第 16卷 第 4期 1996年 10月
Vol. 16 No. 4 Oct. , 1996
Yueh Chun- hsi Huang Lu- qi Cheng Ching- yung
〔ABTRACT〕 Trichosanthes referacta Yueh et L. Q. Huang , Trichosan-
thes laeoica C. Y. Cheng et L. Q. Huang tw o new species of the genus Tri-
cho santhes ( Cucurbitaceae) , the diagnostic characteristics that di fferentia te these
new species from all other species o f Trichosanthes are described herewi th.
Key words Trichosanthes; New species; Cucurbi taceae
During a revisional study on the wo rldw ide genus Tricho santhes, Cucurbi taceae, we
recognized two undescribed species f rom the South Paci fic regions, and provided the spe-
ci fic names and descriptions fo r these new taxa.
Trichosanthes ref racta Yueh sp. nov. ( Fig. 1)
Type: Philippines, Is. Bohol, Valencia , M. Ramos No. 43279 ( UC) .
Af finis T. w allichianae ( Ser. ) Wigh t sed fo liis co riaceis lobis oblanceolati s v el ellipti-
co- oblanceolati s bracteolis 0. 8- 3cm longis 0. 6- 1. 2cm latis rachis inf lo rescentiae♂ re-
fractis calycis tubo basi gibbo so dif fert.
Stem g reyish g reen, scabrous and puberulous at node wi th bi fid tendri ls. Leaves 7-
15cm long , 8- 16cm broad; subcoriaceous, deeply palmately 3- 7- lobed o r divided to the
base, middle lobe oblanceo late, elliptical- oblanceolate, occasionally elliptical- obova te,
5- 12cm long , 2- 3. 5cm broad, acuminate, nar row tow ards the base, lateral ones lanceo-
late 2- 8cm long , margin distant ly crenulate- dentate o r wi th 1- 2 triangular lobules,
base deeply corda te, scabrous above, slight ly hai ry a t the base o f nerv e on the bo th sides;
petiole 2- 4. 5cm long , sligh tly puberulous and scaberulous. M ale f low ers in raceme 5-
11cm long , rachis refracte, puberulous, 7- 18 f low ered; peduncle erect, stout, 5- 7cm
long; bract minute, linear- lanceolate, under 1cm long; pedicel about 1cm long; bracte-
oles cuculla te, obovate or rhombic 0. 8-
Yueh Chun- hsi , Huang Lu- qi: Ins ti tu te of Chines e Materia Medica, Academy of Tradi tional Chines e Medicine,
Beijing 100700, China. Cheng Ching - yung: Dep. of Botany, School of Pharmaceu tical Sciences , Bei jing Medical Univ ersi ty, Beijing
100083, China. 1995年 4月收稿。
Fig. 1 T richo santh es ref racta Yudh et L. Q. Huang ( A. M . Ramos No. 43279; B. J. P. Van
N iel No. 4134) A. Male inflo rescence. B. Par t of stem with young fruit.
5014期 Yueh Chun- h si et al: Tw o New Species f rom Trich osanthes ( Cucurbitaceae)
Fig. 2 Trich osanthes laeoica C. Y. Cheng L. Q. Huang ( Par t o f stem with male flow ers)
3cm long , 0. 6- 1. 2cm broad, acuminate, margin subula te- incisiv e; calyx tube subcy lin-
drical dilated and gibbo se a t base, 4- 5cm long , lobes linea rlanceola te, 5- 7cm long ,
502 植 物 研 究 16卷
about 2mm broad, entire or faint ly denta te, co rolla in bud. Female f low ers in bud, pedicel
about 1cm long , bract linea r, about 3mm long , ca lyx tube subcy lindrical, sho rt , lobes lin-
earlanceolate, about 3mm long , entire. Young fruit g lobose.
Dist ribution and Ecolog y: Phi lippines, Is. Bohol and Brunel, Beglait Dist r. Panaga;
in damp forest a t elev ations o f 2000 feet.
Additional specimen examined: Brunei, Beg lai t Dist r. Panaga, J. P. Van Niel 4134
( Mo ) .
This species is distinguished from T. w allichiana ( ser. ) Wight w hose leaves membra-
nous, rachis o f male f low ers erect , bracteo les 3. 5- 4. 5cm long by leaves subco riaceous,
rachis of ma le f low ers ref radte, bracteoles smaller 0. 8- 3cm long , caly x tube gibbo se a t
Trichosanthes laeoica C. Y. Cheng et L. Q. Huang , sp. nov . ( Fig. 2)
Type: New Guinea, Lae, Kassam Pass, M. coode, E. Henty & A. Dockrill N. G.
F. 32585 ( CAN B) ; i so type, K.
Af finis T. pulleanae Cogn. ex Harms sed foliis coriaceis crassio ribuis subtus tomento-
sis inf lo rescentii s♂ 3- 9 f loribus bracteolis 8- 10mm longis caylis lobis 3- 4mm longis
integ ris dif fert.
Stem stout, g rooved and pubescent. Tendri ls mostly unbranch ed. Leaves co riaceous,
ov ate- triangular o r ov ate, enti re o r faintly 2- lobed, 13- 16cm long, 9- 12cm broad,
acuminate at apex , margin denticula te, deeply corda te at base, v ery rough, w hi te g landu-
lar- punctate and pubescent above, densely pubescent benea th, 5- nerv ed a t base, v eins
reticulate, petio le 4- 6cm long. Ma le inflo rescence usually pai red, one 1- f low ered and
the o ther racemed; racemes 3- 9- f low ered at the apex , rachis 5- 14cm long; bracts obo-
va te- oblong, 8- 10mm long , 2- 3mm broad, subentire; caly x tube at tenua te f rom the
apex towa rds base, teeth linear- lanceo late, 3- 4mm long , about 1mm broad, subentire;
petals rhomoboelliptic, 2. 3- 3. 5cm long , 1. 5- 2cm broad, wi th f ring es 5- 10mm long.
Female f low ers and frui t no t seen.
Dist ribution and Eco logy: New Guinea, Lae, Kassam Pass, Kainantu subdist rict. ,
Eastern Highlands Dist rict; at road side on g rass o r bare soil of al t. c. 4200 feet.
This species is distinguished from T. Pulleana Cogn. ex ha rms whose leaves subco ria-
ceous, thinner, glabrous benea th, male raceme 20- 25 flow ered, rachis under 3cm long ,
bracteoles smaller 6- 8 long , sepals 8- 11mm long , ma rgin denta te by leaves co riaceous,
thicker, densely pubescent beneath, male raceme 3- 9 f low ered, rachis 5- 14cm long ,
bracteoles 8- 10mm long , sepals 3- 4mm long , entire.
The authers are g rateful to K. U S. A. MO. UC. NY. CANB. KLU. TO FO. etc.
fo r loan of the specimens o f Tricho santhes. The project of this study w as supported by
Grant No. 39070082 from Na tionl Natural Science Founda tion o f China.
5034期 Yueh Chun- h si et al: Tw o New Species f rom Trich osanthes ( Cucurbitaceae)