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全 文 :第 23 卷 第 1 期             植   物   研   究 2003年 1 月
Vol.23 No.1           BULLETIN OF BOTANICAL RESEARCH Jan.,  2003
段喜华 毛子军
(东北林业大学 ,哈尔滨 150040)
摘 要 黑龙江省森林面积为 1 ,5771百万公顷 ,占全省总面积的 34.7%,全国森林总面积的 12.
5%。黑龙江省森林具有丰富的药用植物资源。研究表明 ,共有药用植物 724种 ,分别隶属于 110
科 ,410属。其中商品药植物 352种 ,分别隶属于 91科 , 250属。根据地域分异规律 ,结合全省气
候 、土壤 、地形 、地貌 、植被及药用植物生态分布特点 ,自然植被 、植物区系与药用植物生态分布的
相关性 ,将全省森林药用植物资源进行了综合区划 。全省共分为 2个区 ,即大 、小兴安岭药用植物
区和张广才岭药用植物区 。进行全省森林药用植物资源区划 ,对于合理保护和利用林区药用植物
资源 ,发展林区经济具有重要现实意义 。
关键词 药用植物资源;保护;开发;区划
DUAN Xi-Hua MAO Zi-Jun
(Northest Forestry University ,Harbin 150040)
Abstract The forest area in Heilongjiang Province is 1 ,5771 million hm2 , and is 36.8%of the to tal
area of Heilongjiang Province , and 12.5% of the total forest area of China.There is rich medicinal
plant resource in the forest.The investigation showed that the number of medicinal plant species is
724 , belonging to 110 families , 410 genus , and of the commodity medicinal plant species is 352 , be-
longing to 91 families and 250 genus.The medicinal plant resource is divided into two regions based
on endemic seg regation regular pattern in the forest region of the province.At present the medicinal
plant resource reduced seriously because of over digging and over g razing and the envi ronmental
deg radation in the forest.Now the number of indangered species of medicinal plant is 8 , and 19
species is nearly danger.In order to protect medicinal plant resource 11national and 21 provincial con-
servation dist ricts were set.At the same time , the plantations of medicinal plants , such as Panax
ginseng , Getiana scabra , Astragalus membranaceus , Panax quinquefolium , Acanthopanax senti-
cosus , Schisandra chinensis and so on w ere built.The development strategies about medicinal plants
in Heilongjiang Province is to protect the rare and imminent species , to breed them w ith advanced bio
-techniques , to improve the pharmaceut ical technology , and to exploit high-quality products f rom
medicinal plants.
Key words medicinal plant resource;conversation;exploit;dit ricting
第一作者简介:段喜华(1961-),女 ,副研究员,主要从事生态学研究。
  Heilong jiang Province locates in the NE co rner
of China , 43o25′~ 53o 30′N , 121o11′~ 135o20′E ,
bordering on Russia.The area of Heilong jiang
Province is 460 thousands km
2 , with continental
monsoonal climate.It covers tw o thermal zones
(temperate zone and taiga zone), and 3 moist re-
gions(humid region , subhumid region and semi-
arid region).The forests in Heilongjiang Province
are the largest in China , which are 1 , 5771 million
2.The forest area is 25% of the to tal area of
Heilong jiang Province , and 12.5% of the total for-
est area of China.The coverage of fo rest in Hei-
longjiang Province is 36.8%[ 1] .Medicinal plant re-
sources abound in the forests , such as Panax gin-
seng , Astragalus membranaceus , Acanthopanax
senticosus , Schisandra chinensis and so on.The
number of medicinal plant species w as 724 , and of
commodity medicinal plant species w as 352 , and of
100 species were listed in Chinese National Pharma-
copoeia[ 2] .
1 Division of medicinal plant resources in the
forest region of Heilongjiang Province
Two regions of medicinal plant resources were
divided in the fo rest region of Heilongjiang Province
acco rding to regional seg regation regular , character-
istics of climate , soil , topog raphy , landforms , vege-
tation , and the ecological dist ribution characteristics
of medicinal plants[ 3](Table 1 ,Fig.1).
2 The util ization of medicinal plant resources in
Heilongjiang Province
2.1 Wild medicinal plant resources
There is about 2000 wild seed plant species in
Heilong jiang Province , including 724 medicinal
plant species belonging to 110 families , 410 genus ,
352 commodi ty medicinal plant species belonging to
91 families , 259 genus , and 100 species listed in
Chinese national pharmacopoeia.The storage capaci-
ty of medicinal plant resources is over 2690 thou-
sands kg.Over 10 species of medicinal plant species
are commonly used , such as Panax ginseng , Acan-
thopanax sent icosus , Phellodendron amurence , As-
tragalus membranaceus , Viscum coloratum , Paeo-
nia lacti f lora , Arctium lappa and Rhododendron
davricum .These Chinese herbal medicines are sold
well not only in China , but also in the w orld , and
play an important part in internat ional medicinal
market.The output of Phel lodendron amurence ,
Acanthopanax senticosus , Viscum coloratum ,
Rhododendron davricum and Plantago asiatica
take the first place in China , follow ed by that of
Paeonia lacti f lora , Taraxacum mongolicum , and
then that of Atracty lodes japonica , Panax gin-
seng , Schisandra chinensis and Polyginatum odor-
atum .The total sum of export of 21 species of Chi-
nese herbal medicines is about 10 million kg f rom
1965 to 1986.Acanthopanax sent icosus is one of
popular species in American medicinal market since
the 1920s.There is a big market for Panax gin-
seng , Schisandra chinensis , Atractylodes japonica
and Gentiana scabra and so on a in exi t.
Fig.1 Districting of the medicinal plant resources
o f forest region in Heilong jiang Province
  Scutellaria baicalensis , Schisandra chinen-
sis , Rhododendron dav ricum and so on are the re-
quired species for making prepared Chinese
medicines.Beside , Taxus cuspidate , Rhodiola
sachalinensis , Dioscorea inpponica are w ildly con-
cerned in recent years. Many kinds of medicinal
species are the best in quality and the storage of
them is very huge in Heilongjiang Province com-
pared w ith in other places of the w orld[ 2 ,4] .
2.2 Production of prepared Chinese medicines in
Heilongjiang Province
At present there are 44 prepared Chinese
medicines enterprises in Heilong jiang Province.The
dosage form of drugs is 14 and the products are over 800
varieties.The yield is 12000 tons per year.Seven
991 期                 段喜华等:黑龙江省林区药用植物资源及其区划
100       植  物  研  究                  23 卷
serialization products are made from Acanthopanax
senticosus , Panax ginseng , Rhododendron
davricum , Scutellaria baicalensis , Astragalus
membranaceus , Sophora f lavescens , Salv ia m il ti-
orrhiza.The out - put value of prepared Ch.
Medicine indust ry in Heilong jiang Province is about
20% of the total in China.140 new products have
been developed using local medicinal plant species ,
from which , 30 products are listed in national pro-
tected prepared Ch.Medicines.
2.3 Endangered medicinal plant species
Owing to historic reasons and excess cutting in
forests , excess grazing on the g rasslands and excess
dig ging medicinal plants , the development of
tourism and the number of ci ties increasing in recent
years , the ecological environment is disturbed
tremendously , and the medicinal plants resources are
damaged seriously .Many kinds of medicinal plant
species are in imminent danger.Investig ation has
showed that 8 species of medicinal plant are in dan-
ger , namely , Aristolochia manshuriensis , Rhdiola
angusta , Rhodiola sachalinensis , Astragalus mem-
branaceus , Panax ginseng , Boschniakia rossica ,
Gastrodia elata , Sm ilax sieboldi i[ 5] .
2.4 Construction of the plantations of medicinal
plant species
The g row th of utilization of medicinal plant re-
sources results in the reducing in w ild medicinal
plant resources , which stimulates the plantation of
these plants.At present the plantations of Panax
ginseng , Gent iana scabra , Astragalus mem-
branaceus , Panax quinquefolium , Acanthopanax
senticosus , Schisandra chinensis have been built.
The plantation area of the main medicinal plant
species was 3600 hm2 in 1999[ 3] .
3 Development strategies of medicinal plant re-
sources in the forest region of Heilongjiang
3.1 Rational protecting , fast cultivating and sus-
tainable development
Due to unreasonable dig ging the medicinal
plant , over cut ting the fo rest , over g razing on the
g rasslands and so on , the environment w as dam-
aged , and the function of forest and g rassland de-
clined , the diversity of medicinal plants reduced ,
many kinds of rare species are in imminent danger.
Therefo re the protection and breeding of medicinal
plant must be st reng thened in order to make these
resources sustainable utilized.
3.1.1 Streng thening the establishment of conser-
vation dist ricts
So far 11 national and 27 provincial conserva-
tion dist ricts have been set.The area of these con-
servat ion dist ricts is 5.83% of the total area of Hei-
long jiang Province
[ 2] .But it show s that the area of
conservation dist ricts of Panax ginseng , Acan-
thopanax senticosus , Schisandra chinensis and oth-
er species is no t enough and should be enlarged to in-
sure the species diversity , ecosy stem diversity , ge-
netic diversity and landscape diversi ty.
3.1.2 Protecting the rare species and breeding
them with modern scientific technolog y
Some rare species must be protected in local o r
emig rated to other places.The construction of the
plantation of medicinal plants should be carried out
by 3 kinds of breeding fo rms:stereoscopic breeding ,
regional breeding and garden breeding.
3.2 Exploiting high-quality products , improving
technical level in pharmaceuticals industry
It is well know n that the medicinal plants in
Heilongjiang Province possess high quality.But the
prices were low duo to the selling forms of row ma-
terials and rough products of these medicinal plants
for many years , which held back the economic bene-
fits directly .So it is important to improve the tech-
niques of manufacturing medicine.Recent ly much
has been done on ext racting the effective composi-
tions from medicinal plants.
To sum up , the medicinal plant resources are
rich and have an exploitation potentiality in Hei-
long jiang Province.It is wise that simultaneously
consider protection and exploitation of these medici-
nal plants in order to keep sustainable resources fo r
1.Li Jingwen ed.Heilongijang Forestry.Harbin:Northeast
1011 期                 段喜华等:黑龙江省林区药用植物资源及其区划
Fo restry University P ress , Chinese Forestry Press , 1993
2.Nie Shaoquan , Nie Jiang-Li , et al.Suggest about the ex-
ploit , utilization and conversation of medicinal plants in Hei
Longjiang Province.Zhang Xiaowei ed.Symposium of the
Exploit Medicinal Plants in Heilongjiang Province.Harbin:
The office of Exploit Medicinal P lants in Heilong jiang
Province , 2000 , 327 ~ 330
3.Wu Chengxin , Du Yongxiang eds.Census report of the
Chinese medicinal materials resource in Hei Long jiang
province.Harbin , [ s.n] 1987
4.Dong Shilin ed.Plant resource.Harbin:Nor theast Fo restry
University Press , 1994
5.Gao Jinfang.Exploit potential and countermeasure of
medicinal plants in Heilongjiang P rovince.Zhang Xiaowei
ed.Symposium of the Exploit Medicinal Plants in Hei-
longjiang P rovince.Harbin:The office of Exploit Medicinal
P lants in Heilong jiang Province , 2000 , 222 ~ 225
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