摘 要 :描述了苦苣苔科(Gesneriaceae)石蝴蝶属(Petrocosmea Oliv.)一新种——黄斑石蝴蝶(P.xanthomaculata G.Q.Gou et X.Y.Wang)。新种与贵州石蝴蝶(P.cavaleriei Lévl.)相近,但叶多数,20~40枚,叶基心形,花冠白色,在裂片之间具明显黄色斑纹,苞片小,长约1 mm,花柱除上部外密被开展的白色长柔毛而不同。
Abstract:Petrocosmea xanthomaculata G.Q.Gou et X.Y.Wang,a new species of Petrocosmea Oliv., Gesneriaceae from Guizhou,China, is described.This species is similar to P.cavaleriei Lévl.,but differs by more 20-40 leaves,cordate leaves,white corolla with obvious yellow stripe between the lobe, small bracts with a length of about 1 mm long, and style ,except the upper part with densely unfolded long white pubescence.