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全 文 :植   物   研   究
第 17 卷 第 3 期 1997 年 7 月
Vol.17 No.3 July ,  1997
Shi-you Li
Ar thur Temple College of Forestry , Stephen F.Austin State University nacogdoches , TX 75962 , USA
  Key words Camptotheca lowreyana , new species.
Campto theca Decaisne(happytrees or Xi Shu , Nyssaceae)is a monotypic genus endemic to
China.Its single species C.acuminata Decaisne (1873)has been the major source of Camp-
tothecins , the promising anti-cancer and po tential anti-viral drugs (Li and Adair 1994).
The phenotypic analysis of the genus show ed that(1)C.yunnanensis Dode (1908)should be
treated as a species separated f rom C.acuminata(see Li , n.d.)and (2)a new species as the
third species of the genus should be established.The present paper describes the new species as
C.low reyana.C.low reyana has a potential in drug production according to the Camptothecin
analy sis(Li , unpublished).
Camptotheca lowreyana S.Y.Li , Sp.Nov.(Figs.1 and 2).
Type:China , Guangdong , Lianxian , You Ling Yao Pai , 18 , Nov 1930 , Xipeng Gao
50863(holo type:BISC !;photos:ASTC !).
Additional specimens examined:Fujian:Dehua , west of the tow n , 1 ,110m , 9 Oct 1930 ,
Buqin Zhong 219 (BISC , cultivated).Guangdong:Heping , Liyuan (Juntung), 400m , 12
Aug 1983 , Guicai Zhang 448(BISC);Huaiji , Dakengshan Tree Farm , 1 ,270m , 4 M ar 1995 ,
Shiyou Li & Qanli Zhang 95410131 (ASTC , NEFI);Huaiji , Lengkeng , 100m , 11 Oct
1958 , Yingguang Liu 3048(HNNU , BISC);Huaiji , Shiying , 700 , 5 M ar 1995 , Shiyou Li
&Wanli Zhang 95410141(ASTC , NEFI);Huaiji , Shiying , 700m , Yiongqian Cheng 170812
(BISC);Huaiji (Waitsap), Tangzhong , 7 Nov 1933 , W.T.Tsang 23130 (A);Huaiji ,
Yaoshan Tree Farm , 7 Nov 1933 , W.T .Tsang 23130 (BISC);Lechang , along river to
Xikeng , 23 Oct 1928 , Ying Jiang (Ying Tsiang)1429(A , BISC , E);Lechang , Xikeng , 18
Nov 1931 , Xiangri Liang & Yingkun Huang 31442 (BISC , MO);Lianshan , Guohe (Da
Long Shan), 200m , 1 OCt 1945 , Shaqing Chen 5529(BISC);Lianxian , Yaoan T ree Farm ,
30 Jun 1984 , Nanling Team 548104 (BISC).Long Tian , 27 Dec 1927 , W.Y.Chun 5957
1996年 12月收稿。
(A);Nanxiong , Maozifeng Tree Farm , 10 Aug 1974 , Guangdong Wood Survey Team 400476
(BISC);Qujiang , Xiaokeng Tree Farm , 13 Aug 1985 , Guicai Zhang 834(BISC);Yaoshan ,
mixed woods , 6 Oct 1936 , C.Wang 40005 (A);Zijing , Jiouhe , 17 Jul 1958 , Zhaofen Wei
120899(KUN , BISC);Zijin , Yongkeng and Xiaobei , 250m , 25 Sep 1959 , Shaoqing Chen
8386(BISC).Guangxi:Debao , road to Tree Nursery , 500m , 29 Nov 1958 , Zhaosai Zhang
13599(BISC , cultivated).Hunan:Dongan , Shunhuang shan , 16 Aug 1953 , Y.Liu s.n.
(PE).Jianxi:Guixi , tow n , 100m , Shushen Lai 4046 (PE , cult ivated).huichang:Field a-
long rivers , 2 Jul 1958 , Qiming Hu 2998 (PE , BISC , cult ivated);Jinggangshan , Ciping ,
730m , 12 Oct 1954 , Lingsan Yao et al.4948(PE , cultivated);Jinggangshan , Huangpine , 7
Jul 1973 , Xiangxue Yang 730450 (BISC , cultivated);Jinggangshan , Lingshan Yao et al.
4948(PE , cult ivated).Sichuan:Nanchuan , Jinfeshan , Oct 1939 , C.Pei 7389(PE).
Proposed common name:Low rey happytree(Low rey Xi Shu , 洛氏喜树).
Local names in Chna:Lang Dong Shu(浪洞树 , in Huaiji of Guangdong)and Qing Yang
Hua(青杨花 , in Lianxian of Guangdong).
Species affinis C.acuminatae Decaisne , a qua differt foliis cordatus/vel ovatis(vs.o-
val is), subtus viridulis , bracteolis 1.5-2.0mm longis(vs.2.0-2.5mm longis), petalis 1.
2-1.5mm longis (2.0-2.5mm longis)samaris cano-brunneiss lucidis , longioribusque
circiter 26-32mm longis (vs.brunnis , 19 -25mm longis), cotyledonibus penninervibus
(vs.pinnipalmatus), nervis lateralibus saepissime 6-8(vs.2-4).
Camptotheca lowreyana is a deciduous t ree species.It reaches 20m in height and 120cm
in stem diameter in natural conditions (Li et al., n.d.).Bark is light gray and smooth at
y oung ages , but deeply furrowed into ridges at maturity .Leaves are deciduous , cordate or o-
vate , w ith the widest point below the blade middle , slight ly pubescent , entire but serrate in
seedling stage , 12(10)-19(22)cm long and 7(5)-10(13)cm wide , low er surface greenish
and lucid , lateral veins 14-18 on each side.Bracts are 1.5-2.0mm long.Petals are 1.2-1.
5mm long .Pollens are very similar to those of other species of the genus , measuring 34.4(28.
6-40.2)μm(polar axis)×39.8(34.5-42.5)μm(equato rial axis)in size.The only significan
difference is this species has mo re oblate pollens according to our examination(Li and Tay lor ,
n.d.).Fruits are tw o or three thin-w inged , g ray -brow n , smooth and lucid w hen dry , 26-
32(22-43)mm long and 5-7mm w ide(Li , n.d.).Hypocotyl is green befo re primary leaf
appears.Co tyledons are lanceolate 2-4cm long , about 1 cm w ide , pinninerved , w ith 6-8 lat-
eral veins on each side.
This new species differs f rom o ther taxa of the genus by its deeply furrowed bark , cordate
o r ovate leaves wi th g reenish and lucid lower surface , gray-brow n , smooth , lucid , and longer
fruit(26-32mm long), and lanceolate , pinninerved co tyledon wi th 6-8 lateral veins on each
side.In contrast , C.acum inata has slight ly furrowed bark , oval o r round leaves wi th g rayish
lower surface , yellow -brow n , rugose , and shorher fruit (19-25mm long), and lanceolate ,
pinnipalmate cotyledon w ith 2-4 lateral veins on each side and making it distinctly different
from C.lowreyana (Li , n.d.).However , C.yunnanensis has thin bark , semi-deciduous ,
3493 期          Shiyou Li:CAMPTOTHECA LOWREYANA ,
ellpi tc leaves , g ray , smooth , lucid , thin three-w inged short f ruits , red hypocotyl(before pri-
mary leaf appears), and linear , pinnipalmate co tyledon w ith 2-4 lateral veins on each side.
The new species w as named in honor of Lynn Low rey at the Anderson Landscape and
Nursery in Houston , Texas.M r.Low rey , a well-known botanist , plays and important role
in init iating the happytree studies and encouraging my investig ations.
This project is sponsored by the Henry M .Rockw ell Trust of College of Forestry at
S tephen F.Austin State University (SFASU)and the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo
(HLSR).The field survey in China (December 1994-March 1995)conducted by the autho r
and W.L.Zhang is also supo rted by the Open Research Laborato ry of Forest Plant Ecology at
Northeast Forest ry University (NEFU), Harbin , China.I am indebeted to Dr.K.T .Adair
and Dr.R.S.Beasley (SFASU), M r.T .R.Northrup (HLSR), Prof.S.Q.Nie Dr.J.
Li , and Dr.Y.G.Zu (NEFU), and D.G.Chen(Huaiji Forest ry Bureau , Guangdong)for
their support.This wo rk would not have been possible without their ef forts.I am very g rateful
to my wife Jie Liang Li and my friends L.Low rey and K.Northrup(Northrup Associated ,
Inc.)for the encouragement and contributions.I acknow ledge the curators of follow ing
herbaria for the assistance in specimen examination:A , ASTC , BM , C , CDBI , E , HNNU ,
IBSC , K , KUN , MO , O , P , PE , SZ , and US.Special thanks go to Drs.D.Creech , D.
MCDonald , J.Tay lor , H.Williams , P .R.Blackw eel , and J.Van Kley (SFASU), Drs.J.
J.Pipoly Ⅲ and B.L.Lipscomb(Research Inst itute of Texas), M r.M .Adams(East Texas
Plant Materials Center)for providing advice and assistance.Appreciation and acknowledgments
are extended to Drs.K.T .Adair and D.L.Kulhavy(SFASU), Dr.D.E.Soltis(Washing-
ton S tate University), Dr.S.R.manchester (University of Florida), and an anonymous re-
view er for their critical comments on the early manuscript.
LI , S .Y.n.d.Phenotypic variation of ant i-cancer happy trees(Camptotheca Decaisne).
Systematic Botany .
LI , S.Y.and K.T .ADAIR.1994.Camptotheca acuminata Decaisne , Xi , Shu , a promis-
ing anti-tumor and ant i-viral t ree for the 21 st century , 249 pages.Nacogdoches ,
Texas:A Henry M .Rockw ell M onograph , college of Fo restry , Stephen F.Austin S tate
LI , S .Y.and J.TAYLOR.n.d.Surace micromorphology of anti -cancer happy trees
(Camptotheca Decaisne).Sida.
LI , S.Y., K.T .ADAIR , and W.L.ZHANG.n.d.Geog raphy and ethnobotany of anti-
cancer happy tress(Camptotheca Decaisne)in China.Economic Bo tany.
350 植  物  研  究               17 卷
Fig.1 Type of C.lowreyana(Xipeng Gao 50863 , BISC , photo by Li , 1995).
3513 期          Shiyou Li:CAMPTOTHECA LOWREYANA ,
Fig.2 Habitat of C.lowreyana (photo by Li , 1995).
352 植  物  研  究               17 卷
高智等:野生和栽培防风根系的比较形态解剖学研究 图版Ⅰ
Gao Zhi et al:Study on Comparing Morpho logy and Anatomy of Roo ts System o f Wild and Cultivated
Sapo sinikovia Divaricata Plante Ⅰ

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