摘 要 :确认了中药黄芪的原植物有膜荚黄芪(Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.) Bunge)、蒙古黄芪(A. mongholicus Bunge)和北蒙古黄芪(A. borealimongolicus Y. Z. Zhao)3种,其中北蒙古黄芪为一新种;确定了这三种植物的区系地理成分:膜荚黄芪为东亚北部—西伯利亚南部森林带的分布种,蒙古黄芪为华北森林草原带的分布种,北蒙古黄芪为蒙古高原北部草原带的分布种,3种黄芪存在着明显的地理替代分布格局。
Abstract:It is indicted definitely that the Chinese medicinal Huangqi plants have 3 species——Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.) Bunge, A. mongholicus Bunge and A. brealimongolicus Y. Z. Zhao which is a new species; It is defined the floristic geographical elements of the 3 species: A. membranaceus is distributional species of the forest zone of northern east Asia-southern Siberia, A. mongholicus is distributional species of the forest-steppe zone of northern China, A. borealimongolicus is distributional species of steppe zone of northern Mongol Plateau; It is found that 3 species form obvious distribution pattern of geographical substitute.