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Effects of Bending Branch and Notching Buds in Different Periods on Endogenous Hormone Concentrations and Shoot Growth of ‘Lüling’ Walnut


Three-year-old saplings of ‘Lüling’ walnut (Juglans regia) from Hebei Lüling fruits Co. Ltd. were used to study effects of bending branch and notching bud in different periods on the budding rate, shoot growth and contents of endogenous hormone (GA3, IAA,ABA and ZT). The results showed that the average budding rates for the branch bending angles of 45°, 90°,135° were 65.03%, 71.38%, 62.45%, respectively, and the budding rate with the bending angle at 90° was very significantly higher than that of bending angles at 45° and 135°. The average budding rates of notching bud treatment in March and April were 4.43% and 3.57% higher than that of non-notching bud treatment. The average shoot lengths with bending branch angles of 90° and 135° were decreased by 18.71% and 49.44% compared with that with bending angle at 45° in March. The average shoot lengths with notching bud and bending branch to 90° and 135° treatments were 46.93% and 60.45% lower than that of bending branch 45° in March. There was no significant difference in shoot lengths among every treatment treated in April. The proportions of young shoots at the base of branches with bending branch to 90° and 135° treatments in March were 22.76% higher than that of bending branch to 45° treatment. The upper buds of branches with bending angle 45° had the highest contents of GA3, IAA and ZT, and the contents were very significantly higher than that of bending branch to 90°, which in turn were very significantly higher than that of bending branch to 135°. The content of ABA in the upper buds of bending branch to 135° was very significantly higher than that of bending branch to 45°and 90°, and that in the base buds was very significant lower than that of bending branch to 45°and 90°. The ratio of GA3/ABA in the upper buds of bending branch to 45° was very significantly higher than that of bending branch to 135°, and that in the branch base buds was very significantly lower than that of bending branch to 135°. The ratios of ZT/IAA in the upper buds of bending branch to 135° was very significantly higher than that of bending branch to 45°and 90°. As for bending branch to 90° treatment, the contents of GA3 in the upper and base buds with notching bud treatment were significantly lower than that of the non-notching, the contents of ABA in the all buds with notching treatment were significantly higher than those of the non-notching, the ratios of GA3/ABA in the buds with notching treatment were significantly lower than those of the non-notching.

全 文 :第 49 卷 第 6 期
2 0 1 3 年 6 月
林 业 科 学
Vol. 49,No. 6
Jun.,2 0 1 3
doi:10.11707 / j.1001-7488.20130624
收稿日期: 2012 - 07 - 13; 修回日期: 2012 - 08 - 16。
基金项目: 河北省科技计划项目(11230115D - 2)。
* 李保国为通讯作者。
魏常燕1,2 张雪梅1,2 齐国辉1,2 李保国1,2 孙 萌1,2 祁娇娇1,2
(1.河北农业大学林学院 保定 071000; 2. 河北省核桃工程技术研究中心 临城 054300)
关键词: 核桃; 拉枝; 刻芽; 萌芽率; 新梢; 内源激素
中图分类号: S759. 33 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1001 - 7488(2013)06 - 0167 - 05
Effects of Bending Branch and Notching Buds in Different Periods on
Endogenous Hormone Concentrations and Shoot Growth of‘Lüling’Walnut
Wei Changyan1,2 Zhang Xuemei1,2 Qi Guohui1,2 Li Baoguo1,2 Sun Meng1,2 Qi Jiaojiao1,2
(1 . College of Forestry,Agricultural University of Hebei Baoding 071000;
2 . Center of Walnut Engineering Technology of Hebei Lincheng 054300)
Abstract: Three-year-old saplings of‘Lüling’walnut ( Juglans regia) from Hebei Lüling fruits Co. Ltd. were used to
study effects of bending branch and notching bud in different periods on the budding rate,shoot growth and contents of
endogenous hormone ( GA3,IAA,ABA and ZT) . The results showed that the average budding rates for the branch
bending angles of 45°,90°,135° were 65. 03%,71. 38%,62. 45%,respectively,and the budding rate with the bending
angle at 90° was very significantly higher than that of bending angles at 45° and 135°. The average budding rates of
notching bud treatment in March and April were 4. 43% and 3. 57% higher than that of non-notching bud treatment. The
average shoot lengths with bending branch angles of 90° and 135° were decreased by 18. 71% and 49. 44% compared with
that with bending angle at 45° in March. The average shoot lengths with notching bud and bending branch to 90° and 135°
treatments were 46. 93% and 60. 45% lower than that of bending branch 45° in March. There was no significant
difference in shoot lengths among every treatment treated in April. The proportions of young shoots at the base of branches
with bending branch to 90° and 135° treatments in March were 22. 76% higher than that of bending branch to 45°
treatment. The upper buds of branches with bending angle 45° had the highest contents of GA3,IAA and ZT,and the
contents were very significantly higher than that of bending branch to 90°,which in turn were very significantly higher than
that of bending branch to 135°. The content of ABA in the upper buds of bending branch to 135° was very significantly
higher than that of bending branch to 45°and 90°,and that in the base buds was very significant lower than that of bending
branch to 45°and 90°. The ratio of GA3 /ABA in the upper buds of bending branch to 45° was very significantly higher
than that of bending branch to 135°,and that in the branch base buds was very significantly lower than that of bending
branch to 135°. The ratios of ZT / IAA in the upper buds of bending branch to 135° was very significantly higher than that
of bending branch to 45°and 90°. As for bending branch to 90° treatment,the contents of GA3 in the upper and base buds
with notching bud treatment were significantly lower than that of the non-notching,the contents of ABA in the all buds
with notching treatment were significantly higher than those of the non-notching,the ratios of GA3 /ABA in the buds with
notching treatment were significantly lower than those of the non-notching.
Key words: Juglans regia; bending branch; notching bud; budding rate; shoots; endogenous hormones
核桃 ( Juglans regia ) 又名胡桃,为胡桃科
( Juglandaceae)核桃属 ( Juglans)落叶乔木,位列世
2002),素有“木本油料之王”的称号。20 世纪 80 年
林 业 科 学 49 卷
拉枝可促进树冠扩大,早成形和结果; 大树拉枝可
技术对苹果(Malus domestica)的影响前人做过较多
研究(宋淑英,1999; 张继义等,2001; 温吉华等,
2002; 高建国等,2005; 文解华等,2005; 吴鲜亮
同拉枝角度及刻芽对早实核桃幼树 1 年生枝条萌
1 材料与方法
1. 1 试验地概况 试验在河北绿岭果业有限公司
的丰产园基地进行。该基地位于114. 4° E,37. 3° N,
太行山南段东麓丘陵区,海拔 90 ~ 135 m; 土壤母质
土。年均日照 2 653 h,年均气温 13. 0 ℃,极端最高
气温 41. 8 ℃,极端最低气温 - 23. 1 ℃,无霜期 202
天,年均降水量 521 mm。
1. 2 试验材料 供试材料为 3 年生‘绿岭’核桃树
上生长健壮、长势一致、无病虫害的 1 年生枝条。
1. 3 试验设计 试验设 1 年生枝条上侧拉(45°左
拉、刻芽平拉、刻芽下侧拉 6 个处理,每处理每小区
4 根枝,6 次重复 (3 次用于调查,3 次用于采样)。
随机区组设计; 处理时间 2011 年 3 月 23 日和 2011
年 4 月 16 日。
1. 4 试验方法 1) 处理与调查方法 在芽的上
方 0. 1 ~ 0. 2 cm 处用小钢锯条横割一道进行刻芽,
深至木质部,长为枝条粗度的 1 /2 ~ 1 /3; 同时按照
处理要求进行拉枝。2011 年 5 月 21 日,调查各处
理枝条萌芽率。2011 年 9 月 18 日,测量新梢的生
长量及 1 年生枝条上部、中部、基部新梢的分布
2) 枝条激素含量测定 试材采集: 2011 年 4
月 8 日,对 3 月拉枝刻芽处理枝条分别采集上、中、
下 3 个部位已开绽的芽,立即放入冰盒带回实验室,
主要仪器和试剂: HITACHILC - 7220 型高效液
相色谱仪,HITACHILC - 7100 紫外检测器。甲醇为
色谱纯; 其他试剂均为分析纯; IAA,GA3,ABA 和
ZT 标准品均为 Sigma 公司产品; 试验用水为超
色谱条件: 色谱柱为 Hypersil ODS C18 柱(250
mm × 4. 0 mm,5 μm); 流动相为甲醇和超纯水(含
0. 6%冰乙酸) = 45 ∶ 55; 0. 45 μm 有机系超微滤膜
等。温度 为 室温; 进样量 10 μL; 流速 为 0. 8
mL·min - 1; 检测波长 254 nm; 定量方法为外标法;
重复 3 次测定。
内源激素的提取: 采用陈雪梅等 ( 1992 ) 的
HPLC 法略加改动进行提取、分离和测定。称取 0. 3
g 的样品,加入液氮研磨后分 3 次加 6 mL 的 80%含
1%冰乙酸的甲醇提取液,4 ℃ 浸提 15 h 后,4 ℃
10 000 r·min - 1离心 10 min,吸取上清液 0. 5 mL 与
3. 5 mL 含 1% 冰乙酸的超纯水混匀,过 C18 小柱,
用 6 mL 10%的甲醇清洗杂质,再加入 0. 5 mL 80%
含 1%冰乙酸的甲醇洗脱,收集洗脱液过 0. 45 滤膜
2 结果与分析
2. 1 拉枝刻芽对枝条萌芽的影响 拉枝刻芽处理
的枝条萌芽率如表 1 所示。由表 1 可知: 3 月拉枝
他拉枝处理,分别为 73. 36%,75. 50% ; 在 4 月,拉
枝 45°与拉枝 90°处理之间的萌芽率没有显著差异,
两者显著高于拉枝 135°处理; 在 3 个不同拉枝角度
处理中,拉枝 90°的平均萌芽率最高,为 71. 38%,极
显 著 高 于 拉 枝 45° ( 65. 03% ) 和 拉 枝 135°
(62. 45% ); 在不同时期的不刻芽与刻芽处理中,3
月刻芽处理的平均萌芽率最高,为 68. 99%,极显著
高于 4 月未刻芽处理 ( 63. 88% ),与 3 月未刻芽
(66. 12% )和 4 月刻芽处理(66. 16% )间无显著差
异。由此认为,拉枝 90°可以显著提高枝条萌芽率,
但角度过大萌芽率会降低; 处理时间越晚,对萌芽
率的影响越小; 刻芽可以提高萌芽率,但影响不
第 6 期 魏常燕等: 不同时期拉枝刻芽对‘绿岭’核桃萌芽成枝和内源激素含量的影响
表 1 不同拉枝和刻芽处理的枝条萌芽率①
Tab. 1 Budding rates of branches in the different treatments %
Bending branch
萌芽率 Budding rate
3 月未刻芽
in March
3 月刻芽
in March
4 月未刻芽
in April
4 月刻芽
in April
Average budding rate
45° 64. 97 ± 4. 79B 64. 10 ± 2. 90cB 64. 81 ± 2. 16aAB 66. 23 ± 3. 47ab 65. 03 ± 1. 66B
90° 73. 36 ± 3. 16A 75. 50 ± 3. 17aA 67. 30 ± 3. 16aA 69. 36 ± 2. 51a 71. 38 ± 1. 66A
135° 60. 03 ± 3. 87B 67. 36 ± 2. 91bB 59. 52 ± 5. 65bB 62. 87 ± 3. 95b 62. 45 ± 1. 52B
Average budding rate
66. 12 ± 2. 16AB 68. 99 ± 2. 41A 63. 88 ± 2. 97B 66. 16 ± 1. 88AB
① 大写字母代表 1%水平上存在差异; 小写字母代表 5%水平上存在差异。下同。Capital letters mean significant difference at 0. 01 level,
and small letters mean significant difference at 0. 05 level. The same below.
2. 2 拉枝刻芽对新梢生长的影响 不同拉枝处理
新梢生长量如表 2 所示。由表 2 可知,3 月未刻芽
拉枝 45°新梢长度为 24. 05 cm,显著高于拉枝 90°
(19. 55 cm),极显著高于拉枝 135°(12. 16 cm); 刻
芽处理中拉枝 45°新梢长度是 19. 22 cm,极显著高
于拉枝 90°(10. 20 cm)和拉枝 135°(7. 60 cm),拉枝
90°与拉枝 135°间无显著差异。在 4 月处理的枝条
长度越小; 处理时间越晚,对新梢生长量的影响
表 2 不同拉枝和刻芽处理的新梢平均长度
Tab. 2 Average shoot lengths in the different treatments cm
Bending branch treatments
3 月未刻芽
Non-bud-notching in March
3 月刻芽
Bud-notching in March
4 月未刻芽
Non-bud-notching in April
4 月刻芽
Bud-notching in April
45° 24. 05 ± 4. 38aA 19. 22 ± 3. 20A 22. 60 ± 2. 89 21. 52 ± 1. 57
90° 19. 55 ± 1. 85aAB 10. 20 ± 0. 98B 20. 89 ± 1. 69 19. 04 ± 1. 62
135° 12. 16 ± 1. 80bB 7. 60 ± 0. 30B 19. 52 ± 1. 28 19. 20 ± 0. 87
2. 3 拉枝刻芽对新梢分布的影响 不同处理后的
新梢分布如表 3 所示。由表 3 可知,3 月未刻芽处
理中,拉枝 45°和拉枝 90°上部新梢所占比例显著
高于拉枝 135°; 拉枝 135°中部新梢所占比例最
高,为 39. 16%,显著高于拉枝 90° (34. 74% ) ; 拉
枝 90°与拉枝 135°基部新梢所占比例分别为
20. 28% 和 20. 27%,极 显 著 高 于 拉 枝 45°
(16. 52% ) ; 3 月拉枝刻芽处理的 1 年生枝条上部
与中部新梢分布无显著差异,拉枝 45°与拉枝 90°
基部新梢所占比例显著高于拉枝 135°处理。4 月
未刻芽处理中,拉枝 135°上部新梢所占比例最高,
为 53. 15%,显著高于拉枝 45°与拉枝 90°处理; 各
异; 4 月各拉枝刻芽处理中各部位新梢分配比例
刻芽使各拉枝处理间新梢分布相对一致; 拉枝时
表 3 不同处理的新梢分布
Tab. 3 Shoots distribution of the different treatments %
Bending branch
3 月未刻芽
in March
3 月刻芽
in March
4 月未刻芽
in April
4 月刻芽
in April
45° 47. 86 ± 2. 99aA 40. 24 ± 0. 42 42. 84 ± 4. 16b 47. 27 ± 5. 30
上部 Upper part 90° 44. 96 ± 2. 90aAB 42. 36 ± 1. 28 45. 39 ± 5. 62b 45. 33 ± 6. 51
135° 40. 55 ± 0. 96bB 42. 79 ± 6. 28 53. 15 ± 3. 26a 41. 53 ± 3. 78
45° 35. 61 ± 2. 90ab 32. 88 ± 0. 76 34. 97 ± 5. 83 30. 48 ± 4. 07
中部 Central part 90° 34. 74 ± 3. 33b 30. 12 ± 1. 62 30. 48 ± 3. 86 28. 98 ± 4. 48
135° 39. 16 ± 1. 44a 35. 01 ± 5. 55 27. 46 ± 5. 04 33. 02 ± 3. 95
45° 16. 52 ± 0. 25B 26. 86 ± 1. 05a 22. 17 ± 1. 96 22. 24 ± 2. 53
基部 Base part 90° 20. 28 ± 1. 38A 27. 50 ± 0. 97a 24. 11 ± 1. 75 25. 67 ± 2. 02
135° 20. 27 ± 0. 48A 22. 19 ± 2. 02b 19. 37 ± 2. 11 25. 43 ± 0. 75
林 业 科 学 49 卷
2. 4 拉枝对枝条不同部位芽内源激素含量的影响
不同拉枝处理不同芽位的芽内源激素含量如表 4
所示。由表 4 可知: 随着拉枝角度的增大,上部芽
GA3 含量逐渐减少,基部芽 GA3 含量逐渐增加; 随
着拉枝角度的增大,上部芽与基部芽的 IAA 与 ZT
含量均逐渐减少; 拉枝 135°枝条上部芽 ABA 含量
最高,为 0. 61 μg·g - 1,极显著高于 45°和 90°处理,
45°与 90°处理间无显著差异,拉枝 135°枝条基部芽
ABA 含量最低,为 0. 11 μg·g - 1,极显著低于 45°和
90°处理,45°处理显著低于 90°处理; 随着拉枝角度
的增加,上部 GA3 /ABA 值逐渐减小,中部与基部均
逐渐增大; 随着拉枝角度的增加,3 个部位的 ZT /
IAA 值均逐渐增大。
表 4 不同拉枝处理不同部位芽的内源激素含量
Tab. 4 The endogenous hormone contents in the buds in different bending branch treatments and positions
Contents of endogenous hormones /(μg·g - 1 )
45° 1. 13 ± 0. 003A 1. 25 ± 0. 081A 0. 25 ± 0. 083B 0. 033 ± 0. 001A 6. 504 ± 2. 589a 0. 027 ± 0. 000b
上部 Upper part 90° 0. 89 ± 0. 001B 0. 68 ± 0. 011B 0. 20 ± 0. 096B 0. 025 ± 0. 001B 3. 788 ± 1. 221ab 0. 036 ± 0. 001b
135° 0. 35 ± 0. 006C 0. 19 ± 0. 075C 0. 61 ± 0. 005A 0. 019 ± 0. 001C 0. 592 ± 0. 095b 0. 115 ± 0. 050a
45° 1. 02 ± 0. 006B 0. 38 ± 0. 030bAB 0. 55 ± 0. 057B 0. 020 ± 0. 002bAB 1. 883 ± 0. 231b 0. 053 ± 0. 002bB
中部 Central part 90° 1. 57 ± 0. 021A 0. 69 ± 0. 158aA 0. 24 ± 0. 028C 0. 025 ± 0. 001aA 1. 893 ± 0. 153b 0. 058 ± 0. 009bB
135° 0. 82 ± 0. 012B 0. 14 ± 0. 022cB 0. 83 ± 0. 097A 0. 016 ± 0. 001cB 3. 501 ± 0. 967a 0. 123 ± 0. 027aA
45° 0. 39 ± 0. 032C 0. 80 ± 0. 072aA 0. 31 ± 0. 024bA 0. 034 ± 0. 007aA 1. 243 ± 0. 132b 0. 043 ± 0. 004
基部 Base part 90° 1. 01 ± 0. 004B 0. 60 ± 0. 158aAB 0. 46 ± 0. 057aA 0. 023 ± 0. 005bAB 5. 530 ± 1. 258ab 0. 052 ± 0. 006
135° 1. 69 ± 0. 026A 0. 28 ± 0. 002bB 0. 11 ± 0. 046cB 0. 017 ± 0. 003bB 9. 853 ± 3. 696a 0. 062 ± 0. 002
2. 5 刻芽对枝条不同部位芽的内源激素含量的影
响 以拉枝 90°为例,不刻芽与刻芽处理不同芽位
的芽内源激素含量如表 5 所示。由表 5 可知: 刻芽
处理,使上部与基部芽的 GA3 含量显著降低,上部
芽的 IAA 含量显著降低,各部的 ABA 含量显著升
高,因而使各部 GA3 /ABA 值显著减小,而 ZT / IAA
表 5 拉枝 90°不刻芽与刻芽处理不同芽位芽的内源激素含量
Tab. 5 The endogenous hormone contents in notching bud and non-notching bud in
the treatment of bending branch to 90°
部位 Position
内源激素含量 Contents of endogenous hormones /(μg·g - 1 )
上部 不刻芽 Non-bud-notching 0. 89 ± 0. 002a 0. 68 ± 0. 011A 0. 25 ± 0. 083b 0. 025 ± 0. 001 3. 788 ± 1. 221a 0. 036 ± 0. 001b
Upper part 刻芽 Bud-notching 0. 74 ± 0. 054b 0. 50 ± 0. 031B 0. 64 ± 0. 054a 0. 026 ± 0. 000 1. 152 ± 0. 012b 0. 052 ± 0. 004a
中部 不刻芽 Non-bud-notching 1. 57 ± 0. 219 0. 69 ± 0. 158 0. 53 ± 0. 010B 0. 025 ± 0. 001 2. 984 ± 0. 458A 0. 038 ± 0. 009
Central part 刻芽 Bud-notching 1. 06 ± 0. 133 0. 71 ± 0. 025 0. 83 ± 0. 097A 0. 026 ± 0. 002 1. 279 ± 0. 183B 0. 023 ± 0. 003
基部 不刻芽 Non-bud-notching 1. 69 ± 0. 266a 0. 60 ± 0. 158 0. 31 ± 0. 024B 0. 023 ± 0. 000 5. 530 ± 1. 258A 0. 042 ± 0. 014
Base part 刻芽 Bud-notching 0. 85 ± 0. 066b 0. 63 ± 0. 034 0. 73 ± 0. 023A 0. 019 ± 0. 002 1. 160 ± 0. 061B 0. 030 ± 0. 002
3 结论与讨论
从各处理 1 年生枝条的萌芽率可以看出,拉枝
与苹果(温吉华等,2002; 陈新宝等,2001; 郭素萍
看,产量是由 1 年生枝条上新梢的分布情况及花芽
的数量和其所着生的位置决定的( Anita,2011 )。
势(韩玉明等,2008)。本研究中,3 月处理的枝条
4 月处理枝条中,各处理间的新梢生长相对一致。
(张志华等,2006; 孙艳香等,2001; 周怀军等,
2002; 曾骧,1992; 王丽琴等,2002)。在本研究中
第 6 期 魏常燕等: 不同时期拉枝刻芽对‘绿岭’核桃萌芽成枝和内源激素含量的影响
拉枝角度的增大,上部 GA3 和 IAA 的含量逐渐减
少,基部 GA3 含量逐渐增多,基部 IAA 含量减少的
幅度比上部芽小,上部 GA3 /ABA 逐渐减小,中部与
基部的值均逐渐增大,3 个部位的 ZT / IAA 值均逐渐
Renton 等(2006)认为新梢长度是一个重要指标。
Thomas(2000)研究表明: IAA 和 GA3 促进枝条的
加长生长和加粗生长。Olsen 等 ( 1997 )研究证实
GA3 主要通过影响芽体内细胞的分化及伸长来调控
芽的萌发及成枝状况。GAs 并不是单独影响芽的萌
发,而是通过调节 IAA 水平,改变 CTK / IAA 比值而
起到间接的调控作用 ( Davenport,2000)。因此认
GA3 和 IAA 的含量变化有关,GA3 /ABA 和 ZT / IAA
值在一定范围内可促进芽的萌发。有研究表明: 刻
芽主要是通过改变芽体内 GAs /ABA 值来提高萌芽
ABA 含量,使 GA3 /ABA 值显著降低,但未能显著提
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(责任编辑 郭广荣)