摘 要 :基于形态学、解剖学、分子数据讨论了银藓属(Anomobryum)与真藓属(Bryum)及丝瓜藓属(Pohlia)的系统关系,确认银藓属为真藓科中的一个独立属。明确了银藓(Anomobryum julaceum(Schrad. ex G.Gaertn.,B.Mey.&Scherb.)Schimp.)和芽胞银藓(A.nitidum(Mitt.)Jaeg.)的有效种名,恢复了高山银藓(A.concinnatum(Spruce) Lindb.)有效种的地位。现已知中国分布有银藓属植物5种,分别是:银藓、高山银藓、芽胞银藓、金黄银藓(Anomobryum auratum(Mitt.)A.Jaeg.)和挺枝银藓(A.yasudae Broth.)。本文初步讨论了银藓属及各种的识别特征、有效种名和生境,并编制了中国银藓属分种检索表。所有研究的引证标本存放于河北师范大学植物标本室(HBNU),同时存于中国科学院植物所标本馆(PE)。
Abstract:Phylogenetic relationshios between Anomobryum and Bryum, and between Anomobryum and Pohlia were discussed based on the morphological, anatomical and molecular data to determine that Anomobryum was a valid genus. Anomobryum julaceum(Schrad. ex G. Gaertn., B.Mey. & Scherb.) Schimp. and A.nitidum(Mitt.) Jaeg. were available name instead of A.filiforme(Dicks) Husn. and A.gemmigerum Broth., separately. A.concinnatum(Spruce) Lindb. was recognized at the specific level. Newly we updated the checklist of Anomobryum in China, including five species. We provided a key to the species of Anomobryum in China, as well as diagnostic characteristics and habitats for each data. The voucher specimens were deposited in the herbarium of Hebei Normal University(HBNU), and Chinese National Herbarium, Chinese Academy of Sciences(PE).