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Paphiopedilum smaragdinum,A New Species of Orchidaceae from Yunnan,China


全 文 :武汉植物学研究 2003, 21( 6) : 489~491
Journal of Wuhan Botanical Research
刘仲健1, 陈心启2
( 1.深圳市梧桐山苗圃总场, 深圳 518114; 2.中国科学院植物研究所系统与进化植物学重点实验室, 北京 100093)
摘 要: 对兰科新种翡翠兜兰(Pap hiop ed ilum smaragd inum)作了描述与绘图。新种产云南西部高黎贡山, 与虎斑
兜兰有亲缘关系, 但花淡黄绿色无斑点和斑纹,退化雄蕊矩圆形,先端有短尖, 短尖长 1~1. 5 mm,易于区别。
关键词: 翡翠兜兰; 新种; 云南
中图分类号: Q949. 71+ 8. 43     文献标识码: A     文章编号: 1000-470X ( 2003) 06-0489-03
Paphiopedilum smaragdinum, A New Species of Orchidaceae
from Yunnan, China
LIU Zhong-Jian
, CHEN Sing-Chi
( 1. Shenzhen City W utongshan Nu rseries, Sh enzhen 518114, Ch ina; 2.L abor atory of Sy st emati c and Evolutionary
B otany , I nsti tute of B otany, T he Chinese A cademy of S ci ences, Beijing 100093, Ch ina)
Abstract: A new o rchid, Paphiop edilum smaragdinum Z. J. L iu et S. C. Chen ( Subgen. Paphiop e-
dilum, Sect . Pap hiop edilum) , is described and illust rated. T he type specimen w as collected from
Gao ligong Mountains. It is r elated to Paphiop edilum tigrinum Koopow itz et Hasegaw a, from
which it dif fers by hav ing a yellow ish-greenish f low er neither spot ted nor str iped w ith deep colo r,
and an oblong staminode w ith mucronate apex up to 1- 1. 5 mm long .
Key words : Paphiop edi lum smaragdinum; New species; Yunnan
  2003年 5 月本文第一作者在云南西部泸水县
的高黎贡山采到两株兜兰,原以为是虎斑兜兰( Pa-
phiop edilum tigrinum Koopow itz et Hasegawa ) ,当
即带回移栽于深圳市梧桐山苗圃总场。该植物于 7
月 3日开花, 花淡黄绿色,略带蓝晕, 颇似翡翠之色,
翡翠兜兰  新种 图 1
Paphiopedilum smaragdinum Z. J . L iu et S.
C. Chen, sp. nov. fig. 1
Species nova Pap hiop ed ilo tigr ino Koopw itz et
Hasegaw a sim ilis , a quo f lore f lavido-viridulo nec
maculato nec st riato, stam inodio oblongo, apice mu-
cronato , mucrone 1- 1. 5 mm longo bene dif fert .
Rhizoma breve. Folia 2 - 5, dist icha, anguste
oblonga, 12- 21 cm longa, 2. 1- 2. 9 cm lata, apice
subacuta et inaequaliter bilobulata, supr a viridia,
infr a v iridulo, basi in pet iolum conduplicatum con-
tracta. Scapus er ectus, cum inf lorescent ia unif lora
20- 22 cm longus, pedunculo v iridulo pilis albis ob-
tecto; bractea ell ipt ica, fere conduplicata, 3. 2 -
3. 5 cm longa, ca 2 cm lata, flavido-viridula, glabra
praeter basin et apicem pag inae abaxialis albo-
pubescentem; pedicellus cum ovario 3. 5 - 4. 0 cm
longus, f lavido-viridulus, dense albo-pilosus; flo s
9- 10. 5 cm in diam., flavido-viridulus nec macula-
tus nec st riatus, petalis prope apicem flavido-albis;

收稿日期: 2003-07-15,修回日期: 2003-09-04。
作者简介:刘仲健( 1958- ) ,男,教授级高级工程师,从事兰科植物研究。
1.带花植株; 2. 中萼片; 3.合萼片; 4. 花瓣; 5.花苞片和子房; 6. 唇瓣; 7.退化雄蕊, 侧面观; 8.退化雄蕊, 正面观
1. Flow er ing plant ; 2. Do rsal sepal; 3. Synsepal; 4. Pet al; 5. Br act and ovar y ;
6. L ip; 7. Staminode, side v iew ; 8. Staminode , front view
图 1 翡翠兜兰
Fig . 1 Pap hiop ed ilum smaragd inum Z . J. L iu et S. C. Chen
490 武 汉 植 物 学 研 究                  第 21 卷 
sepalum intermedium late el lipt icum, 3. 5- 4. 0 cm
longum, 3- 3. 3 cm latum, dorso dense albo-pubes-
cens, ciliatum, supra midium incurvum; synsepalum
ellipt icum, 3. 5- 4. 0 cm longum , 2- 2. 3 cm latum,
viridulum, dorso albo-pubescens, ciliatum; petala
spatulata, 5. 0 - 5. 6 cm longa, superne 2. 0 -
2. 2 cm lata, e medio ad basin undulata, apice plus
minusve retusa , pler umque m inute ciliata, ad basin
adax ialem dense albo-pilosa; label lum galeiform i-
saccatum , st ipite ca 1. 2 cm longo , sacco subobova-
to 2. 0 - 2. 3 cm longo , 2. 6 - 2. 7 cm lato, prope
fundum internum puber ulo , lateribus oris auriculis
brev ibus praedit is ; staminodium oblongum , 1. 1 -
1. 2 cm longum , 8 - 9 mm latum , apice mucrona-
tum , mucrone 1- 1. 5 mm longo , basi breviter au-
riculatum , prope centr um umbone indistincto viridi
pr aeditum.
China. Yunnan. Lushui County (泸水县) , Mt .
Gao ligong (高黎贡山) , Pianma(片马) , alt . 2 500 m,
in shady and mo ist places in forests. 2003-07-03,
Z. J. L iu(刘仲健) 2772 ( holotype, here designated,
in Herbarium, Shenzhen City Wutongshan Nur-
 ) .
根状茎短。叶 2~5枚,二列, 狭矩圆形,长 12~
21 cm, 宽 2. 1~2. 9 cm, 先端近急尖并有不等的 2
裂,上面绿色,背面淡绿色, 基部收狭为对摺的叶柄。
花葶直立, 连同具单花的花序长 20~22 cm; 花序柄
淡绿色, 具白色柔毛; 花苞片椭圆形, 近对摺, 长
3. 2~3. 5 cm, 宽约 2 cm , 淡黄绿色,除背面基部及
先端具白色短柔毛外余均无毛; 花梗连同子房长
3. 5~4 cm, 淡黄绿色, 密被白色柔毛; 花直径 9~
10. 5 cm, 淡黄绿色, 无斑点或条纹,花瓣近先端淡黄
白色;中萼片宽卵形,长 3. 5~4 cm, 宽 3~3. 3 cm ,
背面被白色短柔毛, 边缘具缘毛, 上半部内卷; 合萼
片椭圆形, 长 3. 5~4. 0 cm ,宽 2~2. 3 cm, 淡绿色,
背面被白色短柔毛, 边缘具缘毛;花瓣匙形,长 5~
5. 6 cm , 上部宽 2~2. 3 cm ,中部至基部边缘波状,
先端略带微凹, 边缘通常具细小缘毛,内面基部具白
色柔毛; 唇瓣盔状囊形;柄状基部长约 1. 2 cm ;囊倒
卵形,长 2~2. 3 cm ,宽 2. 6~2. 7 cm ,囊底具柔毛,
囊口两侧各有 1个短耳; 退化雄蕊矩圆形,长 1. 1~
1. 2 cm , 宽 8~9 mm, 先端具短尖, 短尖长达 1~
1. 5 mm ;基部有短耳,近中央有一个不甚明显的绿
新种近似于虎斑兜兰 Paphiop edilum t igrinum
Koopowitz et Hasegaw a, 但花黄绿色无斑点或斑
纹, 退化雄蕊矩圆形, 先端具短尖, 短尖长 1~
1. 5 mm ,易于区别。
Pap hiop edilum smar agdinum Z. J. L iu et S. C.
Chen is described as a new species based on the
plants co llected f rom Gaolig ong M ountain in
Lushui County of Yunnan, China. T wo plants are
now cult ivated in our nursery in Shenzhen, and
both f low ered ear ly in July. The new species is re-
lated to Paphiop edilum t igrinum Koopw itz et Ha-
segaw a, but dif fers by having a yellowish-g reenish
f low er neither spo tted nor st riped w ith deep colo r,
and an oblong staminode w ith mucronate apex up
to 1. 5- 2 mm long .
491 第 6 期               刘仲健等:翡翠兜兰, 中国云南兰科一新种