摘 要 :本文应用扫描电镜等较先进的实验研究方法,对水栀子(大花栀子Gardeniajdsminoides Ellis. var. grandiflora Nakai.的果实)进行了形态学和组织学研究。发现其侧膜向果腔延伸,并产生桔红色的、肉质分枝的假隔膜,其与种子相间排列并将种子包裹而交结成球状体,种皮石细胞五面增厚,细胞腔中填充色素块,薄壁细胞富含栀子索等,特征明显,为水栀子的鉴定提供了重要的科学依据。水栀子所含的色素和药用有效化学成分栀子甙较栀子高,对水栀子进一步的开发利用,向人们显示了可观的前景。
Abstract:This paper deals with the study on morphology and histology of the fruit of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis. var, grandiflora Nakai. Advanced apparatus and methods such as scanning electron microscope (SEM) were applied, The author discovered that the lateral membranes of fruits spread out into the fruit-cavity and formed tangerine, fleshy and dendroid pseudomembrane between earpels, which alternated with seed and wrapped it like a ball, Five planes of the sclereid of seed coat were thickened and its cell cavity was stuffed by pigment lumps. Parenchyma were full of Gardouin. The above-mentioned characteristics are clear, Those provide some important scientific bases for appraisal of it.