摘 要 :报道了鸢尾属植物一新种,即哈巴鸢尾(Iris habanesis X. D. Dong)。该种以植株矮小,花茎单一不分枝,具鸡冠状附属物与尼泊尔鸢尾不同,同时又以花期花茎长15~20 cm而与高原鸢尾有所不同。
Abstract:Iris habanesis X. D. Dong is described and illustrated as a new species. This species is distinguished from Iris decora Wall. in ground controlled approach, single scape, no branch and having crista tailpiece. Also, it differs from Iris collettii Hook. f. by having scape 15-20 centimeters long in fluorescence.