在新疆气候生态条件下, 采用膜下滴灌植棉技术, 控制花铃期0~60 cm土壤滴水下限分别为田间持水量的45%(中度干旱)、60%(轻度干旱)和75%(正常供水, 对照), 滴水上限均为田间持水量, 研究不同程度干旱复水对棉花叶片光合特性及产量形成的影响。结果表明, 干旱降低了叶片净光合速率(Pn)和气孔导度(Gs), 中度干旱下叶片光化学猝灭系数(qP)、PSⅡ电子传递量子产量(ФPSⅡ)降低, 非光化学猝灭系数(NPQ)升高。复水后3 d内Pn和Gs恢复, 以轻度干旱恢复最快; ФPSⅡ和qP与Pn的变化相似; NPQ复水后1~2 d显著降低。从初花期至盛铃前期, 轻度干旱复水后光合物质累积量与对照无明显差异, 盛铃后期至吐絮期低于对照, 籽棉产量较低; 中度干旱复水后光合物质累积量及籽棉产量均最低。
In order to develop water saving irrigation stratagem and increase cotton yield in Xinjiang, we did the irrigation experiment in the field, controlled the lower limit of soil relative moisture content in layer of 0–60 cm at 45%, 60%, and 75% (the control) respectively of field water-holding capacity, which was the upper irrigation limit, and studied the effects of rewatering after drought on photosynthesis and yield during flowering-boll stage of cotton under-mulch-drip irrigation. The result showed that drought reduced the parameters of gas exchange. Photochemical quenching coefficient (qP) and PSⅡ photochemical quantum yield (ФPSⅡ) were reduced but non-photochemical quenching coefficient (NPQ) was increased significantly under moderate drought. Net photosynthetic rate (Pn) and stomatal conductance (Gs) of three water treatments could be rapidly recovered within three days after rewatering, and the recovery of mild drought treatment was the most rapid. The recovery of ФPSⅡ and qP in three water treatments was similar to that of Pn which achieved the maximum in 2–3 days after rewatering. The NPQ of three water treatments decreased significantly in 1–2 days after rewatering. From early flowering stage to early full boll stage, accumulation of single plant photosynthate was not much different from that of mild drought treatment after rewatering and the control, but the accumulation of single plant photosynthate was decreased significantly from later full boll stage to boll opening stage that let the seed cotton yield in mild drought treatment after rewatering be lower than that in control. Accumulation of single plant photosyn-thate and seed cotton yield in moderate drought treatment after rewatering was always lower than that in mild drought treatment and control.
全 文 : ACTA AGRONOMICA SINICA 2008, 34(1): 171−174 http://www.chinacrops.org/zwxb/
ISSN 0496-3490; CODEN TSHPA9 E-mail: xbzw@chinajournal.net.cn
(30460063, 30260051)
(1979–), , , !#/0
12*3(Corresponding author):
Received(89:;): 2007-05-10; Accepted(<=:;>: 2007-07-31.
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2008.00171
/, 832003)
, 0~60 cm !#, 45678()90
:;<=>?@A$BC%DEFGHIJ, ()KLM:;N<=OP(Pn),QR(Gs), &():;TUVWX(qP)*PSYZ[\][A(ФPS)KL, ^
a<=rstug01vJkwx, paoyzL{01, |A$}L; &()9a<=rstu@|A3eLF : ; (); 9; <=>?; ; Effects of Rewatering after Drought Stress on Photosynthesis and Yield during Flowering and Boll-Setting Stage of Cotton Under- Mulch-Drip Irrigation in Xinjiang LUO Hong-Hai, ZHANG Ya-Li, ZHANG Wang-Feng*, BAI Hui-Dong, HE Zai-Ju, DU Ming-Wei, and ZHANG Hong-Zhi (Shihezi University of Key Laboratory of Oasis Ecology Agriculture of Xinjiang Construction Crops/College of Agriculture, Shihezi 832003, Xinjiang, China) Abstract: In order to develop water saving irrigation stratagem and increase cotton yield in Xinjiang, we did the irrigation ex- periment in the field, controlled the lower limit of soil relative moisture content in layer of 0–60 cm at 45%, 60%, and 75% (the control) respectively of field water-holding capacity, which was the upper irrigation limit, and studied the effects of rewatering after drought on photosynthesis and yield during flowering-boll stage of cotton under-mulch-drip irrigation. The result showed that drought reduced the parameters of gas exchange. Photochemical quenching coefficient (qP) and PSY photochemical quan- tum yield (ФPS) were reduced but non-photochemical quenching coefficient (NPQ) was increased significantly under moderate drought. Net photosynthetic rate (Pn) and stomatal conductance (Gs) of three water treatments could be rapidly recovered within three days after rewatering, and the recovery of mild drought treatment was the most rapid. The recovery of ФPS and qP in three water treatments was similar to that of Pn which achieved the maximum in 2–3 days after rewatering. The NPQ of three water treatments decreased significantly in 1–2 days after rewatering. From early flowering stage to early full boll stage, accumulation of single plant photosynthate was not much different from that of mild drought treatment after rewatering and the control, but the accumulation of single plant photosynthate was decreased significantly from later full boll stage to boll opening stage that let the seed cotton yield in mild drought treatment after rewatering be lower than that in control. Accumulation of single plant photosyn- thate and seed cotton yield in moderate drought treatment after rewatering was always lower than that in mild drought treatment and control. Keywords: Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.); Drought; Rewatering; Photosynthesis; Xinjiang; Under-Mulch-Drip irrigation 172 34 ()~rA`%^r
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QR(Gs), CO2 (Ci)F9a Ø:;
X3¥678%c9, && Pn T%#
$UAVWXhS(S 1-a)F67 ØYJkw
x, 9a 3 d PnVZ[q, +() Ø%c9\Ð
01; VZÐa, 01]klÎ^kl`{&_ 2 ØF&
() Pn`9bULc9FCi9a 1 d
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Økl`{&(); Ø9a 3~4 d c9e,
67 Ø:; PSYe
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a ФPSIf , 01,+()9a 3 de, &ag
PnCi Gs
Fig. 1 Recovery of photosynthesis, intercellular CO2 concentration, and stomatal conductance of cotton leaves by rewatering after drought
1 :
hKL, i+()9a 1~2 d kl`{01; &()
9a 2 de, &abjKLF
vJkwx, ¢&()klKLF9a 1~2 d+(
)kl`{01,&(), &akL{01; &()
a 1~2 d NPQklKL, &abjl_q%F+
()NPQ9a 3 dbL{01, 3 da`{01; &
Fig. 2 Recovery of Fv/Fm, ФPS, qP, and NPQ of cotton leaves by
rewatering after drought
S 3-aIJ, :µT()8¿o¢KL, 9aº
O_`; Ø9a 2 d e, 01g+()kl
`{&(), T%#]ghKoq% , d&()Kp}F:;i0%hSa
µg:µï¼, d01e`(S 3-b)F9a 3 de`Z,
ÛÜIJ(S 4), 67
, Ò<=rst
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<=rs@s89<=rstut½013L 8.1%, 11.2%; paoyz}01L 22.8%, 25.3%, i 2 ØwxklF&()` Ø <=rstu3klL{+(),01F
Fig. 3 Recovery of water potential and relative water content of
cotton leaves by rewatering after drought
Fig. 4 Effect of rewatering after drought on cotton single plant
photosynthate accumulation at different growth stages
; b
a: Photosynthate dry weight of aerial part; b: Photosynthate dry weight
of reproductive organ
Ae`, &
+()(I 1)FAC
[&, AÒGXT%¿o¢¿o,
01,+()%kl`{&(), u 01k
k%DE, GH4,½¤3d+()}`, 01
&()eL; vwxZ ØvJkwxF
1 !#
Table 1 Effect of rewatering after drought on cotton yield and fiber quality Yield and yield components Cotton fiber quality Treatment Boll numbers per plant
Boll weight (g) ! Lint percentage (%) # Seed cotton yield (kg hm-2) #
Lint cotton yield
(kg hm-2)
(cN tex-1)
45% 2.64±0.45 c 3.87±0.32 b 40.7±0.08 b 2 358.0±124.2 c 959.7±87.5 c 27.74±1.44 b 31.88±3.28 b 4.86±0.34 a
60% 4.56±0.37 b 5.28±0.14 a 40.8±0.11 b 4 176.0±108.7 b 1 703.8±79.6 b 30.47±0.87 a 34.68±1.55 a 4.84±0.12 a
75% 6.60±0.46 a 5.39±0.28 a 41.6±0.14 a 5 476.5±106.6 a 2 278.2±67.8 a 29.38±1.67 a 33.45±2.36 ab 4.74±0.12 a
-./01234567 P0.0589:;<=
Values followed by a different letter are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level.
174 34
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#:;<=>?6@ABCD346EFGH, PS
RSTUV6WXY, Z[\=]^#PS234!5
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Pn#Gs#Cir ФPSqPsto, NPQ
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6~e, Ci C, /C&zoi p
wxy46 ; C6&d C, 6XN,
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Gsr CiMto6 95%-.; NPQ &, qPr
ФPS,ito , KL!6
@¡B¢de, £CD34!56 @GHn
Constablea[15]¤¥¦§,¨yi 60%©ª,
«¬®z¯6, §°±²³´n)µ¶!,
Á , Â6ÃÄ{P, ÅÆ»G
¸W¹ºH, È
»ÇnÉ, ,)µ¶01·
«ÊhË6·i̧ÊÍ+i»6 70%~75%n
ÚÛÜhh6ÝÞ, ßj àoip Pn 6wxy
4, @&
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