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Study on the Propagating Characters and Seed Production Technology of Zoysia japonica


全 文 :文章编号: 1007-0435( 2005) 02-0170-02 ·博士论文摘要·
博士生:马春晖1 导师:韩建国2
( 1. 塔里木大学动物科技学院,新疆阿拉尔市 843300; 2.中国农业大学草地研究所,北京 100094)
   2001 - 2003 年在山东胶州市对结缕草
( Zoy sia j aponica Steud. )繁殖特性及种子生产技
术进行研究, 结果表明:
1. 抽穗期前 15~40 d 以前的低温和光照时
间十分有利于结缕草小穗的分化和形成( r =
0. 89)。结缕草的结实率、种子数与抽穗期前 5 d
和后 15 d 的积温、光照时数均呈正相关, 差异显
著。光温互作对千粒重影响较大的是抽穗期后 10
~20 d 的光温因子( r= 0. 90)。
2. 结缕草生殖枝是从冬性植株上产生的; 播
种区结缕草 93. 0%的生殖枝是在匍匐茎上产生
的,而栽植区 70%~80%的生殖枝是根茎上产生
的。结缕草分蘖株龄主要是 1龄株, 4~9月播种
区 1龄分蘖株占总分蘖株数的 92. 65%, 栽植区
的占 96. 78% , 2 龄株所占比例分别为 6. 75%和
2. 81%。
3. 在繁殖分配中果穗最重, 其干重约为
50 mg ,其次为叶、茎。结缕草匍匐茎上果穗占全
株重的 57. 63%, 比根茎上果穗所占比例略低, 两
者茎、叶所占比例都在 9. 0%和 30. 0%左右。
4. 栽植和播种建植结缕草种子田第 3 年才
能形成较高的种子产量,种子产量达 844 kg/ hm 2
以上。但播种区第 2年种子产量很低( < 22. 5kg /
2 ) ,而栽植区种子产量可达 150 kg / hm2左右。
5. 适量施氮肥可提高结缕草生殖枝数和种
子产量, 以 30 kgN / hm 2 (秋季施 20 kgN/ hm 2, 春
季施 10 kgN / hm 2)处理效果最好, 播种和分栽小
区的生殖枝数分别为 3343个/ m 2和 2941个/ m2 ,
种子产量分别为 844. 50 kg / hm 2 和 874. 65 kg /
2。随着施氮水平的提高, 生殖枝数并未增加,
6. 在本试验条件下,结缕草种子的适宜收获
期为盛花期后第 36 d( 6月 15日前后) ,此时种子
含水量为 26%~28%。
7. 火烧提高了结缕草种子产量和质量;与对
照相比, 在生殖枝数/ m 2、种子数/生殖枝、结实
率、空瘪率、种子产量方面差异极显著 ( P <
0. 01)。
8. 结缕草种子发育过程中脱落酸( ABA)含
量逐渐增加, 而生长素( IAA)、赤霉素( GA)含量
匍匐茎中GA、IAA 含量均低于无效分蘖株;而茎
中则相反,有效分蘖株中 GA、IAA、ABA 含量明
关键词: 结缕草,繁殖, 种子生产
中图分类号: S812; S339
论文完成时间: 2004年 5月
收稿日期: 2005-03-06;修回日期: 2005-03-23
基金项目:农业部“948”重大项目 ( 202099)专题“牧草种子生产技术的研究与示范”、高等学校博士点基金项目“牧草种子产量形成机理研究”
( 20010019004)和中国农业大学草地研究所与青岛海源草坪有限公司横向合作项目“结缕草种子生产技术的研究”资助
作者简介:马春晖( 1966年-) ,男, 陕西合阳县人,博士,教授,主要从事牧草(草坪草)种子生产方面研究,发表论文 30多篇, 出版著作 5 部, E-
mail: ch unhuim a@ sohu. com
导师简介:韩建国( 1958-) ,男,内蒙古商都人,教授,主要从事草地管理、牧草种子方面研究, 发表论文 70多篇,出版专著 7部, E-m ail : grass lab
@ pub lic3. bta. net . cn
第 13卷 第 2期
 Vo l. 13  No. 2
草 地 学 报
  2005年  6 月
 June  2005
Study on the Propagating Characters and Seed Production
Technology of Zoysia j ap onica
Candidate: MA Chun-hui
1 Adv isor: HAN Jian-guo 2
( 1. Co lleg e of Animal Science and Techno log y, Tar im Universit y, Alar , Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Reg ion 843300, China;
2. Institute of G rassland Science, China Agr icultur al U niver sity , Beijing 100094, China)
A study on the repr oduct ion characters and technolo gies of seed product ion o f zoysiag rass ( Zoy sia j ap onica
Steud. ) w as conducted in Jiaozhou, Shandong Province, from 2001 to 2003. T he r esults indicated:
1. T he low temperature and length of illuminat ion during the 15 to 40 days before heading facilitated the
dif ferent iat ion and development of spikelets ( r = 0. 89) . T he gr assseed set t ing percentag e and seed per spike
w er e po sit iv ely correlated to the accumulated temper ature and sunl ight hours during the 5 day s before and the
15 day s af ter heading , and the dif ference w as signif icant . The interplay of sunlight and temperatur e during the
10-20 days after heading was a sensitive period that af fected the w eight o f zoy siagrass seed ( r= 0. 90) .
2. All reproduct iv e t il ler s o f zoysiag rass emerged from plants that had survived the w inter. In the seeding
plot , 93% of the repr oduct ive tillers ro se up from sto lons, w hile in the t ransplant plo t , 70%~80% came out
fr om rhizomes. Most of the zoysiag rass t illers w ere one year old. In the April-to-September seeding plot and
the t ransplant plot , 92. 65% and 96. 78% were one year old t iller s, and 6. 75% and 2. 81% tw o year o lds,
respect iv ely .
3. A spike w as the heaviest in the w ho le plant , averaging 50 mg in dry w eight , follow ed by a leaf and
stem. The spikes fr om stolons to ok 57. 63% of the w eight of a w ho le plant , somewhat lighter than that of
spikes growing on rhizomes. Stems and leaves of a plant of each type to ok about 9. 0% and 30. 0% o f the w hole
plant , respect ively .
4. T he thir d year after zo ysiagr ass seeding and transplant ing saw the seed y ield to ascend, r eaching 844
kg/ hm
or more. T he low est seed yield of the seeding plot fell on the second year af ter sow ing, a mere 22. 5 kg /
2 , w hile that o f the t ransplant plo t of the same year w as about 150 kg / hm
2 .
5. An appropriate rate o f nitr ogenous fert ilizer could increase zoysiag rass number of repr oduct ive t il lers
and seed product ion. A rate of 30 kgN/ hm
( 20 kgN/ hm
in autumn and 10 kgN/ hm
nex t spring) achieved the
excellent results of growing 3343/ m
and 2941/ m
r eproductive t illers, and seed yield of 844. 5 kg/ hm
and 874.
65 kg / hm
in the seeding and transplant plo t , respect ively . A n increased rate o f N fert ilizer w ould reduce
instead o f raising the reproduct ive t iller number and seed yield. Nit rog enous fert ilizer could also lengthen the
zoy siagrass spikes, increase the number of spikelets per r eproductiv e tiller, seeds per reproduct ive t iller,
thousand seed w eight and set t ing percentage, as w ell as the seed dehydrogenase act ivity, acid phosphoesterase
act ivity and seed vigor .
6. T he opt imal seed har vest t ime was 36 days af ter the peak anthesis, appr ox imately June 15, in our
exper iment , when the seed moisture content was est imated to be 26%~28%.
7. Burning could improve the zoysiag rass seed y ield and quality signif icantly , increasing reproductive t iller
numbers/ m2 , seed per reproduct ive tiller, sett ing rate, seed yield, w hile reducing the percentage of deaf and
shriveled seeds, compared to the plot not subjected to f ire.
8. T he ABA content g radual ly ro se and IAA and GA contents g ent ly decilined with the seed development .
How ever, the GA, IA A, and ABA contents of the repr oduct ive t iller s leav es, f ibers, stolons and rhizomes
w er e low er than those o f the vegetat ive t illers. Reverse is the mode o f the stems, thsin GA, IA A, and ABA
contents w ere higher in the reproduct iv e than in the vegetat ive t illers.
Key words : Zoy siagrass ( Zoy sia j aponica steud. ) ; Reproduction; Seed yield
171第 2期 马春晖等:结缕草繁殖特性及其种子生产技术的研究