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A New Species of Corydalis (Fumariaceae) from China



Corydalis Liden Z. Y. Su, sp. nov. (Fumariaceae ) is described from Yunnan, China. It belongs to Corydalis Sect. Elatae and related to C. pingwuensis C. Y. Wu.

全 文 :中国紫堇属一新种?
( 中国科学院昆明植物研究所 , 云南 昆明 650204 )
摘要 : 描述了云南产的紫堇属一新种。
关键词 : 紫堇属 ; 新种 ; 云南
中图分类号 : Q 949 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 0253 - 2700 (2008) 04 - 422 - 01
A New Species of Corydalis (Fumariaceae) from China
SU Zhi-Yun
( Kunming Instituteof Botany, Chinese Academy of Science, Kunming 650204 , China)
Abstract : CorydalisLidenZ . Y . Su, sp . nov . (Fumariaceae) is describedfromYunnan, China . It belongs to Corydalis
Sect . Elatae and related to C. pingwuensis C . Y . Wu .
Key words: Corydalis; New species; Yunnan
积鳞紫堇 新种
Corydalis lidenii Z . Y . Su, sp.nov
Type : China, Sichuan: Luding, Deituo Xiang, Yusaping,
Maoxishangou, 2000 m, in bushes, 7 May 1984 , 李永江 (Li
Yong-J iang) 189 ( holotype, CDBI ) .
C. pingwuensis verosimiliter affinis, a qua differt rhizomate
breve, bulbis flavidis carnosis ovatis 3 - 4 mm longis dense ag-
gregata, caulibus supra medium foliatis, foliis biternatis, petalis
exterioribus ecristatis, calcari pro rata longiore .
Herbs, perennial , 25 - 45 cm, glabrous . Rhizome short,
with crowded thick pale yellow bulbs . Stems few, erect, very
slender, simple, with 2 leaves in upper 1?2 . Radical leaves ear-
ly withering, few; petiole 5 - 7 cm, thin; blade 3 - 4×3 - 4 cm,
thin, bi -( tri- ) ternate, with long thin petiolules; leaflets obov-
ate, 5 - 10×3 - 5 mm, obtuse . Cauline leaves shortly stalked or
upper sessile, like radical leaves . Racemes very lax, 8 - 12 cm,
6 - 8-flowered; lowermost bract leaf- like, middle and upper
bractsmuch smaller, oblanceolate, 5 - 10 mm, entire . Pedicel
10 ( - 20) mm . Sepals minute . Corolla white to pale blue or
pale purple . Outer petals elliptic, acute to shortly mucronate,
without crest; upper petal 17 - 19 mm; spur straight ( ?) , very
narrow, ca . 10 mm; nectary ca . 1?2 as long as spur, thin; in-
ner petals ca . 8 mm . Stigma broad, emarginate, basal lobes ab-
sent . Capsule11 - 14×ca . 1 mm, 8 - 11-seeded; style ca . 2 .5
mm . Seeds in 1 row . Fl . and fr . May .
Additional specimen examined : Sichuan, Dege, Tianba,
Lianghe, 2 500 m, in the border of a cultivated land . Stem
squarish, greenish . Flowerwhitetinged with bluehue (according
to the collecting notes) , May 10 , 1997 Xichang institute of drug
control 192 (SM) .
Etymology: named for Corydalis student Magnus Liden,
Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden .
Distribution: W Sichuan (Luding and Dege) 2 000 - 2 500
m, in bushes .
云 南 植 物 研 究 2008 , 30 (4) : 422
Acta Botanica Yunnanica DOI : 10 .3724?SP. J . 1143 .2008.08053
? ?Received date: 2008 - 05 - 30 , Accepted date: 2008 - 06 - 02
作者简介 : 苏志云 , 男 , 研究员 , 主要从事植物分类学研究。