Abstract:Leaf epidermis of 36 species representing 19 sections of Camellia(Theaceae) was examined under light microscope (LM). Among them, 30 species representing 18 sections were re-examined by scanning electron microscope(SEM). The results indicate that the shapes of upper and lower epidermis cell of these plants are irregular. The stomatal apparatuses belong to the Cyclocytic type, existing only in lower epidermis.The characteers of leaf epidermis under SEM are as follows: stomatal shape is shuttle or long ovate; innermargin of outer stomatal ledge is smooth or sinuolate or wave; cuticular membrane near stomatal apparatuses is even or wrinkled and its surface is smooth or covered with some kinds of ornament. These characters can be used to distinguish species or varieties of Camellia, but do not have correlation with morphology.