Characteristics and disturbance status of gaps in subalpine fir forest in Southeast Tibet STATUS IN SPACE MICROORGANISM MUTATION BREEDING NUCLEAR AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES IN CHINA:CURRENT STATUS AND SUGGESTION ON FUTURE DEVELOPMENT Revision of the Taxonomic Status of Tauscheria gymnocarpa Fisch. ex DC. (Brassicaceae) The development of GMF and the evaluation of it‘‘‘‘s safety Characteristics of Leaf Dehydration on Water Relation and Photosystem Ⅱ Activity in Two Desert Plants Preliminary Research on Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi of Dipterocarpaceae in Xishuangbanna,Southern Yunnan Competition relationship among tourist cities in Zhejiang Province based on the niche theories An investigation of women‘s social status and their recognition of the grassland policies in the pastoral area of the Qilian Mountains Effect of ZnO nanoparticles and inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus on growth and nutrient uptake of soybean Effects on Root, Shoot and Leaf Growth and Water Status of Ginkgo bilobawith Two Tronsplanting Modes STUDY ON VEGETATION AND ITS SUCCESSION ON LOUJIA HILL,WUCHANG,WUHAN Ⅰ.STATUS QUO OF VEGETATION Distribution and Conservation of an Endangered Wild Rice Oryza granulata in China Photosynthetic Acclimation to Different Growth Light Environments in Seedlings of Three Tropical Rainforest Syzygium Species Growth Characteristic and Insect-Resistance of Transgenic Populus alba Populus hopeiensis Effects of Different Rice-Crab Production Modes on Organo-Mineral Complex Status in Soil Effects of long-term K application and straw returning on crop yield and soil K status in fluvoaquic soil of Hebei Province DISCUSSION OF THE RESEARCH STATUS AND DIRECTION ON COTTON VERTICILLIUM WILT IN CHINA The Factors Influencing Stem Diameter Micro-Variation in Chinese Pear Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba) Nitrogen Status Diagnosis of Fertilized Alfalfa during Budding Stage Using Digital Photography Analysis Recent Development of Turf Grass Industry in China Species Validities of Zokors(Mysopalacinae) Inferred from mtDNA Sequences Variations Responses of Corn (Zea mays L.) Nitrogen Status Indicators to Nitrogen Rates and Soil Moisture Effects of elevated CO2 on the root growth and nutrient uptake in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) plants under different P application status THE PARASITIZATION DYNAMICS OF TWO EGG PARASITES ON GYPSY MOTH Effects of whole field soil-plastic mulching on soil thermal-moisture status and wheat yield in semiarid region on Northwest Loess Plateau Comparative analysis of pastoral livestock production of the households with different grassland ownership Assessment of the endangered status and conservation priorities for plants in the alpine tundra of Changbai Mountain Hotspots and status of macroecology research Attributes of plant proliferation, geographic spread and the natural communities invaded by the naturalized alien plant species Tithonia diversifolia in Yunnan,China THE EFFECT OF PHOSPHORUS NUTRITION ON WATER STATUS AND PHOTOSYNTHESIS OF SPRING WHEAT UNDER SOIL DROUGHT CONDITION 陕西渭北旱塬土壤—植物—大气连续体中水分运转规律的研究──Ⅴ.田间冬小麦土壤—叶片途径水运转阻力研究 EFFECTS OF UNDERGROWTH PLANT ON SOIL FERTILITY IN CHINESE FIR PLANTATION THE NUTRITION STATUS AND FOLIAR NUTRITIONAL DIAGNOSIS OF EUCALYPTUS Effects of Different Treatment on Root Growth Potential of Chinese fir Seedlings after Lifting Recent Status of the Development and Strategies of Exploitation of Non-wood Forest Products in China Physiological Characteristics Related to Stress-Tolerance in Introgression Line “PD29” with IR64 Genetic Background at the Tillering Stage Locating QTLs for Plant Water Status under Drought Condition in Over-lapping Introgression Lines of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) STUDIES ON CONSERVATION BIOLOGY OF SARUMA HENRYI OLIV. The current status and conservation of the isolated population of alpine musk deer(Moschus chrysogaster)at Helan Mountain STABILITY AND DYNAMICS OF THE ENERGY FLOW OF THE PUWA AGRO-ECOSYSTEM Transformation of phosphorus in rhizosphere of wheat and effect of VAM on phosphorus transformation in rhizosphere of wheat Research progress on diagnosis of nitrogen nutrition and fertilization recommendation for rice by use chlorophyll meter Development Status of New Plant Variety Protection and DUS Testing Investigation on Species of Natural Enemies from Natural Population of Ericerus pela (Chavannes) and Their Damage in Kunming Seed Storage Behavior and Seed Germination of Nine Species of Lauraceae from Yunnan, China Dormancy and Germination of Paraisometrum mileense and Their Ecological Implications Notes on the Genus Anemone (Ranunculaceae) of Southwest China Research status and prospect of primary processing of traditional Chinese medicinal materials Protection, exploitation and utilization states of specialized Mongolian folk medicine resources and related development strategy Preliminary study on suitability of ozone sterilization in traditional Chinese medicine and its preparation Status and problem analysis of drying process and equipment for traditional Chinese medicinal materials and preparations Development with questions and suggestions for medicinal plant extract industry in China Status and sustainable utilization strategy of Phellodendron amurense resources in China Growth and Physiological Adaptability of Three Hybrid Poplars Planted in Different Saline-alkali Soil Intraspecific Variability of Pollen Morphology of A Suspicious Species in the sect. Ranunculoides Studies on thermal stabilities of typhaneoside and isorhamnetin-3-O-neohesperidoside Assessment of current conditions of household fertilizationof apples in Weibei Plateau A REEVALUATION OF THE STATUS OF POTANINIA BASED ON INTERNAL TRANSCRIBED SPACER SEQUENCES Predicting Wheat Grain Quality with Canopy Reflectance Spectra Discussion on the taxonomic status of Camellia pingguoensis var.terminalis Seed Storage Behavior and Seed Germination of Nine Species of Lauraceae from Yunnan, China Today and Tomorrow of Plant Collection in Chenshan Botanical Garden, Shanghai Current Status and Evolution Trend of Aquatic Vegetation in Chenghai Lake The Problem and Status of the Alien Invasive Plants in China Effects of Mulching Time and Methods on Soil Hydrothermal Status and Potato Yield on Rain-fed Field Mechanism of nutrient preservation and supply by soil and its regulation Ⅱ Binding status of humus in brown earth type vegetable garden soils and its role in fertility Analysis on the population status of the beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) in Fengxian, Jiangsu Province, China Reservoir trophic states and the response of plankton in Guangdong Province Phospholipid fatty acid analysis and its applications in microbial ecology Roles of volatile infochemicals and learning behavior in the host selection process of Anastatus japonicus Effects of Shading on Photosynthesis, Dry Matter Partitioning and N、P、K Concentrations in Leaves of Tomato Plants at Different Growth Stages A Study on the Current Status and Development Countermeasures of the Natural Forest Resource Protection Projects in Tibet Geographic Distribution and Resource Status of Three Important Medicinal Epimedium Species Restoration of the Specific Status of Caltha rubriflora and a New Ally Forest-Based Bio-Diesel Development: Target, Current Status and Challenges Effects of simulated nitrogen deposition on elemental concentrations of Schima superba and Cryptocarya concinna seedlings in subtropical China Status and prospectives of reseach on coral reef ecosystem primary production Superficial analysis of Chinese materia medica processing status BIODIVERSITY AND ITS CONSERVATION IN TAIYANGPING OF SHENNONGJIA, HUBEI

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