全 文 :文章编号: 1007-0435( 2006) 01-0097-02 ·博士论文摘要·
博士生:闫 敏 导师:韩建国, 张英俊
(中国农业大学草地研究所, 北京 100094)
白三叶( Tr if ol ium rep ens L. )是温带重要
的豆科牧草, 在我国草地改良及生态环境建设
依靠进口, 其生产研究匮乏、技术落后, 使之生
种为对象,于 2003年 11月- 2005年 6月在云
南省种羊场,采用随机区组试验设计,设置 5个
水分调控处理; 结合室内土培法,通过对白三叶
种子田需水量及灌水时间的确定, 水分对白三
度, 并从生理生化的角度研究水分对白三叶生
1.白三叶冬季灌水后, 在土壤可利用水分
亏缺为 0. 42~0. 48、作物胁迫指数为 0. 66~
0. 68时再次灌水( w 3)可以获得最高种子产量。
2004 年种子产量和收获系数在土壤可利用水
分亏缺为 0. 20( w 2)时最高, 达到 449. 7 kg /
, 收获系数 8. 7%, 与对照相比产量提高
7%; 其次为 w3, 种子产量和收获系数分别为
436. 3 kg/ hm 2和 7. 4%。2005 年种子产量 w3
最高,达到 434. 9 kg / hm2 ,收获系数为6. 63% ,
与对照相比产量提高 20. 67%。通过对产量要
素分析得出, 2004年影响种子产量的主要要素
是种子单粒重, 而 2005年则是单位面积花序
表明, 水分通过改变产量要素间的相互作用影
2. 水分供应延长了白三叶的生育期,加快
匍匐茎密度, 增加了可育节数, 缩小了节间长
3. 光合速率对种子产量的影响于 2004年
是在结荚期,而 2005年则在初花期和结荚期。
序开放时间集中, 花序头及花梗中可溶性糖含
4. 水分亏缺使白三叶种子成熟期提前,增
千粒重。发芽势和正常种苗率只有 w2与土壤
可利用水分亏缺为 0. 60( w 4)之间存在显著差
关键词: 白三叶; 灌溉; 种子生产; 生长发育
中图分类号: S812; S332 文献标识码: A
论文完成时间: 2005年 10月
收稿日期: 2006-01-13; 修回日期: 2006-01-17
基金项目: 省校省院合作项目 “云南省牧草种子繁育关键技术及其产业化”( 2003FCBFE00A002)
作者简介: 闫敏( 1976-) ,女,内蒙古人,博士研究生,主要从事草地管理及牧草种子生产研究
导师简介: 韩建国 ( 1958-) ,男, 教授,研究方向为草地管理与牧草种子;张英俊( 1971-) , 男,副教授,研究方向为草地管理, E -
mail : z han gyj@ cau. edu . cn
第 14卷 第 1期
Vo l. 14 No . 1
草 地 学 报
2006年 3 月
March 2006
Effects of Irrigation on White Clover ( Trif olium Repens L. )
Reproductive Growth, Seed Yield, and Quality
Candidate: YAN M in Advisor: HA N Jian-guo, ZHANG Ying-jun
( Inst itute of Gras sland Scien ce, Chin a Agricu lture U nivers ity , Beij ing 100094, Chin a)
White clover ( Trif olium rep ens L. ) is a w idespread for ag e legume of temperate climate in the w orld. Being
one of the most important legumes in China, it arises in usability w ith the fast development o f the countrys pas-
to ral indust ry . At present , the seeds o f w hite clover are mainly impo rted fr om abroad. It is necessary for China
to study the technolog ies of w hite clo ver seed product ion. The researches o f w ater management in w hite clover
( T rifolium r epens var Haifa ) seed production at the experimental field of Yunnan Sheep Farm , and of the ef-
fects of soil water status on white clov er f low er ing in a g reenhouse in Beijing w ere carried out f rom November
2003 to June 2005. F iv e w ater t reatments w er e designed to determine the crop w ater requirements and irriga-
tion t iming, the effects on white clover seed yield and y ield components, w hite clov er grow th development ,
seed development , and seed qual ity by different w ater supply . T he results ar e summed up as fol low s:
1. Af ter w hite clo ver had been watered in ear ly w inter, w hen the available soil w ater deplet ion ( ASWD)
had ranged from 42% to 48% and the cr op w ater st ress index ( CWSI) r eached 0. 66 to 0. 68, a second round of
irrigat ion - Treatment w 3 - w ould bring the highest seed yield averaged in 2 years. In 2004, w hen the ASWD
was about 20% , T reatment w 2 w as applied. T he white clo ver seed y ield and harvest index topped those of the
other years, reaching 449. 7 kg·hm - 2 and 8. 7% r espect ively , 7% higher than those of the control. Nex t came
Tr eatment w 3; the w hite clo ver w ith the t reatment g ained 434. 9 kg·hm - 2 of seed y ield and the harv est index
reached 6. 63%, in 2005, 20. 67% higher than the control . Analy sis o f the const itut ing elements that determ ine
the seed y ield showed that the year 2004s yield w as mainly af fected by the seed w eight , w hile the yield of 2005
w as inf luenced by f low er density , pods per flow er, and seeds per pod. By path-coeff icient analysis, it w as con-
firmed that the seed yield w as also affected by different irr ig ation t reatments w hich changed the interact ion a-
mong the const itut ing elements that determine the seed yield.
2. Water supply extended the w hite clovers grow th stage and accelerated its g row ing rate. Available soil
w ater deplet ion reduced the plant s stolon density, leaf area, internodes leng th, and peduncle and pet iole
leng th, but incr eased the number of repr oduct ive nodes. Biomass accumulat ion did not affect the seed y ield.
Available soil w ater deplet ion inf luenced the dist ribut ions of aboveg round dry mat ter, y et increased the per cent-
age of r eproduct iv e org ans.
3. Pho to synthet ic rate affected w hite clo ver seed yield only during its pod stage in 2004, but in 2005 it did
both during the plants init ial f low er ing stage and pod stag e. T otal so luble sugars dist ributed mainly in the
stolons during dif ferent gr ow ing stag es. Soluble sugar content in the root dur ing the bud stage and the content
in the leaf dur ing the flowering stag e affected the w hite clover seed yield. Increase of the so luble sugar content
in sto lons and leaves w ould reduce the photosynthetic rate of white clover. It s f low ering time sho rtened w ith
the advance o f its gr ow th stag es, and deplet ion of available so il w ater caused the inflorescence to bloom almost
simultaneously. T otal so luble sugars in peduncles and f low er heads af fected the number of pod inflorescence
per unit area. In addit ion, deplet ion of available soil w ater also changed the contents o f so luble pr otein, fr ee
amino acid, soluble sugar, GA and A BA o f stolons and leaves prior to and after the w hite clover f low ering
stage, thus affect ing the development of inf lor escence.
4. Depletion of available so il water shortened the seed mature t ime, increased the reaped hard-seed per-
centag e, w hile caused the 1000-seed weight to descend. Signif icant dif fer ences ex isted betw een white clover at-
tended w ith T reatment w 2 and T reatment w 4, i. e. , w hen ASWD was around 60%, in germination t rend and
percentage of normal seedl ing . Seed vigo r was not affected by different water t reatments. White clover har d-
seed percentag e increased with the dim inishing o f GA content and the augment ing o f ABA content .
Key words : White clov er ; Irrig at ion; Seed product ion; Grow ing and developing .
(责任编辑 才 杰)
98 草 地 学 报 第 14卷