摘 要 :描述了湖南冬青一新种,壶果冬青(Ilex urceolatus C.B.Shang,K.S.Tang et D.Q.Du,sp.nov.)该种与细刺冬青(I.hylonoma Hu et Tang)和华中刺冬青(I.centrochinensis S.Y.Hu)有些相似,但其具有独特的特征与后两种有明显的区别,主要是新种叶缘波状,两側具10~19对尖锐细刺,果较大,宽9~12 mm,长11~17 mm,呈壶形,不为球形或近球形。该种发现于湖南涟源市金石镇栗坪村,2009年11月8日由杜多青和唐开山采集。模式标本(Holotype 2009118,NF)保存在南京林业大学标本室。
Abstract:A new species of the genus Ilex L. of Aquifoliaceae, Ilex urceolatus C.B. Shang, K. S. Tang et D. Q. Du, was described in this paper. The species appears to be similar to I.hylonoma Hu et Tang and I.centrochinensis S. Y. Hu, but it has some particular characteristics which can be distinguished from I.hylonoma Hu et Tang and I.centrochinensis S. Y. Hu. The main destinguishing features are that the margin of leaves waved, with 10-19 pairs of sharp spines, the fruit bigger, 9-12 mm wide, 11-17 mm long, urceolate, never globose or subglobose. The species was found and collected on November 8, 2009 in Liping village, Lianyuan city, Hunan Province of China by Du Duo-qing and Tang Kai-shan. The Holotype is reserved in Herbarium of Nanjing Forestry University (NF).