Effects of the conversion from native shrub forest to Chinese chestnut plantation on soil carbon and nitrogen pools. Effects of Tree Species Composition on Carbon Storage of 11 Years Old Evergreen Broad leaved Plantations in North Subtropical Areas of China Change of Soil Labile Organic Carbon Pools after Conversion from Degraded Shrub Forest to Broadleaved Plantations in North Subtropical Areas of China Study on Natural Regeneration of Different Shrub Forest Transformation Models on Xiaolongshan in Gansu Compara tive Ana lysis of Five Shrub Forest Transforma tionModels on Xiaolongshan in Gansu Biomass and carbon storage of shrub forests ecosystem in karst city Research on transform and optimum technology of the secondary shrub forest of mangrove plant Aegiceras corniculatum Blanco Analyse of Soil Labile Organic Carbon Pools in Mixed Schima superba-Cyclobalanpsis glauca Young Plantations at Different Stand Ages Development and Application of Crawler Self-Propelled Desert Shrub Stumper