摘 要 :本文对华夏植物群鳞木属植物的研究现状进行了综述,讨论了华夏木属是否废除的问题。根据华夏木属与鳞木属基本特征相同,只是叶座形态、叶痕形态与鳞木属不同,这些特征只能作鳞木属分种的依据,同意《中国古生代植物》的处理意见。本文还描述了河南禹县山西组鳞木属的两个新种,即:Lepidodendron huayanense Ma(spnov.), L. yuxianense. Ma(sp. nov.).
Abstract:This paper reviews of current situation of study in Lepidodendron of floral of Huaxia and discusses whether or not the Cathaysiodendron would be abolished. In terms of the similarity in basic charaeteristies of Cathaysiodendron and Lepidodendron but only the morpha of sterigma and leaf scar are different so these characteristics can only be taken as a basis for classification of species for Lepidodendron. Agrees the idea of author which presented on "The Palaeozoic Era plants of China". This paper also deals with two new species of Lepidodendron from Shanxi Formation, Yu County, Henan, as Lepidodendron huayanense Ma(sp. nov.), L. yuxianense Ma(sp. nov. ).