摘 要 :黄斑星天牛(Anoplophora nobilis G.)是我国北方地区杨树毁灭性蛀于害虫。本文总结了作者在1980——1981年于陕西省陇县及甘肃省甘谷县就其成虫行为,以及引起某种行为的机理的研究成果。该种成虫行动迟钝,一昼夜有两个活动高峰,主要是取食和交尾。飞翔力不强,最远距离为1190米。其活动力的强弱受温度的影响,16—28℃为正常活动范围。成虫在树干上产卵,离地面的高度,随树龄增加而逐年上升。研究发现,成虫主要通过触角,准确地选择在大官杨上产卵,因该树种含有某种化学物质引诱所致。从而为综合治理提供新依据。
Abstract:Anoplophora nobilis Ganglbauer is one of the most important insect pests of poplar in Shannxi, Gansu Provinces and in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. The adults show slow action and have some regularity, acting by day and resting at night. There are two acting peaks during a day: one is about 10 a. m. the other 6 p. m. Their main actions are taking food, mating and laying eggs. The adults have weakly flying ability, usually only spread to and fro in the woods with the farthest distance within 1190m. Their action is mainly affected by temperature. Usually they act very well between 16.0℃ and 28.0℃, but the irregulary action can be observed when temperature is above 32.0℃ or below 10.0℃ The adults prefer to oviposit on the trunks with d. b. h. 7—12cm. The oviposition on the trunk rises with the tree age year by year within definite sizes of the trunk or branch. The adults show some specially preference to bite and oviposit on the cultivars of Section Aigeiros and Section Tacamahaca The different degrees in resistance were observed in Section Leuce to that pest. The insect also has definite choice to other tree species grown near villages, canals, road-sides, and buildings, paulownia and heaven tree appear to be more resistant to the pest. The adult mainly uses its antennae and labipalpi and other sense organs to accurately choose treespecies. Populus×dakuanensis has some chemical message matter that attracts the pest to bite and oviposit. Paulownia seems to have some repellency to the insect. The findings provide some theoretical basis for further study and control of this pest, specially for using insect resistant tree species.