全 文 :上海辰山植物园植物收集的现状和展望*
田摇 旗1, 肖月娥1, 胡永红2**
(1 上海辰山植物园, 上海摇 201602; 2 上海植物园, 上海摇 200231)
摘要: 上海辰山植物园于 2005 年开始筹建, 与此同时启动了的植物收集工作。 本文就辰山植物园基本情
况、 植物收集中长远规划、 进展及技术策略进行了论述。 活植物收集和标本收集是辰山植物园植物收集工
作的两个方面。 活植物收集包括以华东植物区系植物为主的物种收集和以上海适生的观赏植物为主的园艺
品种收集, 如鸢尾属、 绣球属、 荚蒾属、 锦带属和绣线菊属的观赏园艺品种。 截止到 2010 年, 辰山植物
园共收集了 9 000 种和园艺品种。 其中, 华东植物区系物种有 1 700 种, 来自世界范围专业苗圃的园艺品
种有 2 800 个, 另有 4 500 种和品种是种植于温室的热带和亚热带植物。 目前共收集了近 10 000 份标本,
多数为研究和活植物收集的凭证标本, 全部存放于上海辰山植物园标本馆 (CSH)。
关键词: 辰山植物园; 植物收集; 总体规划; 现状; 展望
中图分类号: Q 94-339摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 文献标识码: A摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 文章编号: 2095-0845(2011)01-085-06
Today and Tomorrow of Plant Collection in Chenshan
Botanical Garden, Shanghai
Qi TIAN1, Yue鄄E XIAO1, Yong鄄Hong HU2**
(1 Chenshan Botanical Garden, Shanghai 201602, China; 2 Shanghai Botanical Garden, Shanghai 200231, China)
Abstract: The plant collection of Chenshan Botanical Garden (CSBG) was started in 2005, when construction of
the Garden began. This paper discussed the background of Chenshan Botanical Garden together with general plan鄄
ning and progress of the plant collection and the plant record system. Two collections are noted, the living collection
and specimen collection. The former includes species collection and cultivars. The aim of the species collection is to
collect plants of species which are distributed in China, especially ones in East China. The cultivar collection re鄄
flects interests with ornamental plants which are suitable to be planted in Shanghai and world鄄renowned such as Iris,
Hydrangeas, Viburnums, Weigelas and Spiraeas. By 2010, there are more than 9 000 taxa of living plants in the
collection, including 1 700 species (+infraspecific taxa) from local East China; 2 800 cultivars from nurseries a鄄
round the world; 4 500 species and cultivars of tropical and subtropical plants from South China and other tropical
areas of Asia. The Herbarium of Chenshan Botanical Garden (CSH) has collected 10 000 specimens for research
and reference for the living plants collection.
Key words: Chenshan Botanical Garden; Plant collection; General planning; Status; Prospects
1摇 Introduction
Plant biodiversity is the spirit of a botanical gar鄄
den, with the living plant collection providing a
guarantee to keep and improve the plant biodiversity
植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报摇 2011, 33 (1): 85 ~ 90
Plant Diversity and Resources摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 DOI: 10. 3724 / SP. J. 1143. 2011. 10246
Foundation items: The Shanghai Committee of Science and Technology, China (10231201600), and Shanghai Landscape and Architecture
Bureau, China (G092403 and G092404)
Author for correspondence; professor on the field of horticulture, director of Shanghai Botanical Garden; E鄄mail: huyonghong68@ hotmail. com.
Received date: 2010-12-24, Accepted date: 2010-01-07
Qi TIAN, senior engineer, curator of Chenshan Herbarium, engaged in plant collection, taxonomy and conservation research.
Address: 3888# Chenhua Road, Songjiang District, 201602 Shanghai, China. E鄄mail: tianqish@126. com, Handy: +8613916805609
of the botanical garden (He Shan鄄an, 2005). Ac鄄
cording to this principle, Chenshan Botanical Gar鄄
den ( CSBG) regards developing the plant collec鄄
tion as one of the most important tasks it faces cur鄄
rently and in future.
According to the brief history of botanical gar鄄
dens in the world, botanical gardens in Shanghai
need to have more development. As a new botanical
garden, CSBG will be a comprehensive Botanical
Garden with plant science research, education and
amusement. The garden will attract the public with
good garden design (Zhang et al., 2010).
Plant collection in CSBG started in 2005, when
the construction of the Garden began. Two collec鄄
tions are noted, the living collection and specimen
collection. The former includes species collection
and cultivars. The aim of the species collection is to
collect plants of species which are distributed in Chi鄄
na, especially ones in East China. The cultivar col鄄
lection reflects interests with ornamental plants
which are suitable to be planted in Shanghai and
world鄄renowned such as Iris, Hydrangeas, Vibur鄄
nums, Weigelas and Spiraeas.
2摇 General situation of Chenshan Botani鄄
cal Garden
2. 1摇 Background of project
Shanghai is a modern metropolitan with high
reputation and standing in the world. The botanical
garden is so important for plant conservation and re鄄
search and it is considered as one of the landmarks
of city infrastructure and culture. Shanghai Chens鄄
han Botanical Garden is a joint effort between the
municipal government of Shanghai, the Chinese A鄄
cademy of Sciences and the State Forestry Adminis鄄
tration of China. Starting from 2005, the project of
Botanical Garden began in Songjiang District of
Shanghai by the 2010 EXPO.
2. 2摇 Location and climate
Chenshan Botanical Garden is located in the
Chenshan (Hill Chen) in Song Jiang District of Shang鄄
hai, 20 km away from center of Shanghai. Chenshan
is in the northern subtropic monsoon moist climatic
region. The four seasons are distinct. The annual
mean temperature is 15. 6益 . The non鄄frost period is
230 days. The annual mean sunshine is 1 817 hour.
The annual rainfall is 1 213 mm and the annual
land transpiration is 754. 6 mm. The maximum
temperature is 37. 6益 and the lowest temperature is
-8. 9益 .
2. 3摇 Missions and targets
The target of Chenshan Botanic Garden is to be
one of the world鄄class botanic gardens in the near fu鄄
ture, renowned for conservation, research, and edu鄄
cation. Chenshan Botanical Garden is aiming to col鄄
lect, conserve plants mainly from East China, to
create a landscape with the style of East China, and
to provide plant education to the public. With both
scientific and horticultural expectations, the botani鄄
cal garden will be active in biological research,
biodiversity conservation, public education, and ex鄄
hibition, making contributions to the sustainable de鄄
velopment of the city and the country. Plant collec鄄
tion is one of the most important missions of this bo鄄
tanical garden.
2. 4摇 Future research
East Asia is rich in plant species, and posses鄄
ses a lot of endemic plants. An extensive collection
of these plants will be a distinguishing feature of the
Botanical Garden. Another feature of the Botanical
Garden will be the emphasis on the relationship be鄄
tween human beings, water resources and plants.
With support from the Chinese Academy of Sci鄄
ences, the Botanical Garden owns its CAS Research
Center for scientific studies. Research in the follow鄄
ings areas is being planned for the CAS Research
Center of the Botanical Garden: I Horticulture and
biotechnology; II Biodiversity and evolutionary ge鄄
nomics; III Environmental ecology; IV Plant molec鄄
ular physiology; V Plant protection.
3摇 General planning for plants collection
General planning for plant collection of Chens鄄
han Botanical Garden was undertaken in 2010. Ac鄄
68摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 第 33 卷
cording to the general planning, 20 000 taxa of liv鄄
ing plants and 300 000 specimens will be collected
by 2050.
Among the living plants, 12 500 taxa are spe鄄
cies, and 7 500 are cultivars. At least 60% of spe鄄
cies will be collected from field populations, and no
more than 40% of ones from botanical gardens and
nurseries. That means more than 7 000 plants of
species will have completed field records. The main
areas of origin will be East China (Shanghai, Zhous鄄
han Islands, East China mountains), the middle of
China, Southwest China, Northwest China, Cauca鄄
sus in Russia and East Africa. In order to turn the
planning into reality, national and international co鄄
operation is very important.
4摇 Current living plants collections
4. 1摇 Progress of living plants collections
Till 2010, there are more than 9 000 taxa of
living plants has been collected, including 1 700
species ( + infraspecific taxa) from local East Chi鄄
na, 2 800 cultivars from nurseries all over the world,
and 4 500 species and cultivars of tropical and sub鄄
tropical plants from South China and other tropical
area of Asia. (Tian et al., 2010).
4. 2摇 Collections from natural populations
Collections from natural populations are the
most important task for CSBG忆 s collection. By
2010, more than 2 000 species have been collected
in the past five years. Most of these collections were
from Flora East China ( FEC ), which includes
Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, south of Jiangsu,
south of Anhui, east and middle of Hubei, south鄄
east of Hunan, South edge area of Henan, north
edge of Fujian. There are about 4 300 species of
seed plants in these areas (Liu et al., 1995), and
40% of these plants were collected in Chenshan Bo鄄
tanical Garden. Most of these collections were plan鄄
ted in the theme garden of Flora East China Garden
(Tian et al., 2010).
Among all of the collections from natural popu鄄
lations, the top ten families are Rosaceae, Legu鄄
minosae, Magnoliaceae, Lauraceae, Oleaceae, Fa鄄
gaceae, Liliaceae, Verbenaceae, Caprifoliaceae and
Myrinaceae. Table 1 indicates that more than 50%
of total species in five families, which are Labiatae,
Caprifoliaceae, Magnoliaceae Oleaceae and Fagace鄄
ae, were collected in Chenshan Botanical Garden,
while the other five families account for less than
Collections of rare and endangered plants, dis鄄
tributed in East China were paid particular attention
by collecting team in Chenshan Botanical Garden.
Table 1摇 Top ten families of CSBG忆s collections
from Flora East China
Families Number ofcollections
Total in
Percents of total
in FEC*(% )
Rosaceae 96 208 46. 2
Labiatae 89 158 56. 3
Leguminosae 58 197 29. 4
Caprifoliaceae 49 69 71. 0
Magnoliaceae 32 45 71. 1
Fagaceae 31 58 53. 4
Liliaceae 29 105 27. 6
Lauraceae 27 72 37. 5
Verbenaceae 21 47 44. 7
Oleaceae 19 34 55. 9
*FEC: Flora East China
摇 摇 Much work remains to be carried out to evaluate
the status of the world忆s plants, it is clear that be鄄
tween 60 000 to 100 000 plant species are threatened
worldwide (CBD, BGCI, 2002). As a natural flo鄄
ristic region of Sino鄄Japan forestry subkingdom, Hol鄄
aretie kingdom, East China has 407 national rare
and endangered species ( +infraspecific taxa) of 87
families, 237 genera. With age鄄old origin, East
China not only has abundant relict and ancient spe鄄
cies, but also has many endemic genera and spe鄄
cies, and about 66.09% species are endemic to Chi鄄
na. More than 100 species of rare or endangered
plants were collected from East China in Chenshan
Botanical Garden. Some of these species were col鄄
lected on population level. For example, we collect鄄
ed all of the populations of Neolitsea sericea from the
781 期摇 摇 摇 摇 TIAN Qi et al. : Today and Tomorrow of Plant Collection in Chenshan Botanical Garden, Shanghai摇 摇 摇 摇 摇
Zhoushan islands in East China Sea and determined
the genetic diversity of all the populations in the past
several years.
4. 3 摇 Cultivar collections from nurseries in Eu鄄
rope and America
As one of the important parts of collections in
Chenshan Botanical Garden, cultivar collection star鄄
ted from 2006. Till 2010, about 2800 cultivars were
collected from nurseries all over the world such as
Germany, Holland, Italy and the United States of A鄄
merica. Most of these cultivars are famous ornamen鄄
tal plants. For instance, many cultivars of Rosa, I鄄
ris, herbaceous peony and Hydrangea were collect鄄
ed. Cultivar collection was aimed to establish and
improve the theme gardens in Chenshan Botanical
To display specific plants, theme gardens play
a very important role in botanical gardens. In order
to establish the theme garden system of Chenshan
Botanical Garden, 69 famous botanical gardens were
examined to study the characteristics of theme gar鄄
dens. This showed that there are 50 different theme
gardens in these botanical gardens. Some theme gar鄄
dens such as rose garden, rock garden, water gar鄄
den, arboretum garden, oriental garden, herb gar鄄
den, ecology garden appear in more than 40% of
botanical gardens. As the reference, combining with
local conditions and to differentiate from present gar鄄
den in Shanghai, 30 theme gardens are considered
in Chenshan Botanical Garden, Shanghai ( Hu,
2006). So far 26 theme gardens have been construc鄄
ted according to the general planning. Among of
them, Rose garden, Peonia garden, Iris garden,
Magnolia garden, Osmanthus garden, ornamental
shrubs garden and ornamental herbs garden are re鄄
garded as the important gardens in Chenshan Botani鄄
cal Garden.
The Iris garden is one of most important theme
gardens in Chenshan Botanical Garden. A specific
team was established for this in 2007. The main
work of the team is to collect cultivars of Iris and
conduct conservation research for some local species
in China such as Iris ensata and Iris bullyana (Xiao
et al., 2008, 2010). Over 650 cultivars have been
collected in the past few years. Wetland Irises inclu鄄
ding Series Sibericae, Laevigatae and Hexagonae
have been a focus of attention. More than 350 culti鄄
vars of them grow well in the Iris garden.
Table 2摇 Important theme gardens in CSBG and their
number of cultivar collections
Theme garden
Number of
Number of cultivars
in garden
Shrub garden 3 328 750 630
Iris garden 2 129 650 350
Rose garden 4 651 570 300
Herb garden 921 260 190
Peony garden 2 470 95 78
Magnolia garden 9 500 67 32
Osmanthus garden 6 585 53 45
摇 摇 The Osmanthus Garden is another specific
theme garden in Chenshan Botanical Garden. This
genus has great economic value. The main distribu鄄
tion of Osmanthus is in China. The plants of species
in this genus have beautiful and fragrant flowers
(Yang et al., 2010). 53 cultivars of Osmanthus
have been collected, while 47 of them are cultivars
of Osmanthus fragrans, the others are of Osmanthus
4. 4摇 Tropical and subtropical collections in con鄄
The conservatory is one of the most important
parts of the overall construction of Chenshan Botani鄄
cal Garden. Three units of green house cover more
than 10 000 m2 . The construction of the conservatory
started from 2008 and will be finished by the end of
2010. The themes of the conservatory include tropi鄄
cal forests, ferns valley, succulent plants area, Bro鄄
meliaceae area. There are about 4 500 taxa of tropi鄄
cal and subtropical plants in the collections now, in鄄
cluding more than 1 000 taxa of Bromeliaceae, 800
taxa of Cactaceae, 350 species of ferns, 120 species
of tropical and subtropical trees. Almost all of suc鄄
culents and plants of Bromeilaceae were acquired
from Shanghai Botanical Garden.
88摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 第 33 卷
5摇 Methods of collection in Chenshan Bo鄄
tanical Garden
Three methods of collection have been em鄄
ployed to acquire living plants in the past five years;
collecting seeds in the field, introducing from botan鄄
ical gardens and buying from nurseries. Collecting
seeds in the field was used to collect and conserve
the plants of species distributed in Flora East China
and other areas. Most of the cultivars and some spe鄄
cies were collected through the other two methods.
And almost all of the plants in conservatory were col鄄
lected by introducing from botanical gardens.
Table 3 indicates that about 16. 7% of total col鄄
lections were collected through the method of collec鄄
ting seeds in field, 41. 1% ones through introducing
from botanical gardens, and the other 53. 3% ones
from by buying from nurseries. The latter two meth鄄
ods are very important for a new botanical garden
like CSBG, through which more plants can be col鄄
lected in a short time. But collecting seeds is the
best method for the collections of species in the
field, because the records of the information such as
location, habit and vegetable and so on are needed.
Table 3摇 Collection methods of living plants
and their numbers of taxa
Methods of
Number of
Number of
Number of
all taxa
Percents of
total (% )
seeds in field 1 500 0 1 500 16. 7
from BGs*
200 3 500 3 700 41. 1
Buying from
nurseries 300 4 500 4 800 53. 3
*BGs: botanical gardens
6摇 Completed records for plant collections
One of the most important tasks for a botanical
garden is to build a collection of plants, especially to
collect field individuals with well鄄documented re鄄
cords for ex situ conservation. Ex situ conservation is
considered to be one of themost important forms of
biodiversity conservation (Zhao, 2009). Collection
records of Chenshan Botanical Garden include field
records, phenophase records, seed information, so鄄
wing records, transplanting records, disease records,
cited specimen and photographs. There are different
records for different type of collections (Table 4).
Location, altitude, habitat, soil type, vegetables,
collectors, date, characters of plant and its name are
all necessary to record for a field collection.
Table 4摇 Different records for different types of collections
Records type Field seedcollection
Field individuals
Field records 荫 荫 茵
Phenophase records 荫 荫 荫
Seed information 荫 茵 茵
Sowing records 荫 茵 茵
Transplanting records 荫 荫 荫
Disease records 荫 荫 荫
Cited specimen 荫 荫 茵
Photographs 荫 荫 荫
Scientific name 荫 荫 茵
Horticulture name 茵 茵 荫
荫 yes; 茵 no
7摇 Recent actives for collection
The living collections of Chenshan Botanical
Garden will focus on plants from East China, islands
in East China Sea, East Africa, Caucasus and so
on. Cultivars are acquired from nurseries in Germa鄄
ny, Holland, Italy, Canada, Kenya and other coun鄄
tries. In addition to research and field collecting
programs in some areas of China, some international
interesting cooperation in the Caucasus and Kenya
collection, will have far鄄reaching influence on our
future collections.
As the team of collection in Chenshan Botanical
Garden, we appreciate anyone who has given us
much help for our collection, such as Hamburg Bo鄄
tanical Garden ( Germany ), Kew Garden ( Eng鄄
land), Shanghai Botanical Garden ( China), Wu鄄
han Botanical Garden (China) and Beijing Botani鄄
cal Garden (China). We will be very grateful to an鄄
yone with whom we will take part in the co鄄operative
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