全 文 :文章编号: 1007-0435( 2006) 04-0395-02 ·博士论文摘要·
博士生: 欧阳克蕙1, 2 导师:王 1
( 1. 中国农业大学草地研究所, 北京 100094; 2. 江西农业大学动物科学技术学院, 南昌 330045)
以实验生态学和生态工程相结合的措施, 按
南方亚热带丘陵地区研究截叶胡枝子( L esp edez a
cuneata)草地和宽叶雀稗( Paspalum w ettsteinii )
产力,重建当年截叶胡枝子草地( L )的干草产量就
可达12 160 kg / hm2,宽叶雀稗草地( G) 17 690 kg /
2,第2年达到13 400 kg / hm2( L )和20 750 kg /
( G) ,是天然草地产草量的2. 61~5. 16倍;光能
利用率由0. 14%提高到第1年的0. 64%和0. 93% ,
再到第2年的0. 68%和1. 01%,是重建前的3. 71~
6. 46倍。系统能量和氮、磷的输出量在重建当年提
2. 重建的人工草地通过快速恢复地上植被,
增加地面覆盖率, 建立良好的地上地下植被结构,
至裸地的 1/ 4 左右,第 2年随着生物量的持续增
步加强,草地的相对侵蚀强度分别比第 1年降低
51. 77%和61. 47% ,是天然草地的一半左右。
3. 与天然草地相比,人工草地重建后降低了
土壤酸性, 有机质、全N、全P 和速效养分的含量
增加,过氧化氢酶、酸性磷酸酶、脲酶活性提高, 而
4. 草地植被重建后对碳的固定能力显著增
环境条件, 因此土壤有机碳贮量提高23%( L)和
27%( G)。
5. 草地植被重建第1年即盈利 5 015. 73元/
2( L )和5 755. 80元/ hm 2( G) ,远高于天然草地
上的收入;产投比达2. 09和2. 60。第2年由于产量
的提高和前期投入的减少, 盈利达 8 940. 07元/
2 和9 330. 36元/ hm2。
的流动, 控制水土流失, 逐步恢复土壤肥力, 增加
系统碳固定能力, 提高土壤碳贮量,促进系统的良
相对落后的亚热带丘陵地区来说, 草地植被重建
关键词: 中国南方; 亚热带丘陵地区; 草地植被重建
中图分类号: S812 文献标识码: A
完成时间: 2006年5月
收稿日期: 2006-11-20; 修回日期: 2006-11-05
作者简介: 欧阳克蕙( 1974-) ,女,博士,副教授,研究方向为草地资源与生态, E-mail: ouyangk ehui@s ina. com
导师简介: 王 ( 1962-) ,男,教授,研究方向为草地生态, E -mail : w angk un@ cau. edu. cn
第14卷 第 4期
Vo l. 14 No . 4
草 地 学 报
2006年 12 月
Dec. 2006
A Study on the Grassland Reconstruction in the Subtropical
Hilly Regions of Southern China
Candidate: OUYANG Ke-hui
1, 2 Advisor: Wang Kun1
( 1. Institute o f Grassland Science, China Ag riculture U niver sity , Beijing 100094, China;
2. Colleg e of Animal Science and Technolog y , Jiangx i Ag riculture U niver sity , Nanchang , Jiangx i Pr ovince 330045, China )
Measures taken according to experimental ecolog y and eco logical eng ineering to modify environment of the
subtr opical hilly reg ions of southern China, cult ivated g rasslands of Chinese lespedeza ( L esp edez a cuneata) and
broadleaf paspalum ( Pasp alum w et tsteinii) w ere raised. The sow n pastures replaced the degr aded g rasslands of
shrub-herb and herb gr ow ths of low-product ivity in order to improve the degenerated eco system of the region.
Some early stage ecolog ical restorat ion measures and pr ocesses to ensure the g rassland reconst ruct ion were
Results show that the soil product ivity could be raised to pr ovide yield of Chinese lespedeza to 12160 kg /
and o f bro adleaf paspalum to 17690 kg / hm
in the first year o f cult iv at ion, and to 13400 kg/ hm
of the
fo rmer, 20750 kg / hm2 o f the lat ter in the second year, an increase of 2. 61~5. 16 t imes o f the yield of the
pr ev ious degraded pastures. T he solar energ y utilizat ion ef f iciency increased fr om 0. 14% to 0. 64% with the
Chinese lespedeza grassland and to 0. 93% w ith the broadleaf paspalum in the f irst year, then to 0. 68% w ith
the former and 1. 01% w ith the latter in the second year. The output of energy , nit ro gen and phosphorus were
manifold o f those of the deg raded grassland. Effects in the second year w ere still bet ter .
The cult ivated grassland prevented soil er osion eff icient ly by restoring vegetat ion, thickening the
vegetation coverage, and establishing bet ter above-and under-gr ound vegetat ion const ruct ion. T he amount of
so il erosion in the f irst year w as deducted by about three quarters of that of the prev ious hal f-barren g rassland.
Soil ero sion in the second year was cut by 51. 77% in the Chinese lespedeza plot and 61. 47% in the broadleaf
paspalum grassland compared to the extent of so il erosion in the previous year .
Compared to the former g rassland, the new ly cult ivated pastures boasted higher soil pH value, richer
amount of or ganic mat ter, to tal N, to tal P and available nutrients of the soil, as w ell as incr eased act ivit ies of
catalase, acid phosphatase and urease, though the soil total K content and the act ivity of po lyphenol ox idase
w er e no t regularly effected. Intensive cult iv at ion and management ensures the soil qualit ies o f the g rassland.
M ore or ganic carbon w as f ixed in the pasture w ith the increased vegetat ive cover. The so il org anic carbon
increased by 23% in the Chinese lespedeza pasture and 27% in the bro adleaf paspalum one due to more o rganic
mat ter input into the soil and the friendly environment condit ions.
M uch more econom ic benefit s have been gained in the reconstructed pasture. T here is a payo ff of RMB
5015. 73 yuan/ hm
w ith the Chinese lespedeza gr assland and 5755. 80 yuan/ hm
w ith the broadleaf paspalum one
in the first year, and RMB 8940. 07 yuan/ hm
of the former, and 9330. 36 yuan/ hm
of the lat ter in the second
year. The input / output is 2. 09 and 2. 60 in the f irst y ear , and 7. 15 and 7. 39 in the second year, respect iv ely .
Key words : Southern China; Subtropical hilly regions; Grassland reconst ruct ion
(责任编辑 才 杰)
396 草 地 学 报 第 14卷