ah. 800 m ,Nov. 17,
2000,flowers white,Y.M . Shui et a1. 14428
(KUN); Hekou county, Yaoshan community,
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2期 张宏达等:值得注意的中国植物(续-) 1O1
形态亦可佐证 。
24.茎花守宫木 (SV戟科)
Sauropus bonii Beil1.in Lecomte。F1.Gen.In—
do-Chine 5:651. 1927;P.T.Li in F1.Reip.Pop—
u1.Sin 44(1):168,pl_5O,4~ 9.1994.
Hainan(海南):Wanning(万宁),ah.100 m,
26 Apr. 1995,F. W . Xing,B. H . Chen et a1.
6463(f1.IBSC),new record from Hainan.
分布于广西、海南(分布新记录);越南 、泰 国。
模式标本采 自越南河内市。
25.山麻杆 (大戟科)
Alchornea davidii Franch.,P1.David.1:264,
t. 6. 1884;Icon. Cormoph. Sin. 2: 602,fig.
2934.1972;H .S.Kiu in F1.Reip.Popu1.Sin.44
(2):69. 1996.— — Acalypha silvestrii Pamp. in
Nov.Giorn. Bot. ha1. 17:409,fig. 11.1910.
S.Shaanxi(陕西南部):David s.n.(type,P)。
W.Hubei(湖 北 西 部 ):Silvestri 1262(syntype of
A.silvestrii,fr. Herb. Biondi),1467( f1.,pho—
to.)。Guangdong(广 东 ):Pingyuan(平 远 ),ah.
750 m,12 Apr.1957,L.Deng 4243(早f1.IBSC),
new record from Guangdong.
落叶灌木 ;叶阔卵形 ,宽 7~14 cm,嫩叶浅红。
雌、雄异株 ;雄花序菜荑花序状 ,长 2~4 cm;子房和
蒴果均近球形 ,密生柔毛。分布于秦岭至南岭以北
广大地区。我国特有种 ,模式标本采自陕西。
本种在南京 、上海、杭州等地常植于庭院作观赏
植物 ;现补充《中 国植 物 志 》遗 漏 的一个 异名 和广 东
东北部亦产 。
(上 接第 122页 Continue from page 122)
Baiqianchong,in a forest on rocky hill,ah.700 m ,
Nov.22,2000,flowers yellow ,Y.M . Shui et a1.
146O5(KUN);ibid.,Taiyangzhai,on the summit at
the edge of forest,ah. 900 m ,Apr. 16,2000,in
fruit,Y.M .Shui et a1.12520(KUN );ibid.,Nanxi
Zhen,M achang,in a limestone forest,ah.700~ 800
m,in flower,Nov.27,2001,X.H.Jin 2040(PE).
Chen and Tsi described this species based on a
plant cultivated in Beijing Botanical Garden,Botany
Institute,the Chinese Academy of Sciences(∞,
which was bought from W enshan Flower M arket,
Yunnan Province. Now ,this species has been col—
lected by the authors in the field. .
Acknowledgements W e thank Prof. Lang Kaiyong
(PE ) for identifing the specimens of Orchid
plants. Besides,M r. Nie Ze—Long and M s.
Chun—Xia are very helpful in the field work.
[1] Lang KY. Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinica(17)
[M].Beijing:Science Press,1999.275—281.
(23 Chen S. C.Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinica(18)
[M].Beijing:Science Press,1999.14—27.
[3] Tsi Z H. Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinica(19)
[M].Beijing:Science Press,1999.58—6O.
(43 Chen S C,Tsi Z H.Native Orchids of China in Col—
our[M].Beijing:Science Press,1999.196;358.
(53 Chen S C,Tsi Z H. Duae Species Novae Orchi—
dacearum Sinicarum[J-].Bul1.Bot.Res.,1 988,8
(1):7,fig. 1.
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