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Dilfference on the Cold Tolerance of Solarium lycopersicoides


全 文 :416 园 艺 学 报 30卷
Genetic Analysis of Parthenocarpy in Eggplant
Tian Shibing ,Liu Fuzhong2

Wang Yongqing ,Luo Zhangyong ,Chen Yikang ,Liu Junshao ,and Han Yong2
( Chongqing Institute ofAgricultural Sciences,Chongqing 400055,Ch/na; Institute ofVegetables and Flowers,Chinese Academy of
Agr/cu/turul& n棚 ,ae/j/~ 100081,Ch/na)
Abstract:The combining abilities, heritability, correlation, aggression, and path for parthenocarpy were
analyzed according to 10 hybrid CIOSS~ made between 3 parthenocarpic lines and 2 non—parthenocarpic lines of
eggplan t with half mating design.The results showed that the heredity of parthenocarpy was not correspondent with
the additive-dominant mode1. Parthenocarpy was ma ybe controled by a group of recessive genes as wel as
influenced by epitasis efect.
Key words:Eggplant;Parthenocarpy;Genetic analysis
赵凌侠 , 李景富 许向阳 开国银 李柱刚 唐克轩 (-上海交通大学植物生物技术研究
中心,上海 200030; 东北农业大学园艺学院,哈尔滨 150030; 复旦大学生命科学学院,上海 200433)
DilIfel撇 on the Cold Tolerance of Solarium lycopersicoides
Zhao Lin a z,Li Jin z,Xu Xiangyang2,Kai Guoyin ,Li Zhugang ,and Tang Kexuan ( Plant Biotechno-
logy Research Center,Shangluu"Jiaotong University,Shanghai 200030,Ch/na; School of Horticulture,Northeast 记[1z
University,Harbin 150030,Ch/na; School of蜘 Sc/ences,Fudan Un/t~ y,Shanaha/200433,Ch/na)
中图分类号:S 641 文献标识码 :A 文章编号:0513.353X (2003)04-0416-01
利用 HI~ 250型 (哈尔滨产 )人工气候箱,对 5份类番茄茄 (Solarium lyeopersieoides)、1份多毛番茄 (己.hirsutum)
和 1份普通番茄 (己.esculentum)材料 (6~7片真叶)进
行 6~C/2℃ (昼/夜)和25℃/15℃ (作无逆境对照)处理
72 h,光周期 12 h(昼 12 h/夜 12 h),每处理 6株,3次
重复。然后用 日本产 Mc26型电导仪测定电导率。以相对
膜伤害率 (%)= (处理电导率值 一对照电导率值)/
(处理煮沸后总电导率值 一对照电导率值)×100。
测定结果 (表 1)表明,7份材料经 6~C/2~C胁迫后,
相对电解质渗出率介于 9.32% ~15.70%,并有 UC82B>
3.6l% 一l0.12%,除 LA2730、I_A2951和 I_06126 间无显著
差异外,其他材料间差异极显著 ,并有 UC82B>1136126
>S.1ycopersicoides的趋势。可见 ,类番茄茄表现 出比番
材料在低温胁迫下细胞膜的伤害率也存在 明显差异,因
此 ,用类番茄茄改良番茄耐冷时应注意材料间的差异。
收稿日期 :2002—12~31;修回日期:2003—04—18
低温胁迫 72 h类番茄茄和番茄相对电解质渗出率
Treated atlowtlmlpemtm-e(72 h) de。 ,Iyte
西fI.茁ve rate md~ llne asumge rate (%)
类番茄茄 S.1ycopers/co/des
LA1990 10.3764 CDcde 7.0882 BCc 4.8053 Dd
LA2386 10.0899 CDde 8.8536 ABab 3.6142 Ee
LA273o l1.7856 Bcc 7.6933 Bbe 7.193o Bb
LA2776 9.3l76 De 5.5579 cd 6.056l cc
L 95l l1.00B5 CDcd 7. Bbc 7.撇 Bb
多毛番茄 L.h/rsumm
‘196126’ 13.6608 ABb 9.8843 Aa 7.0655 Bb
番茄 L.e_ac/z/e/l///n
。UC82B’ 15.7046 Aa 7.8O64 Bbc 10.1152 Aa
l I Il畦l
l 1
表 № l_嗣
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