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Development and Application of Crawler Self-Propelled Desert Shrub Stumper


[目的] 针对内蒙古科尔沁沙地作业环境及沙生灌木林的生长特点,提出灌木林平茬机切割装置地面仿形方法,并研制适于沙地作业的履带自行式灌木林平茬设备,为灌木资源的有效利用提供技术支持。[方法] 在对内蒙古科尔沁沙地进行实地考察的基础上,确定履带自行式沙地灌木林平茬机优化设计方案,运用三维造型技术、虚拟样机技术等设计方法完成悬挂式灌木林平茬机整体结构及关键零部件设计,并采用抽样调查方法对试验林地灌木林实际分布密度及生物量等参数进行统计计算。[结果] 考虑到灌木林生长特点和沙地整体环境,刀架外形根据灌木丛根部特点设计为倒V形,采用提升链及仿形支承轮结构使切割装置随地面浮动,以柔性连接方式实现刀具浮动切割及升降,并完成悬挂式割灌机的设计及研制,具体包括牵引和驱动方式的选择、切割装置及仿形机构的设计等。所设计灌木林平茬机结构形式为履带液压底盘前悬挂式,外形尺寸为长1 200 mm、宽900 mm、高1 150 mm,作业行驶速度3.5 km·h-1,移动行驶速度5 km·h-1,圆锯片刀具转速3 600 r·min-1,割茬高度为50 mm,切割装置最大离地间隙为900 mm。完成设计试制后在科尔沁沙地腹地内蒙古通辽市奈曼旗兴隆沼林场的灌木林地进行试验,该地区共营造小叶锦鸡儿灌木林26.67万hm2,林场拥有小叶锦鸡儿灌木林2 000 hm2,试验总面积900 m2(宽10 m、长90 m),同时对平茬的灌木丛数、枝条量进行了测量,统计计算得到该地区灌木林的实际分布密度为811 丛·hm-2,湿质量、干质量生物量分别为6 012.44 kg·hm-2和3 763.22 kg·hm-2,单株平均积沙量0.5 m3,冠幅直径3.1 m,平均高度1.9 m。通过对样品采用烘干的方式得出灌木枝条萌芽前的含水率为34.71%,为灌木林平茬复壮抚育剩余物的资源化或能源化利用提供基础数据。[结论] 通过对灌木林平茬机结构与工作原理的分析,设计、试制了以液力驱动橡胶履带底盘为动力的悬挂式灌木林平茬机。对样机在灌木林地进行试验的结果表明,该机作业效率243丛·h-1,留茬平均高度50 mm,留茬劈裂率低于3%。经当年夏、秋季的调查显示,平茬后的灌木新枝萌发数量是平茬前的5~10倍,当年生长高度超过1.2 m,满足沙地灌木林平茬复壮的要求。

[Objective] According to the environment conditions and the growing characteristics of the bush, the function of ground surface following was required for cutting mechanism of bush stumper with flexible connecting and lifting. A crawler self-propelled desert shrub stumper was developed to provide technical support for the effective utilization of shrub resource. [Method] The optimized design scheme of crawler self-propelled shrub stumper was confirmed based on field trip of Kerqin Sandy of Inner Mongolia, and the design of the suspension cutting machine overall structure and key parts was accomplished with design methods of 3D solid modeling technology and virtual prototype technology etc. The sampling survey method was applied when doing statistical calculation of shrub distribution density and biomass in the forest experiments. [Result] Considering the characteristics of shrub and the overall environment of sand, the working head was designed into an inverted V-shape based on the characteristics of shrub root. The application of hoisting chain, support rollers and flexible connection makes the cutting device floating on the ground while going up and down. The design and manufacture of the suspension type shrub stumper were completed, including the selection of traction and drive mode, the design of cutting device and profiling mechanism, etc. The cutting device was suspended at the front of the hydraulic crawler tractor. Operating speed of this prototype, of which shape size is 1 200 mm long, 900 mm wide, 1 150 mm high, is 3.5 km·h-1, moving speed of it is 5 km·h-1. The rotating speed of circular saw blade cutting tool is 3 600 r·min-1. The maximum clearance from cutting device to the ground is 900mm, with a common cutting stubble height of 50mm. After finishing the design and manufacture, the test run of the prototype was launched in a forest farm named Xing Longzhao, landed on Kerqin sandy land in Tongliao City of Inner Mongolia. There are 266 700 hm2 of lobular caragana shrub. Moreover there are 2 000 hm2 of this shrub on this forest farm. The test area is 10 m wide and 90 m long, with a total area of 900 m2. At the same time, a statistical survey was conducted, the number of cut shrub and the amount of branches were measured. The statistical data shows that the actual distribution density of the bushes of the region is 811 bundle ·hm-2, the biomass wet weight and dry weight are 6 012.44 kg·hm-2 and 3 763.22 kg·hm-2, the average sediment deposition of each shrub is 0.5 m3, of which the crown diameter is 3.1m and the average height is 1.9m. The moisture content of shrubs before sprouting is 34.71% by the way of kiln dried. All the surveys above provided basic data for the resource and energy utilization of shrub tending slashes.[Conclusion] A prototype of shrub stumper powered by hydraulic driven rub crawler tractor was designed and manufactured. A shrub stumping trial using the machine was carried out in Kerqin sand area of Inner Mongolia. The test showed that efficiency of the machine shrub stumping was 243 shrubs·h-1 with 50 mm cutting height and less than 3% split of reserved stumps. The new sprouts of shrub stumps were five to ten times of reserved stumps and the new stumps glow more than 1.2 m in the summer and autumn investigation. The machine are suited the requirement of shrub stump reproduction in desert sand area.

全 文 :第 51 卷 第 7 期
2 0 1 5 年 7 月
林 业 科 学
Vol. 51,No. 7
Jul.,2 0 1 5
doi:10.11707 / j.1001-7488.20150711
收稿日期: 2015 - 02 - 24; 修回日期: 2015 - 06 - 04。
基金项目: 林业公益性行业科研专项“木本灌木资源产业化促进沙荒地植被恢复技术研究”(200904007)。
* 陈忠加为通讯作者。
马阿娟1 陈忠加1 俞国胜1 袁湘月1 杜 珂2
(1.北京林业大学工学院 北京 100083; 2.北京起重运输机械设计研究院 北京 100007)
摘 要: 【目的】针对内蒙古科尔沁沙地作业环境及沙生灌木林的生长特点,提出灌木林平茬机切割装置地面仿
根据灌木丛根部特点设计为倒 V 形,采用提升链及仿形支承轮结构使切割装置随地面浮动,以柔性连接方式实现
的设计等。所设计灌木林平茬机结构形式为履带液压底盘前悬挂式,外形尺寸为长1 200 mm、宽900 mm、高 1 150
mm,作业行驶速度 3. 5 km·h - 1,移动行驶速度 5 km·h - 1,圆锯片刀具转速 3 600 r·min - 1,割茬高度为 50 mm,切割
装置最大离地间隙为 900 mm。完成设计试制后在科尔沁沙地腹地内蒙古通辽市奈曼旗兴隆沼林场的灌木林地进
行试验,该地区共营造小叶锦鸡儿灌木林 26. 67 万 hm2,林场拥有小叶锦鸡儿灌木林 2 000 hm2,试验总面积 900 m2
(宽 10 m、长 90 m),同时对平茬的灌木丛数、枝条量进行了测量,统计计算得到该地区灌木林的实际分布密度为
811 丛·hm - 2,湿质量、干质量生物量分别为 6 012. 44 kg·hm - 2和3 763. 22 kg·hm - 2,单株平均积沙量 0. 5 m3,冠幅
直径 3. 1 m,平均高度 1. 9 m。通过对样品采用烘干的方式得出灌木枝条萌芽前的含水率为 34. 71%,为灌木林平
该机作业效率 243 丛·h - 1,留茬平均高度 50 mm,留茬劈裂率低于 3%。经当年夏、秋季的调查显示,平茬后的灌木
新枝萌发数量是平茬前的 5 ~ 10 倍,当年生长高度超过 1. 2 m,满足沙地灌木林平茬复壮的要求。
关键词: 灌木平茬复壮; 灌木林; 灌木林平茬机; 机器研制
中图分类号: S776 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1001 - 7488(2015)07 - 0099 - 08
Development and Application of Crawler Self-Propelled Desert Shrub Stumper
Ma Ajuan1 Chen Zhongjia1 Yu Guosheng1 Yuan Xiangyue1 Du Ke2
(1 . School of Technology,Beijing Forestry University Beijing 100083; 2 . Beijing Materials Handling Research Institute Beijing 100007)
Abstract: 【Objective】According to the environment conditions and the growing characteristics of the bush, the
function of ground surface following was required for cutting mechanism of bush stumper with flexible connecting and
lifting. A crawler self-propelled desert shrub stumper was developed to provide technical support for the effective utilization
of shrub resource. 【Method】The optimized design scheme of crawler self-propelled shrub stumper was confirmed based on
field trip of Kerqin Sandy of Inner Mongolia,and the design of the suspension cutting machine overall structure and key
parts was accomplished with design methods of 3D solid modeling technology and virtual prototype technology etc. The
sampling survey method was applied when doing statistical calculation of shrub distribution density and biomass in the
forest experiments. 【Result】Considering the characteristics of shrub and the overall environment of sand,the working
head was designed into an inverted V-shape based on the characteristics of shrub root. The application of hoisting chain,
support rollers and flexible connection makes the cutting device floating on the ground while going up and down. The
design and manufacture of the suspension type shrub stumper were completed,including the selection of traction and drive
mode,the design of cutting device and profiling mechanism,etc. The cutting device was suspended at the front of the
林 业 科 学 51 卷
hydraulic crawler tractor. Operating speed of this prototype,of which shape size is 1 200 mm long,900 mm wide,1 150
mm high,is 3. 5 km·h - 1,moving speed of it is 5 km·h - 1 . The rotating speed of circular saw blade cutting tool is 3 600
r·min - 1 . The maximum clearance from cutting device to the ground is 900mm,with a common cutting stubble height of
50mm. After finishing the design and manufacture,the test run of the prototype was launched in a forest farm named Xing
Longzhao,landed on Kerqin sandy land in Tongliao City of Inner Mongolia. There are 266 700 hm2 of lobular caragana
shrub. Moreover there are 2 000 hm2 of this shrub on this forest farm. The test area is 10 m wide and 90 m long,with a
total area of 900 m2 . At the same time,a statistical survey was conducted,the number of cut shrub and the amount of
branches were measured. The statistical data shows that the actual distribution density of the bushes of the region is 811
bundle·hm - 2,the biomass wet weight and dry weight are 6 012. 44 kg·hm - 2 and 3 763. 22 kg·hm - 2,the average
sediment deposition of each shrub is 0. 5 m3,of which the crown diameter is 3. 1m and the average height is 1. 9m. The
moisture content of shrubs before sprouting is 34. 71% by the way of kiln dried. All the surveys above provided basic data
for the resource and energy utilization of shrub tending slashes.【Conclusion】A prototype of shrub stumper powered by
hydraulic driven rub crawler tractor was designed and manufactured. A shrub stumping trial using the machine was carried
out in Kerqin sand area of Inner Mongolia. The test showed that efficiency of the machine shrub stumping was 243
shrubs·h - 1 with 50 mm cutting height and less than 3% split of reserved stumps. The new sprouts of shrub stumps were
five to ten times of reserved stumps and the new stumps glow more than 1. 2 m in the summer and autumn investigation.
The machine are suited the requirement of shrub stump reproduction in desert sand area.
Key words: shrub stump reproduction; shrub forest; shrub stumper; machine design and manufacture
现有灌木林 5 365 万 km2,其中 49. 73%为治理荒漠
化的 防 护 林,分 布 于 西 藏 ( 15. 93% )、内 蒙 古
(13. 10% )、新疆 (8. 59% )、甘肃 ( 6. 40% )和青海
(6. 07% ) 等地 ( 国 家林业局森林资源管理司,
木林由于得不到平茬抚育而生长衰退 (范利海等,
制约沙地灌木林平茬机发展的主要因素 (刘瑞林
等,2012; 刘金南等,2014)。我国大中型割灌机多
法,整机可靠性系数为 98. 5%,生产率为 3 t·h - 1,柠
条漏割损失率不大于 0. 8%,割茬破损率为 2. 9%,
割茬高度小于等于 7cm。该机借鉴工程机械原理
割任务。陈忠加等 (2009)设计的 5GZ-800 型自行
茬高 度 在 8cm 以 下,但 效 率 相 对 较 低,仅 为
0. 1 hm2·h - 1。发达国家虽然有成熟的灌木收割联合
崎岖的沙地环境适应性不够 (裴克等,1980; 王执
2012)。倒 V 形刀架根据灌木根部积沙和散射状外
1 自行式沙地灌木林平茬机的研制
1. 1 总体结构与工作原理
和悬挂式割灌机组成(图 1)。液力驱动橡胶履带底
盘以一台 24 kW 的柴油发动机为动力驱动液压泵
站的 2 个液压齿轮泵产生液体压力,用于橡胶履带
底盘行进和作业机具的驱动。割灌机通过 3 点挂接
第 7 期 马阿娟等: 履带自行式沙地灌木林平茬机的研制及应用
头可左右摆动; 导轨在导轨架内上下移动,由安装
割灌工作头由 5 个圆锯片以中间高、两端底的
积沙的生长状态(牛西午,1998); 圆锯片的旋转通
过额定转速为 3 600 r·min - 1的 3 个高速液压马达驱
动,其切割线速度可达 48. 07 m·s - 1,以保障留茬平
站的液压控制阀上。图 2 是自行式沙地灌木林平茬
接通泵 1 与泵 2 的油路,可以加快不割灌木作业时
图 1 履带自行式割灌机总体结构
Fig. 1 Overall structure of crawler-type
self-propelled shrub cutter
图 2 沙地灌木林平茬机动力传递路线
Fig. 2 The power transfer line of desert shrub cutter
1. 2 关键部件设计
1. 2. 1 切割装置设计 1) 切割刀具、驱动液
压马达的确定 从前期的科尔沁沙地灌木林平茬实
地试验研究得到,用割灌机圆锯片(直径 255 mm、厚
2 mm) 切 割 小 叶 锦 鸡 儿 ( 柠 条 ) ( Caragana
microphylla)时(锯切线速度为 46. 3 ~ 51. 1 m·s - 1 ),
与镶合金钢刀头的圆锯片 (直径 300 mm、刀头厚
3. 2 mm)相比,具有最小的切削阻力和最小的留茬
林 业 科 学 51 卷
n = 60v
= 60(46 . 3 ~ 51 . 5)
π·0 . 255
(3 467 . 7 ~ 3 857 . 2) r·min -1。
式中:v 为圆锯片刃口线速度(m·s - 1 ); d 为圆锯片
由此,选用 3 600 r·min - 1的高速液压马达为圆
v = π·d·n
= π × 0 . 255 × 3 600
= 48 . 07 m·s -1。
P k =

1 000
= Jεω
1 000

如果液压马达驱动刀盘 1 s达到 3 600 r·min - 1,则
P k =

1 000
= Jεω
1 000
= Jω
1 000
0 . 016 × 3772
1 000
= 2 . 27 kW。
式中: T 为刀盘部件的转矩( T = Jε ); J 为刀盘部
件转动惯量 ( J = 0. 016 kg·m2 ); ε 为角加速度
(ε = dω /dt,ε = 377 rad·s -2 ); ω为刀盘转动角速
度( ω = 377 rad·s - 1)。
盘、锯片压紧轴套、轴承压紧轴套、皮带轮和 M30 的
滚动半径为 46 mm 的 6202 深沟球轴承上。因此,
P k = Fv = mgμv =
1 . 98 × 9 . 8 × 0 . 004 × 8 . 67 = 0 . 67 kW。
式中: m为刀盘部件的质量( m = 1. 98 kg); g为重力
加速度( g = 9. 8 m·s - 2 ); μ 为深沟球轴承摩擦因素
(μ = 0. 004); v 为 6202 深沟球轴承滚动半径的线速
度( v = πdn60
= π × 0. 046 × 3 600
= 8. 67 m·s -1)。
每个锯盘切割灌木时消耗功率 (卢里耶等,
P q =
= 2 × 0 . 255 × 490
= 2. 45 kW。
式中: vm 为整机工作前进速度( vm = 2. 0 m·s
-1 ); A
为单个锯片切割宽度( A = 0. 255 m ); l0 为切割柠条
时所需的功(马永康等,2007)( l0 = 490 J·m
总功率为 P = P k + P q = 3 . 12 kW ,5 个锯片同
时进行切割作业时消耗功率为 15 . 6 kW 。据此选
择液压马达型号为 GM5-20-1E13S,以及 V 带传动
2) 切割装置 切割装置为 5 组切割器安装在
倒 V 形的刀架上(图 3),中间与最外侧的切割器由
转速为3 600 r·min - 1的液压马达 3 驱动,另 2 个两
侧的切割器由最外侧切割器上的皮带 5 驱动,3 组
影响。圆锯片 1 被夹紧装置通过其上部的圆螺母夹
紧并安装在轴承座 4 上,轴承座安装在倒 V 形的台
架上。倒 V 形的刀架与沙地灌木丛中间积沙高、四
图 3 切割装置
Fig. 3 Assemble of shrub cutting device
1.圆锯片 Circular saw;2.夹紧装置 Clamping device;3.液压马达 Hydraulic motor;4.轴承座 Bearing pedestal;5.皮带传动 Belt drive.
1. 2. 2 切割装置摆动设计 在前期研制的手扶式
为 30°为宜。
液压油缸组成(图 4)。切割装置通过铰接轴与升降
第 7 期 马阿娟等: 履带自行式沙地灌木林平茬机的研制及应用
116. 5 mm,夹角为 31°。根据设计的切割装置结构以
50 mm、活塞杆直径 25 mm、行程 130 mm、最小长度
363 mm、最大长度 493 mm 的 S50 /25X130RR 型液压
缸活塞杆端铰接的位置(图 5),最终设计出的割灌木
工作头左右各摆动 33. 95°(图 6)。
图 4 割灌木工作头摆动机构
Fig. 4 Swing device of shrub cutting head
1.割灌木工作头 Work head;2. 铰接轴 Articulated shaft;
3.液压油缸 Hydrocylinder.
摆动油缸存在 2 个极限位置,分别为 O1A1 和
O1A2,2 个位置传动角分别为 γ1 和 γ2,有:
cosγ1 =
4932 + 4452 - 116 . 52
2 × 493 × 445
= 0. 974;
cosγ2 =
3632 + 4452 - 116 . 52
2 × 363 × 445
= 0 . 979。
图 5 作图法确定铰接点
Fig. 5 Joint point decision by chart
求得传动角分别为 γ1 = 13 . 1°,γ2 = 11 . 8°,即
压力角分别为 α1 = 76 . 9°,α2 = 78 . 2° 。
液压系统油压范围为 10 ~ 16 MPa,则 2 个极限
F1 = PA1 = π(25
2 - 12 . 52) × 10 = 14 726 . 22 N;
F2 = PA2 = π × 25
2 × 10 = 19 634 . 95 N。
F1 t = F1 cosα1 = 3 337 . 72 N;
F2 t = F2 cosα2 = 4 015 . 27 N。
Mmin = F1t L = 3 337. 72 × 0. 445 = 1 485. 29 N·m。
图 6 最终设计的割灌木工作头左右摆动角度
Fig. 6 The final designed swing angle
1. 2. 3 仿形机构设计 由于沙地地面起伏大,灌木
设计为夹角呈 160°的倒 V 形外,还针对灌木林生长
林 业 科 学 51 卷
为随动和主动 2 种状态。仿形机构主要由高度升降
导轨、升降绞盘、提升链和仿形支承轮等组成(图 7)。
度; 升降导轨 2 安装在悬挂架 4 内,通过提升链 3 悬
吊在升降绞盘 5 上; 升降绞盘 5 由液压马达驱动安
装在悬挂架 4 的顶部。灌木平茬作业时,悬挂绞盘将
而实现切割装置随地面仿形。当提升链 3 通过液压
图 7 仿形机构
Fig. 7 Floating structure
1.切割装置 Cutter device;2. 升降导轨 Lifting guide;3. 提升链
Elevator chain; 4. 悬挂架 Suspention frame; 5. 升降绞盘 Lifting
图 8 灌木林地及平茬试验
Fig. 8 The shrub forest land and the machine test
机技术参数见表 1。
2 灌木林平茬试验
2. 1 试验地点及自然状况
地为干旱半干旱地区,年降水量 350 ~ 650 mm,地表
合(曹军等,2004)。该地区于 20 世纪 60—70 年代
共营造小叶锦鸡儿灌木林 26. 67 万 hm2,林场拥有
小叶锦鸡儿灌木林2 000 hm2,自然分布密度 800 ~
1 000丛·hm - 2,单株平均积沙量0. 5 m3,冠幅直径
3. 1 m,平均高度 1. 9 m,多分布在地表不平地面松
软的丘间沙地(图 8)。
表 1 悬挂式灌木林平茬机技术参数
Tab. 1 Parameter of mounted shrub cutter
参数 Parameter 数值 Numerical value
Structural style
Suspended to the front of
crawler hydraulic chassis
Revolving speed of cutter /( r·min - 1 )
3 600
Height of stubble /mm
50. 0
Working width /mm
1 100
Maximum ground clearance
of cutter device /mm
Operating speed /( km·h - 1 )
≤3. 5
Translational speed /( km·h - 1 )
外形尺寸: 长 × 宽 × 高
Boundary dimension: length ×
width × height /mm
1 200 × 900 × 1 150
2. 2 平茬试验
试验时间为早春(3 月初)灌木林开始萌芽前,
平茬作业时机器的前进速度为 0. 85 m·s - 1 (3. 07
km·h - 1 ),割灌圆锯片的转速为 3 600 r·min - 1。试
验总面积为 900 m2(宽 10 m、长 90 m),同时对平茬
的灌木丛数、枝条量进行了测量,以 10 m × 10 m 为
一个测量区,共测量了 9 个区。机器对灌木平茬的
第 7 期 马阿娟等: 履带自行式沙地灌木林平茬机的研制及应用
近的另一丛进行平茬作业(图 8)。对平茬后灌木枝
条的称量以丛为单位,按划分的区域进行记录 (表
表 2 科尔沁沙地灌木林平茬枝条质量
Tab. 2 The weight of shrub stump in Kerqin sand kg
丛数 Cluster number
分区 Partition
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 6. 55 7. 31 5. 66 6. 15 8. 13 3. 22 7. 54 8. 50 14. 30
2 10. 30 6. 53 4. 10 10. 45 6. 00 3. 60 10. 13 21. 04 7. 74
3 8. 17 5. 81 4. 58 4. 32 7. 65 4. 98 5. 08 12. 23 9. 56
4 8. 95 7. 72 4. 24 12. 44 9. 67 8. 00 10. 31 6. 93 12. 02
5 4. 51 4. 85 6. 38 4. 22 5. 92 6. 50 8. 29 9. 64
6 9. 37 4. 93 3. 01 7. 45 5. 74 7. 16 7. 47
7 9. 12 3. 96 6. 43 8. 18 8. 87
8 5. 41 7. 56 9. 90 6. 38 7. 01
9 9. 37 7. 51 4. 04 3. 99
10 6. 22 6. 33 3. 83 13. 99
11 4. 27 2. 93 11. 50
12 8. 97
合计 Total 77. 97 66. 78 27. 97 33. 36 59. 45 56. 82 101. 05 64. 46 53. 26
2. 3 试验结果
1) 灌木平茬机在试验区内的总作业时间为
18 min,平茬的灌木丛数为 73丛。以此为基础数据,可
以得出该灌木平茬机在试验地的平茬作业效率为 243
丛·h - 1。
2) 通过对平茬后灌木丛留茬的目测(图 9),茬
口平齐,劈裂率低于 3%,平均高度 50 mm。
图 9 灌木平茬后的留茬
Fig. 9 The reserved shrub stumps
图 10 平茬后灌木丛当年萌发及高度生长状况
Fig. 10 The bud sprout and high grows after stumping in the same year
3) 平茬作业后的当年春季、秋季的跟踪调查显
数量的 5 ~ 10 倍,当年高度生长量超过 1. 2 m (图
4) 通过记录的数据可以看出,该地区灌木丛的
密度不均,平均密度为 811 丛·hm - 2。
5) 对平茬后每丛灌木枝条的称重显示,每丛的
量为 21. 04 kg,是最小生物量(2. 93 kg)的 7. 18 倍。
总质量为 541. 12 kg,平均每丛 7. 41 kg。
6) 通过对样品采用烘干的方式得出灌木枝条
萌芽前的含水率为 34. 71%,由此得出科尔沁沙地
灌木丛的湿质量生物量为 6 012. 44 kg·hm - 2,干质
量生物量为 3 763. 22 kg·hm - 2。
3 结论和建议
3. 1 结论
1) 研制的履带自行式灌木林平茬机用于沙地
裂率小于 3%的要求。当年夏、秋季跟踪调研显示,
林 业 科 学 51 卷
灌木丛的萌芽数量是平茬前枝条数量的 5 ~ 10 倍,
当年平均生长高度超过 1. 2 m,满足沙地灌木林平
2) 通过履带自行式灌木林平茬机在科尔沁灌
布密度为 811 丛·hm - 2,湿质量、干质量生物量分别
为 6 012. 44 和3 763. 22 kg·hm - 2,为灌木林平茬复
3. 2 建议
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(责任编辑 石红青)